Monday, October 26, 2015

Ole Miss Has Seceded from the State of Mississippi

It is a Mississippi College  funded with the help of public money from Mississippi. Since they no longer feel they have any obligation to Mississippi, then I would call it a succession from the state.  Their effort to ban a "rebel" flag has caused them to become a rebel university.

CNN Reported
  • The University of Mississippi has removed the state flag from campus, according to a university statement issued Monday.
    The move comes after student senators voted 33-15 with one abstention last week to ask the school administration to furl the banner, which includes the Confederate battle emblem in its upper left corner.
    "University of Mississippi Police Department officers lowered and furled the state flag in a Lyceum Circle ceremony as the campus opened Monday morning," a school statement said. "The flag will be preserved in the University Archives along with resolutions from students, faculty and staff calling for its removal."

Z-NOTE: IF a person is an actual racist and he uses a Confederate flag as a symbol, if you take away his flag, the only thing you have done is taken away his flag. The only affect on the racist is that now he is a racist without a Confederate flag.

Racism is a heart problem, not a confederate flag problem.

So after societies moral police ban all Confederate flags and then realize they have not done anything to combat racism..what do they go after next??

Historically, when books have been banned, it has increased their value and made them to become of interest whereas before most people would not have given them a second glance. The news of this irony never seems to reach high enough to the towers of the moral police.