Showing posts with label Rudy Guiliani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rudy Guiliani. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: San Bernadino Terrorist Shooting Edition

As the California shooting story first broke, CNN's Brooke Baldwin was on the air. Apparently there is a Planned Parenthood somewhere near there. Baldwin tried several times to make it a Planned Parenthood shooting until it was clear that her best efforts were failing against reality.

Wonder how Obama will spin this:
"Farook’s father told the New York Daily News his son inspected restaurants and hotels for health violations, and was married with a child.
He also identified his son as “very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”"

 I noted early on as the shooting information began to develop that several anchors, especially from CNN, were careful to refer to the event as a "holiday" party. Some of them are still doing it, but others didn't change until one of the officials in a press conference called it a "Christmas" party. I cant imagine being an anchor and actually being concerned about tripping over your own tongue in an effort to not offend someone especially when the contention point is rather irrelevant to the news story as a whole

False Flag nuts make my brain hurt. It's not a condition that a "false flagger" will ever be afflicted with.

 CAIR should be on the terrorist watch list.

And the #Doh begins:  " possible this was terrorist related...or workplace related." -Obama

 Liberal Conundrum:
If the shooter wouldn't have purposely ignored the "don't shoot people with guns" law wouldn't he still have been driven to the rampage by global warming??

 People involved in "workplace violence" don't carry with them an arsenal and have another arsenal in their house. and booby trapped with pipe bombs......................After all that information, did a reporter have to ask "do you think some planning went into this?"

 The San Bernadino briefing officer reminds me of Fred Thompson.(Chief Jarrod Burguan)

MSNBC just went through the suspects home and rifled through stuff, putting it on air, before the investigation is even done......................MSNBC is no longer doing BREAKING News, but is trying their hand at BREAKING & ENTERING...............MSNBC only found a refrigerator, as they searched the California suspects home for evidence for Climate Change................MSNBC needs to be added to the terrorist watch list.

The Farooks lawyer literally compared the wife visiting Al-Baghdadi/ISIS FaceBook pages to him visiting Britney Spears "who he hates". Of course we all remember the famous Al-Baghdad/ISIS hit song "Oops..I blew up again."

Ladies and gentleman: The Farooks lawyer's defense. (You just can't make some of this stuff up):

 Maybe MSNBC was looking for the shooters razor..................Next thing we'll hear from the Farook attorney is that the pipe bombs were just clocks.

 The New York Times has a front page editorial defending the right for terrorists to kill you while you remain defenseless.

If you can’t see this is an act of terror… then you’re a moron.” --Rudy Giuliani.

Farook family lawyers do not want this photo solicited because it makes her look too Muslim
 New York Post succumbs to political correctness and changes its headline.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Lefties Mourn Conservatives who did Not Rush to Judgment without Facts on Charleston Shootings

Lots of lefty-pundits seem rather miffed that conservatives did not rush to judgement and proclaim that the Charleston shootings were racially motivated. I mean, come on, CNN was proclaiming it both "racist" and "terrorist" minutes after they started reporting on it.

Aurin Squire. at Talking Points Memo, for example: 

  • On Wednesday night, South Carolina’s governor Nikki Haley trotted out a boilerplate statement, calling the shooting a “senseless tragedy.” One could excuse this choice of words as a rushed assumption issued in real time, but as more and more details about Dylann Roof surfaced, conservatives refused to face the music. One by one, politicians and pundits acted like this terrorist act was one of life’s great unsolvable mysteries.
    “We don't know the motivation of the person who did it," Rudy Guiliani said yesterday. "Maybe he hates Christian churches. Maybe he hates black churches or he's gonna go find another one. Who knows."
And then again:

  •  We don't know the motivation of the person who did it," Rudy Guiliani said yesterday. "Maybe he hates Christian churches. Maybe he hates black churches or he's gonna go find another one. Who knows." Donald Trump, in a tweet yesterday, said the crime was “incomprehensible.” Last night, a Wall Street Journal columnist wrote: "What causes young men such as Dylann Roof to erupt in homicidal rage, whatever their motivation, is a problem that defies explanation beyond the reality that evil still stalks humanity. It is no small solace that in committing such an act today, he stands alone."

The fact of the matter is that we really weren't certain until today because the shooter basically said he was racially motivated. Lefties pointed to a picture of the shooter with a "Confederate Flag" on the license plate, and a picture from  social media which showed the shooter with a white supremacist patch on his coat. The latter pic was a clue, the former was irrelevant and only proved he posed next to a car with a Confederate flag license plate. Only race-baiters think the Confederate flag is racist. Sensible people know it's just a part of southern history. 

The lefty-pundits don't seem to learn. They did a rush to judgement on Ferguson and Baltimore and were so wrong about so many things and even burned part of a city based on false narratives. Still, they figure if they continue they are bound to get something right.