Showing posts with label Jesse Jackson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesse Jackson. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Feminist Foundation Seeks to Extort Money From TLC Because of Propaganda Against Duggars

 Though they are coming in under the guise of seeking "public education campaign" they make themselves clear:
  • The Ms. Foundation is calling upon TLC to partner with child sexual abuse prevention advocates to launch a public education campaign on the same scale as the network's relentless marketing of the Duggar family. Regardless of whether the network cancels the Duggars' show or not, TLC can and must help empower every person who knows of or suspects child sexual abuse to take action.[USA Today]
In case that's not clear enough, it is the same thing Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition  is best know for (and Al Sharpton currently does). When they heard anything that implied "racism," they would swoop in and get donations or something from the organization in the name of "educating the people of America" about racism.
 The same is with this Foundation on the sex abuse issue who says TLC "must" help empower every person.

 Though a majority of "racism" claims are false, no one is suggesting that sexual abuse does not happen and is not important to address. It's just that in the Duggar case it involved a 14 year old boy and the issue was dealt with at the time.  Gossip rags like "The Raw Story," media know-it-all Oprah Winfrey, and some misinformed religious zealots under the label of "Christian" keep pushing the false narrative.

 The Ms Foundation, based out of New York,  claims to be fighting the "war on women" (from their web site]. So for them to pursue another false narrative is par for it's usual course.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pastor Johnson: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, where are you?

Yeah I can understand when they do wrong, you march, baby, but we have lost two good men, and nobody has marched, nobody has — where you at? Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, where are you?” --Pastor Dennis Johnson, who was also  Tate’s Uncle. 05.16.15( from the pulpit of Officer Liquori Tate's funeral in Hattiesburg).

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Real Racism Exists and #blacklivesmatter is their Rallying Cry

A new micro-doc lashes out at Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Cenk Uygur, and Rachel Maddow for spreading the lie of "hands up, don't shoot," which gave rise to protests and even rioting in Ferguson, Missouri. 

Not one apology was given to Darren Wilson, the police, or America for fanning the flames of hate and injustice, even after the discovery that Michael Brown never had his hands up, according to eye witness testimony and forensic evidence. Mr. Brown, after robbing a convenience store, attacked Officer Wilson to the point where he had no choice but to fire his weapon.

Instead of people rallying that ‘all lives matter’ we have organizations like the National Association for Colored People, Congressional Black Caucus, Black Entertainment, and the National Al Sharpton Action Network leading the charge on just who the racists are…carrying signs that say ‘black lives matter.’
Interesting that people who identify their organizations and voting bias off the color of their skin would be given so much credibility as to where the real racism in America is.