Showing posts with label Douglas Wilson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douglas Wilson. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2015

If just ten governors treated Obergefell the same way Kim Davis is treating it,

 that entire unrighteous and despotic imposition would collapse and fall to the ground. And if they did so, they would not be sinning against the United States. Rather, they would be preventing the United States from sinning.


The end game here is not armed revolution. The end game is simply a refusal to cooperate with their revolution. Make them fire or impeach faithful officials. Once removed, such faithful officials should run for office again with a promise to continue to defy all forms of unrighteous despotism. As one friend of mine put it, “Lather. Rinse. Repeat.”


 Some might ask what the good in that would be. Wouldn’t it just result in no Christians in such positions? Perhaps, but it would be far better to have godless results enforced by the godless than to insist that the godly do it for them. It would be far better to have the “no Christians in power results” when it was actually the case that no Christians were in power. I would rather have non-Christian clerks acting like non-Christian clerks than to have Christian clerks do it for them. I mean, right?  --Douglas Wilson 09.02.15 [Blog and Mablog]


Political process is not neutral. Constitutional law is not neutral. Nothing is neutral.

Political process is not neutral. Administrative process is not neutral. Procedures are not neutral. Constitutional law is not neutral. Nothing is neutral. Everything we do corporately in the body politic is an expression of our foundational faith. That faith will either be the true faith — what I have been calling mere Christendom — or it will be an attempt to build a great skyscraper civilization on the foundation of our watered-down secular concrete.


The “rule of law” is not some “pure neutrality,” an ethereal gas that enables a bunch of members of different faiths and religions to bond together in the same society. The rule of law is actually a codified expression of certain aspects of our Christian inheritance. It is part of our legacy and heritage for a reason. It came from somewhere. It grew and developed in some countries and not in others for profound religious reasons. The rule of law has no evident authority apart from the authority of a transcendent God.


Once the Christian faith has been successfully banished from public life..................... the rule of law will be as gone as two years before yesterday. When the tree falls, so do the branches. --Douglas Wilson 09.03.15  [Blog and Mablog]


Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Hermit Consultant

[c]2004 Doug Wilson

Once there was a church which decided that the church was not called to political involvement. Rather, they were called to preach the Word, and administer the sacraments. This pleased the whole congregation greatly and they gave themselves over to worship, and to the reformation of worship according to Scripture.

But then a curious thing happened. The more they devoted themselves to Word and sacrament, the more they found themselves embroiled in what some called political questions and controversies. They were confused about this, and so they asked a very wise man, a friend of their church in another city, about it. In another day and time, this man might have been called a prophet, or a monk, or a hermit, but the people of this church just thought he was a consultant.

“What do you mean by politics?” he asked them. They all looked at one another. “We don’t know,” they said. After discussing it for a short time, they said, “We used to be very active in supporting candidates, gathering petitions, getting out the vote, that sort of thing. We don’t do that any more, but since we quit, the non-believers around us have become increasingly agitated, and we find ourselves speaking to them on all sorts of issues that are not directly related to Word and sacrament.”

The hermit — I mean the consultant — shook his head slowly. “You did not give up politics, nor should you. You gave up coercive politics. Our weapons are not carnal. But the true worship of God is always necessarily public. You are city on a hill. You are the light of the world.”
“What does this mean?” they asked.

“Your authority is built upon Word and sacrament. Not upon the ballot box, or the petition, or the sword. But it is true authority, and it is public authority.”

“As the church, you cannot abandon the political without abandoning the Scriptures. But you can, and should, abandon politics — a vain idol, if ever there was one.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Abortion is the bloody sacrament right at the center of secularism’s cathedral.

Douglas Wilson from the "Blog & Mablog;"

  • In the aftermath of these videos, what we have in this cultural opportunity is a moment of clarity, a clarity which is a gracious gift of God. We are being forced to confront what we have been doing, and we are being given the gracious opportunity to “speak the same” thing about it that God does. We may take that opportunity or we may harden ourselves further. The moment in which we must do one or the other is now.
    The reason there is still resistance is two-fold. First, confession is always humbling. In other words, it is not just the pride of Planned Parenthood that must come down, a sin committed by “them.” A great deal of sin within the church must be confessed as well. Millions of people are involved, professing Christians and unbelievers both, and in order to deal with it we must call it by its proper name. We need to confess our sin, and this is always humbling. But when we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    The second reason takes us into the politics of it. The reason there is such resistance, even with these revelations, is that abortion is the bloody sacrament right at the center of secularism’s cathedral. It is their high altar. We are not proposing, for example, to knock a few gargoyles off their cathedral. We are requiring that their high altar come down. We want to raze the whole thing. We want to imitate Josiah at Beth-el; we want to break it down, burn the high place, grind the whole thing to powder, and then burn the grove (2 Kings 23:15).