Showing posts with label Mary Hoelscher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Hoelscher. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

St Paul MN School District Enforces New Gender Rules "Even if parents don't agree"

More evidence that this next generation is going to be so very gender-confused. Courtesy of the Public School Districts

From the Star Tribune

  • The St. Paul School District has spelled out how it is putting into practice a new policy promoting a safe and respectful environment for transgender students.
    Forms are available to students who wish to change the names and pronouns by which they are known. In addition, the district has adopted a four-page list of procedures that includes a provision directing staff members to address students by their requested names and-or pronouns, even if their parents don't agree.
    "Inadvertant, honest mistakes in the use of a student's preferred name or pronoun may occur," the document states. "The intentional and persistent refusal to respect a student's gender identity or gender expression may be considered discriminatory and is subject to disciplinary measures."
    St. Paul approved its gender inclusion policy last spring. The move came at a time of heightened attention to issues surrounding transgender and gender-nonconforming students and their desire to feel comfortable in school. As of last Tuesday, the district's placement center had received three name/gender change request forms, said Mary Hoelscher, a specialist with the district's Out for Equity program.