Showing posts with label John Dummett Jr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Dummett Jr. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Word Slinger Files Republican Presidential Picks As of Today:

My picks up to now with information I have up to now: : 

1)Ted Cruz -- He's a very smart guy and is underestimated. His knowledge of constitutional law and issues is impressive.

2)Ben Carson - Very smart guy. My pet peeve is this phrase: "he can't win." <<which is a lie that mainstream politicians and media love to preach when they are trying to make people's minds up about who they have already picked.

3)Mike Huckabee -- For Christian convictions

4)Carly Fiorina -- wild card. She's making some waves and good hits against Hillary. I think she could beat Hillary if it came down to it. 

5)Rick Santorum -- for his Christian convictions and not his personality

6)Rand Paul -- Really disliked his debate performance. He seemed to be trying to get a good "one liner" in somehow and failed each it appeared to be more show than substance. I still see him as Ron Paul part 2 and I disliked Part 1

7)Marco Rubio -- he's in the middle of the list . I see good and bad in him. 

8)Scott Walker --- When I saw him at debate I could only picture who would parody him on Saturday Night Live. 

9) John Kasich --didn't know much about him. Liked his first debate answer.

10)Rick Perry -- Hes trying to pull conservative support with establishment people in important places in his campaign 

11)Jeb Bush --- he has been pre-picked by the Republican party . Supports Common Core.

12)Chris Christie --- no no no He's a "bridge" over troubled water...which we would be stuck on

13)Jim Gilmore --who? Maybe if he was David Gilmour and could play "Smoke On the Water." 

14)George Pataki -- He could be a Democrat. His last name is fun to say, though. (Try saying "President Pataki" 5 times very fast. ) 

15)Lindsey Graham -- cant stand pretty much anything he says. he's more show than substance. I still think he's Mitch McConnell's brother. 

I left out two:

Bobby Jindal. Because I hoped he would be #1 and I waited for him to enter the race, but hasn't broke out yet in his campaign and has been under the radar quite a bit.

Donald Trump. he's an anomaly and I am not sure if I like his cause or his affect. If it turns out to be both then he will be an easy #1

Honorable mention:
John Dummett, Jr. He's one of those fringe candidates that no one hears about. He is very critical about both the Republican & Democrat Party.. and considers himself a Constitutional Republican. From his bio:
Dummet rejects the modern notion of the Constitution as a living document, arguing that the founders deliberately made it nearly impossible to alter and that changes made to it since its drafting should be rectified. He is staunchly pro-life, opposed to gay marriage, and believes that all immigrants who come to live in the United States must assimilate to American culture first and foremost.