Showing posts with label Dwayne Beggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dwayne Beggs. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Are we going to totally wipe out our nation’s history from 1861 to 1865?

Ohio history teacher Dwayne Beggs [WLOX]: 

"Are we going to totally wipe out our nation’s history from 1861 to 1865? The Civil War? That flag was a sign of the Confederate Army. That's what it was when it originated, but now we have got controversy because it was used or perceived to be used as a piece of hate. Where does it stop?"

Beggs believes if future generations are not taught about the Civil War, mistakes could be repeated.

"How's it going to help us learn what happened to slaves, to black people, to the marginalized people, whatever the case," Beggs asked. "How are we going to know what has happened and make sure that doesn't ever happen again? As Shelby Foote said, people always thought of it as the United States is different states. Then, after the Civil War, it became the United States are we were kind of a collaboration, a group of states. It kind of unified us even though we had our sectional differences. We didn't always get along. We didn't always agree with everything. It still defined us as a group of people."