Showing posts with label Diane Hearn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diane Hearn. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Duggar Stone Throwing Band Wagon ...Are You On It?

 [c] May 22, 2015 Diane Hearn

It amazes me how folks rush to judgement & arm themselves with a pile of rocks....
Especially when they buy into the liberal media's attack on anyone who maybe conservative or a worse yet, a Christian.

They spend a lot of time digging for any past discretion no matter how big or how small to attack & destroy. They are quite successful at it too.
There isn't a day that goes by that we see story after story in the news of conservative celebrities, politicians, folks from all walks of life being judged unworthy. The most recent story being chewed on is Josh Duggar of a television show called 19 Kids & Counting.

Let me say from the start I Do Not Condone what he did as a 14 year old It was despicable & shameful.
Yet I need to point out, the media's reporting is slanted in such as way as if he did this at his present age of 27.
Even with his public statements of admission & repentance the stones continue to be thrown at he & his family.
As a parent, it is excruciating to see one's child especially during the teenage years make bad, even unthinkable choices, see them fall. Yet I see comments that rush to condemn the parents. Saying they covered it up etc.

However, his parents from all accounts Did not cover it up.
They at the time it occurred made their son aware of his sin. They made him atone & apologize for his behavior to the girls & their families. His parents also made sure he was in counseling as well as getting counseling for the girls who were the same age as he at the time.

If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses." ~ Matthew 18:15-16

Frankly when someone is a kid or teenager they do a LOT of stupid things. They will cross the line of what is appropriate & what is not. Some even venture into illegal acts that scar them & others for life. And depending on their support system at home they will either continue to embrace that wrong path or turn toward God & learn a better way of being.

For those who learned from their mistakes & bad choices ... who are we to continue to cast stones at them.
As believers in Christ we must stand back from those who are the mud slingers & their "gotcha" tactics. We must not join them but be forgiving towards those who have repented ...