Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Inevitable end of the American "Democracy."

I recollect it has been about 30 years since I first heard someone define "Democracy" as simply "mob rule." I thought it clever and could see why it could easily be that.

 As I grasped for concepts of what was right vs what was popular, it was clear that just because  a majority wanted something did not make it right or moral. That, in itself, is probably the main failure of Democracy. Though the concept of "Democracy" can take many forms and variations the basic premise of a Democracy is pretty much doomed to failure should it be carried to it's furthermost limit. That is where I believe we are.

Now I don't think we're there because America has been around for over 200 years. We are there because America was not founded as a Democracy. It was a Republic by definition and by it's Constitution. "Democracy" certainly began trickling in by the 19th Century..... but it really took off in the 20th Century. In fact, most people now will always refer to America as a Democracy and don't know what you mean if you say it was founded as a Republic. I, personally,  do not remember being taught in school that America is a Republic. It was always referred to as a Democracy. Wrapped tightly in that foundation is the idea that government leaders exercise power according to the rule of law. The foundation of the rule of law was to be the Constitution. Somewhere along the way someone declared that the Constitution is some kind of "living" document which in such a fluid form can be reinterpreted for each generation. However, it is the rule of law which brings life, not the reinterpretation. Redefining law can't really happen. Once it is done it is a new law. It may have a slight tint of the original, but it is not the original law.

The Constitution, especially in the last century, has been moved from it's original foundation and is hardly recognizable as "The Constitution." Some of the procedural stuff are still utilized from the candidate requirements and political offices ...but the actual Constitution is largely been reinterpreted to mean various things over the years by various members of the Supreme Court and other officials who probably shouldn't be doing any interpretation of anything "legal" to begin with. Court members are chosen now out of the rubble of partisan politics as opposed to any ability to either interpret the law from the Constitution or even have any interest in doing so. Once upon a time when an issue went before the Supreme Court, it did so because it was vague in it's application in light of the Constitutional foundation of American law. Now, issues go before the court in hopes that it will swing left or right on an issue.

 This was NEVER intended to be the way the Court or Constitution was to be used, nor even designed for. 

Many crazy things have happened in the last decade and, in particular, from the pivot point of the events of Sept 11, 2001, where suddenly Americans woke up to the fact that we are not impenetrable.  Currently, the surge of Donald Trump is probably one of the more dominant issues...but was preceded by several years of the Obama presidency which shook the foundations of racism in America to levels unheard of before. Suddenly if you disagreed with something, it wasn't just because you were from another party or an ideologue of another color. It was because you were a hateful racist. The problems of racism have NOT made any progress under the Obama administration. If anything, it took 3 steps back from where it was when he became president. We have also seen numerous examples of addressing the issue of mass murder by a lone gunman by banning a flag and then southern history itself. The fact that none of that will stop a mass murder by a lone gunman was/is irrelevant.

Those are just a few examples. Some of many issues -  from the way the economy is dealt with -  to issues with foreign policy. As one who certainly leans right...I could certainly point left to lay blame...but that would then stray from my point. Those who lean left will say the same thing.  The problem is there is a major paradigm shift going on right now on planet earth as a whole. And "Democracy," as volatile as it is anyway, is going to inevitably fail.

An issue, as I mentioned earlier, is that the push for Donald Trump to most seasoned culture watchers is mostly bizarre when weighed with the way things have been. I mean, since when does conservatism attach itself to populism? And anyone who defines Donald Trump as a conservative based on previously held views of what it means to be a conservative are simply deluding themselves.

That, however, is one of the first issues to identify:

Peter Roff, editor at US News and World Report wrote in a recent column on the surge of Donald Trump:
  •  People have lost faith in the system so they have placed it in a single man because they are tired of waiting for the change they want. They want to win, and now, and no longer particularly care how. His campaign is a populist uprising against a party leadership and a partisan culture that stopped listening to the voters some time ago.

It may be tainted with revenge but I don't think it's that as much as it is just being tired of the same old same old. It cant be weighed like it has been. The concepts of conservative, Republican, liberal, Democrat, socialist, left wing, right wing, and even establishment, etc are all starting to blur a bit. Frankly, I don't know if they will survive. Right now all Republicans claim to be conservative,  but in reality all Republicans are not conservative.  "All Republicans should be conservative" may not even be a true statement since the Republican Party no longer has any foundation platform on which it rests. They do as the Democrat Party does and just wing it as it goes along. It's not a matter of's a matter of striking a chord with voters. (Part of the mob rule mentality...or part of the "Noisemakers Mentality" when it comes to main stream media).  Where this will end is anybody's guess...but I can guarantee it will not be the same as it is. And in light of the search for the magic voter "chord," populism also makes sense. Those of us who lived through the last twenty some years of American Democracy will need to realize that we cannot go home. That is gone. Prepare for what is new.

"Mob rule" has been displaced somewhat simply by "The Noisemakers Rule."  At least with a mob the parameters and size were clearer. Noisemakers can come from anywhere at any time. They can suddenly claim, for example, that the Academy Awards is racist because not enough black people get nominations. And if a few say it loud enough...they become the "Noisemakers" who will affect some kind of change even if they are actually in the minority when it comes to actual counting. But the results will affect everyone. In this case, one could wish the Academy Awards had a flag that could be banned if it would just stop the whining. 

The idea of "Taking America Back" is a futile plea. Back to what? You would have to literally destroy at least 100 years of jurisprudence and legislation in order to even get close to "Taking America Back." It is truly that entrenched. At the same time..America is not an island in this plight. Similarities are going on in countries across the world with just the names and players being changed.

Should the Lord tarry...and though I am tempted to go that route in closing and paint the picture of the final days of planet earth...I cannot adamantly say that we are there yet. Naturally, that's up to God and He may very well see things here as worse then I do or maybe not as bad. should always be ready...but.....should the Lord's time to be prepared for the United States of America to change. Mob rule [aka, Democracy] is going to run it's course.
[c]Zorek Richards 01.21.16

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Power (and the weakness) of the Press

Just to underscore how the media prioritizes "news," all the major stations are reporting that "Four prisoners being released from Iran including Wapo reporter Jason Rezalan." The other three don't carry the same weight in their minds so they emphasize that one of their own were released. In order to get their attention you have to make it about them somehow. Ted Cruz pointed that out in an early debate on immigration and it is the method Donald Trump uses almost daily to keep the press following his every move.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Chris McDaniel: The only "censure" Obama understands is when his liberal agenda is defunded.

From FaceBook

Now, a few GOP Congressmen are discussing the censure of Obama. But, in political terms a "censure" is nothing more than a formal condemnation of an individual. IT MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It's a game. A parlor trick designed to get your attention.

The only "censure" Obama understands is when his liberal agenda is defunded. But his entire platform was FULLY FUNDED by these same Congressmen just a few days ago.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mississippi Rep Steve Palazzo: Impeach Obama? Hell yes I would.

From FaceBook

Impeach Obama? Hell yes I would.

A lot of my constituents want me to impeach the President, and I agree with them completely. Time and again this President has failed to execute the law as required by the Constitution and has far overreached his authority as President. He is neither a dictator nor a king. Congress is an equal branch of government.
If impeachment were viable in the least, I would introduce it myself, today. But, impeachment requires 67 votes in the Senate and we only have 54, on a good day. The House would vote to impeach, but it would die in the Senate and only serve to rile up this President’s base.

There is no feasible method available to impeach this President with the current Senate. Introducing impeachment papers might make us all feel good, but it’s a losing proposition from the start. That’s why no conservative scholars are calling for impeachment. No conservative groups are calling for impeachment.
To get rid of this President, vote him and his party out in November so we can reverse his dangerous policies. All of them.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Bedrick: Congress Gambles with the Future of D.C.’s School Choice Program

Jason Bedrick

[c]Jason Bedrick 

It’s late December, so that means it’s time for members of Congress to join together and celebrate around their own massive, legislative Christmas tree–the notorious omnibus–with earmark ornaments for nearly every congressional district. Reason’s Peter Suderman explains:
The deal is made of two different elements—a 2,009-page omnibus that folds in 12 appropriations bills and calls for $1.1 trillion in spending, and a separate 233-page tax “extenders” bill that continues about $650 billion worth of supposedly-but-not-really temporary tax cuts. All together, the package is worth about $1.8 trillion.
Many of the tax breaks in the extenders bill are the sorts of tax “cuts” that are the sort of targeted, incentives-and-behavior altering tax cuts and deductions that are best thought of as spending laundered through the tax code. (This includes the child tax credit, various business expensing provisions, and a credit to help people under 40 pay for tuition expenses, as well as credits for wind and solar power.)
Broadly speaking, that’s the sort of spending that Republicans tend to like. The other part of the package, meanwhile, contains the sort of spending that Democrats tend to like.
There is perhaps no greater annual example of how concentrated benefits and dispersed costs conspire to increase Congressional spending. Moreover, as Jim Harper noted yesterday, the omnibus is also an opportunity to slip in highly controversial policies, like domestic surveillance. And yet conspicuously absent from the awful omnibus was one of the few programs that Congress has the constitutional authority to enact and actually benefits low-income students living in Washington, D.C.: the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP). In a sharp editorial yesterday, Wall Street Journal excoriated Congressional GOP leadership:
The omnibus funds the program for fiscal year 2016 but fails to reauthorize it. This means that 20 years after the program was first debated, 10 years after it started, four years after Mr. Boehner revived it after President Obama had killed it, and a few months after the House passed a bill to reauthorize it, we’ll have to fight the battle all over again.
Worse, no one will explain how Nancy Pelosi prevailed despite Republican majorities in both houses.
Done right, the OSP could have saved money while improving student outcomes. Despite spending nearly $30,000 per pupil in recent years, D.C.’s district schools are consistently ranked among the worst in the nation. By contrast, the OSP’s vouchers are less than $9,000 on average and a random-assignment study found that OSP students were 21 percentage points more likely to graduate from high school than the control group. Had Congress allowed the funding to follow the child rather than funding the OSP and district schools out of two separate funds, as they do now, the OSP could have saved more than $20,000 per pupil while still producing better outcomes. And that doesn’t even count the significant savings from the increased graduation rate that researchers Patrick Wolf and Michael McShane calculated:
Because a high-school diploma makes an individual less likely to commit crimes, it therefore decreases both the costs incurred by victims of crimes and those borne by the public in administering the justice system. Coupled with the increased tax revenue made on the increased income, this yields an extra benefit for society of over $87,000 per high-school graduate.
Multiplying the number of additional graduates by the value of a high-school diploma yields a total benefit of over $183 million. Over the time of our study, the OSP cost taxpayers $70 million, so dividing the benefits by the cost yields an overall benefit-to-cost ratio of 2.62, or $2.62 for every dollar that was spent.
The omnibus spending bill is a terrible way to do business, and it would be better if the OSP could stand on its own (and even better if Congress transformed it from a voucher into an education savings account). Unfortunately, there is reasonable doubt whether the GOP will be able to persuade the president to sign a standalone bill reauthorizing the OSP. In other words, leaving the OSP out of the omnibus is a big gamble. That is especially concerning because thousands of kids depend on it and it needs stability to run effectively.
So yes, Congress should change the omnibus practice, but they shouldn’t make the OSP a test case.
Cato Institute / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: Republican Picks As of Today

1) Ted Cruz. Most of the  more important part of the debate this week was between Cruz and Marco Rubio.
Not sure about the "carpet bombing" strategy. I mean, what if it turns out they just have linoleum? 
Dana Bash purposely asked a question that is really irrelevant to national issues when she hit Cruz with the one about something that was recorded in private that he said about Trump.  Pretty low for Bash and CNN to be purposely picking fights. There were not many attacks against Hillary during the debate, but were quite a few against  Trump and Cruz.
Cruz: "All horse thieves are Democrats, but not all Democrats are horse thieves."

2) Mike Huckabee. Granted, he was at the small first debate, but he stayed to message and offered great insight. I think he is terribly underrated. He may not stand a chance to win, but I suspect he will stick around for awhile longer.  And I hope he does.
Huckabee: "If Islam is as wonderful and peaceful as its adherents say, shouldn't they be begging us" to surveil their mosques?"

3) Rick Santorum. Still at the smaller debate, but he and Huckabee have my interest for their appeals to religious liberties. I think Santorum did a great job in defending those issues but got a little flustered by Lindsey Graham. "The fact of the matter is, Islam is different ... the idea that that is protected under the First Amendment is wrong." said Santorum. I agree. Why do we keep extending Constitutional rights to non-Americans???
Santorum: "We have to stop worrying about offending some people and start defending all Americans."
 Santorum: "Not all Muslims are jihadist but "all jihadists are Muslim"

4) Donald Trump. My interest in Trump is falling somewhat. I would certainly still vote for him if he is nominated but there is a difference between conservatism and populism. Trump appeals to populism and to conservatives who find populism appealing .  Trump is strong on National security and I am not sure who interjected it, but the talk of "innocent civilians" being killed is the reason wars become politically correct and then people lose. Trump did not clarify very well (or at all) what he meant by "shutting down parts of the internet."
 I might be OK with shutting down part of the internet if that means cat pictures. Except for the fact that that would only leave 25% of the internet left. :-) 
The Mosques that were shut down in France weren't shut down for their message but because they were stockpiling weapons. I'm not so sure just listening to the message will cut it.Vladimir Putin pretty much unofficially/officially endorsed Donald Trump calling him "bright and talented" and the "absolute leader" in the 2016 race. Trump did say just after the debate that  he will NOT run as third party no matter what

 5) Ben Carson. Carson is about to drop off the radar. I hate to say it but I think he may have already peaked. I believe his support will likely shift to Cruz. Ben Carson just told the press that he would likely be a "one term president." I like the guy but I think making that kind of an announcement will more likely make him a no term president.
 Between naps, Ben Carson had some good responses.

6) Marco Rubio. If he would get his stuff together on amnesty and immigration reform he might be a candidate of interest.
This would have been a good night for Rubio to take a drink of water. Better Press.
Marco Rubio said this week that  we need a "top-down review" of our Immigration system. Yeah right, just what we need: another government committee to investigate the government.

7) Chris Christie.  He did perform strong on national defense. I will give him that. He referenced a couple times that because he was from Jerssey, he would be tough.
"A no fly zone is a no fly zone" --Old New Jersey Proverb
Christie will close down every bridge to the United States to keep out terrorists
Christie: "Terror threats "is the new normal" under Obama and Clinton."

8) Rand Paul. His libertarian ideas are some of the good things about him and his libertarian idea are some of the bad things about him. Rand Paul is terrible on foreign policy. Much like his dad. Paul also started out with an attack on Trump (again). He has tried it at every debate and it NEVER helps him. He is slow to learn.

9) Carly Fiorina: I am tired of this "because I am a woman" stuff from her. The review of her work history with HP is mixed....but mostly not good. And she claims to know all the world leaders.
 Carly Fiorina made a critical mistake when she mentioned Kim Jong Un and then didn't throw in that she knew him, too.

10) Jeb Bush. Not even a consideration any more.
 "________" - Jeb Bush's most memorable response tonight. 
They should have a moment of silence for Jeb Bush since this will likely be his last debate.
Shorter Jeb Bush: Refugees aren't a problem. Let them all in!

11) George Pataki. He talked strong on national defense, I was surprised. But he was governor of New York during 911.  

12)Lindsey Graham. 
Lindsey Graham needs to start using decaf stuff as he was over wound.
 If you took a drink whenever Lindsay Graham eye rolled at Rick Santorum. You wouldn't be awake for the 2nd debate.
Of ISIS, Graham said he  will "knock them off the internet" --What does that mean??
His most memorable line: "Princess Buttercup would not like this!" 
He would rate higher if the issue was entertainment value.

13)CNN  The biggest loser as they clearly showed their disdain for the Republican party. You won't see a performance like that when CNN moderates the Democrat debate. But perhaps Wolf Blitzer clarified it best when he said "CNN is America." They truly think they are. CNN also interpreted the Bible their own way as they asked about refugees. But I have never been able to find the Bible verse that says we should let terrorists in the country because you're supposed to love them. Neither did CNN.
Wolf kept saying"we're only just beginning" before each commercial break.
And in the first debate they were purposely  making Trump the subject when he was not there to defend himself.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: San Bernadino Terrorist Shooting Edition

As the California shooting story first broke, CNN's Brooke Baldwin was on the air. Apparently there is a Planned Parenthood somewhere near there. Baldwin tried several times to make it a Planned Parenthood shooting until it was clear that her best efforts were failing against reality.

Wonder how Obama will spin this:
"Farook’s father told the New York Daily News his son inspected restaurants and hotels for health violations, and was married with a child.
He also identified his son as “very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”"

 I noted early on as the shooting information began to develop that several anchors, especially from CNN, were careful to refer to the event as a "holiday" party. Some of them are still doing it, but others didn't change until one of the officials in a press conference called it a "Christmas" party. I cant imagine being an anchor and actually being concerned about tripping over your own tongue in an effort to not offend someone especially when the contention point is rather irrelevant to the news story as a whole

False Flag nuts make my brain hurt. It's not a condition that a "false flagger" will ever be afflicted with.

 CAIR should be on the terrorist watch list.

And the #Doh begins:  " possible this was terrorist related...or workplace related." -Obama

 Liberal Conundrum:
If the shooter wouldn't have purposely ignored the "don't shoot people with guns" law wouldn't he still have been driven to the rampage by global warming??

 People involved in "workplace violence" don't carry with them an arsenal and have another arsenal in their house. and booby trapped with pipe bombs......................After all that information, did a reporter have to ask "do you think some planning went into this?"

 The San Bernadino briefing officer reminds me of Fred Thompson.(Chief Jarrod Burguan)

Montage: The 10 Dumbest Things Said About the San Bernardino A...
Montage: The 10 Dumbest Things Said About the San Bernardino Attack
Posted by Grabien on Thursday, December 3, 2015

MSNBC just went through the suspects home and rifled through stuff, putting it on air, before the investigation is even done......................MSNBC is no longer doing BREAKING News, but is trying their hand at BREAKING & ENTERING...............MSNBC only found a refrigerator, as they searched the California suspects home for evidence for Climate Change................MSNBC needs to be added to the terrorist watch list.

The Farooks lawyer literally compared the wife visiting Al-Baghdadi/ISIS FaceBook pages to him visiting Britney Spears "who he hates". Of course we all remember the famous Al-Baghdad/ISIS hit song "Oops..I blew up again."

Ladies and gentleman: The Farooks lawyer's defense. (You just can't make some of this stuff up):

 Maybe MSNBC was looking for the shooters razor..................Next thing we'll hear from the Farook attorney is that the pipe bombs were just clocks.

 The New York Times has a front page editorial defending the right for terrorists to kill you while you remain defenseless.

If you can’t see this is an act of terror… then you’re a moron.” --Rudy Giuliani.

Farook family lawyers do not want this photo solicited because it makes her look too Muslim
 New York Post succumbs to political correctness and changes its headline.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Sen Roger Wicker: President Obama's climate promises would slow the economy, cost jobs, cost billions of dollars

Roger Wicker spoke on the Senate floor about how President Obama' climate promises would slow the economy, cost jobs, cost billions of dollars, divert money from real and pressing needs, and be of limited value

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: #ClimateChangeDeniersLivesDontMatter

"What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be" for leaders to gather in Paris for climate talks says Obama.
I think the only thing terrorists might find difficult with this is not not dying of laughing so hard.

 "OMG! A Climate Change meeting! Curse you, Obama! We surrender!"

 Why even build a border wall? Lets just have a climate change meeting on the border. That should keep anyone from coming across.

 Ban the ISIS flag and have a climate change meeting. That will end this ISIS problem once and for all..

 The problem with kids today is they are just getting way out of control. Lack of discipline isn't the problem. It's not enough climate change meetings.

Yoko Ono didn't break up the Beatles. Climate change did.

 Well now I know the monster under the bed when I was a kid was probably a climate change meeting.

 If the Mets would have had a climate change meeting they would have won the World Series. Jus Sayin

If a Climate Change meeting is a rebuke to the terrorists, then wouldn't Obama's efforts to force climate change doctrines on Americans be the same? Is his only real allies in the world a group of  government finance climate change professors?


Monday, November 23, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: Random Observations 11.23.15

BREAKING: According to reports, the turkey Obama pardoned last year has been sighted fighting with ISIS in Syria.

 Schools closed today in Brussells in light of terrorism threat,. Gotta protect the little sprouts in Brussells.

 Hillary Clinton conundrum:
Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
But Univision chairman Haim Saban is one of her top campaign donors and just announced favoring Muslim scrutiny. .
We may see whether convictions or money is pulling her strings more,
It's not clear if Democrats are more bent out of shape that so many women are joining ISIS or that ISIS is only paying them seventy percent of what male terrorists make.

 The word "Muslim" translated into English means "Whine."

 I am unclear as to why we're having sports again this year when we already had them last year. Jus sayin

Nov 22, 1963:
The only thing I remember about it was that it interrupted regular TV. I was only 3. And there was this funeral but I really didnt understand who or what Kennedy was. I remember seeing horses. I know my dad hated the Kennedys but I was too young to remember him saying anything at the time. I do remember him saying a couple years later that if Robert Kennedy got elected that we would move to Canada. I remember that because at my age Canada was another planet. My dad wasn't a Republican though. He hated Martin Luther King and voted for George Wallace for president. He was raised in very different times.

Mom of one of the Paris suicide bomber says stress made her son do it.
So apparently, strapping on a suicide vest is stressful.

 The same people who are arguing against any kind of a Muslim database are the same ones who are all for the NSA collecting data on everyone else.

Pizza a vegetable? Seems to me the test of whether pizza is a vegetable is if Democrats want illegal immigrants to pick it out of a field for 13 cents an hour.

 "Listen, you didn't hear this from me, but the sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar." - Little Informant Annie

 GQ named Barack Obama as man of the year. The shortlist for the GQ distinction included Rachel Maddow, a Dyson Vacuum cleaner, and a cat video.

 “If there’s a rabid dog running around in your neighborhood, you’re probably not going to assume something good" --Ben Carson
Unless you're a Democrat. Then rabies are only bad if the dog also has a gun or a Bible.

 At a reporters leading, Donald Trump suggested the need for Muslims in America to have an ID in light of Paris attacks. The left, of course, is having a meltdown over this.
Liberals hate IDS for everything. They just want your money. They don't want to know who you are.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: G20 Turkey Update

Notes on Obama press conference from the g20 Summit in Turkey this morning: 

Hmmm, there's a turkey talking from Turkey on TV.

 Shorter Obama: If you want to debate my position on ISIS then go ahead. Unless you disagree with me and my experts then shut up

 I am interested in your opinions...just as long as they are as qualified as all of mine. --BO

 Obama is getting testy about reporters calling him out as a failure on ISIS

Why can’t we take out these bastards?” --Jim Acosta (CNN)
I just spent the last three questions answering that very question. I don’t know what more you want me to add. I think I’ve described very specifically what our strategy is, and I’ve described why we do not pursue some of the other strategies that have been suggested.” --BO

Obama emphasized efforts to stop terrorist plans takes a lot of intelligent effort (paraphrase). In what is his usual un-thought out  way he may have  just dissed France.........

"ISIL is not Islam" --BO
The fact that its in their name irrelevant.

Shorter Obama: Paris attacks were tragic, but that shouldn't stop the US from bringing in as many Syrian refugees as we can. Admitting terrorists is just collateral damage.

Obama touted Turkey as one of the countries who have bravely fought against ISIS terrorism. And he is right, Turkey has been, but in the wake of Muslims killing Christians Just last February, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said about Obama, "If you stay silent when faced with an incident like this and don't make a statement, the world will stay silent toward you." So Erdogan is not exactly an Obama fan.

In Related NEWS:
Anonymous has declared war on ISIS for the umpteenth time (but whos keeping count?). That means they send out another harshly worded video, gain an increase in Youtube traffic, and some of the media fawns over them for sounding tough.

 Bobby Jindal has joined the ranks of governors declining acceptance of Syrian refugees after the Paris attack. His critics are claiming that is racist & hypocritical because his skin his dark (Indian) . So, apparently the lefties are OK with terrorism as long as the terrorists are dark-skinned because opposing them would be racist. At least ISIS should be glad to know that the liberals will never try to ban their flag.

Gov Phil Bryant says No Putting Syrian refugees in Mississippi

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant added his name to the list of governors vowing to block any Syrian refugees from settling in their states.

"I'm currently working with the Mississippi Department of Public Safety and Mississippi Office of Homeland Security to determine the current status of any Syrian refugees that may be brought to our state in the near future," Bryant said in a statement. "I will do everything humanly possible to stop any plans from the Obama administration to put Syrian refugees in Mississippi. The policy of bringing these individuals into the country is not only misguided, it is extremely dangerous. I'll be notifying President Obama of my decision today to resist this potential action."
SOURCE: Sun Herald 


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: Saturday Night Live from Iowa Democrat Debate

The Democrat response to last weeks Saturday Night Live will be the Democrat Debate this evening in Des Moines. The humorous scripted skits will be given in the form of debate answers from questions given by the mock journalists at CBS news. Bernie Sanders will double as the musical guest

 CBS News made some debate changes and are going to address more foreign policy issues in tonight's debate because of the attacks in Paris last night. The Bernie Sanders campaign is throwing a fit because it cuts down his time to talk about giving free stuff.

Question we won't hear:
To Hillary: WHY should YOU be treated differently than any other Criminal? Because you're a woman?

Boy: "Dad! There's an old man named Bernie walking around the neighborhood asking all of us to "Feel the Bern" and offering free candy. Should we all just run away?"
Dad: "Yes......Yes you should.....we all should!."

 Shorter Clinton: It's not our fight. The USA will not lead against ISIS. We'll just help anyone who does.
O'Malley says it IS America's fight.

 Sanders says the worlds biggest threat is Climate Change and climate change causes terrorism. ‪#‎Doh‬ No wonder he didnt want to talk about terrorism tonight.

Fact check: Clinton has never apologized for Iraq. She said it was a mistake, but never said “I’m sorry.

 I wasnt sure at first, but Bernie Sanders is saying "mooslim."

NOW, Hillary is wanting to know if other countries will stand with US in Syria. Five minutes in and she already changed her position.

 Hillary doesn't understand why terrorists act like terrorists.

 They're throwing around the words "muslim," "Islam," "jihadist," "radical Muslim" like they're interchangable, until the moderator points it out, then they back off. They may mean the same to some, but not to Democrats, yet they apply them as the same until someone points it out to them. Then its backpeddling time.

 Good grief. NOW Hillary wants to screen refugees for our safety.
Unless they're Mexican..then it must be OK

 Hillary is all over the board on her positions with foreign policy. Does she even listen to herself??? How can anyone for that matter.

Hillary is Ok if you have to pay $250 a month for prescriptions. That should make you sick.

The candidates suddenly got lively and animated because they are talking about free stuff

 Hillary needs to clarify whether she is speaking with her right-brain or left-brain before answering any questions

 When Democrats use the term "middle class" it's a red herring. It's never meant anything to them

 Bernie says no one can live off $12 an hour. But his web site says he pays his interns $12 an hour.

A Catfight between Hillary and Bernie could liven this up

 "Don't impugn my integrity" declared Hillary Clinton, the only one of the three candidates who may be facing indictment on federal charges,.

 Here comes the gun control segment...........................It's always amusing that they decry current issues because of the failure of political leadership......but none of them will say Obama or mention that he has been president for 7 years now,..

This love-hate thing between Bernie and Hillary is sickening. Get a room already.

 Moderators  need to ask Hillary  about her Marine record.

"What do you tell a young African-American looking for "hope"?
  Hillary's long list didn't mention why she as a white person can do what Obama as a black person couldn't do.

 "I don't think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trump's kids to college" --Hillary Clinton
Leave it to Hillary to make up an issue that is not an issue.

What I have learned so far from tonight's debate:
If you watch it really really close you actually can see paint dry.

 Hillary's line about not wanting anyone in Iowa administering her Health Care is another red herring. She wants the Federal Government to do it and always has.

 The moderator just started them on final statements. It's like sitting through a long dry 3 hour sermon and hearing the pastor say "And in conclusion.." Life starts to return

 We're not at war with Islam…we’re at war with violent extremism." —Hillary Clinton
But..............Extremists who happen to be Islamic.

 A Democrat Debate is a passionate Fact Checkers Dream Come true.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: Attack on Paris

Report from the cheap seat
UPDATE: since this post, The wife of Eagles Of Death Metal drummer Julian Dorio has told The Washington Post that the band members are safe. “We are just holding our breath and saying prayers for everyone,” she says. “He called to say that he loved me and he was safe. Everyone on stage was able to get off.” French president François Hollande has declared a state of emergency and closed the country’s borders."

Obama doesn't want to speculate on who might be involved. When someone yells "allahu akbar" and then starts killing people that is his standard response.

 Paris under mandatory curfew. They have not had a mandatory curfew since 1944

 Sky News reporting 158 dead so far

One of the jihadists apprehended stated, "I am from the Islamic State."
"Let's not speculate." --Barack Obama

Side note: Former Vice President Al Gore was doing a live stream benefit for climate change from the foot of the Eiffel Tower and had to stop it becuz of the attacks.

 Geraldo Rivera is suddenly more concerned about policing ISIS here as his daughter is in Paris. She's Ok, but, sadly, some of these news people dont get it (or a lot of things) til it hits their own home.

 The UN has just condemned the attacks on Paris. That oughta fix things right up.
