Showing posts with label Scott Walker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Walker. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016

Cheap Seat Report: Democrat Debate Edition

[c]Zorek Richards

"I want to tackle those barriers that stand in the way of too many Americans right now." - Hillary.
 If it wasn't for Obama she would have no opening statement. Not so sure I understand why there's so many problems that she needs to fix when her personal hero, Barack Obama, has been President for over 7 years now.

Hmm, always wondered what a real "clash" would look like.
Then there's Bernie Sanders , who has been in the US Senate since Woodrow Wilson and is considered  the "anti-establishment" candidate?

 "We should not let "the Trumps of the world divide us" " --Sanders.
Nightmares are made of there being another Trump somewhere.

 Before it was called Obamacare, it was called Hillarycare." -Hillary
So even the two of them together couldn't do it right. And Trump wants to call it Trumpcare.

"Every proposal that I have introduced has been paid for." -Bernie Sanders, still living in denial. National debt is $18,991,325,677,268.42. But Bernie thinks everything he's introduced is paid for

 Hillary said she has spent her whole life fighting for women. And fighting against all of Bill's women. And there have been many.

Hillary still thinks Planned Parenthood is a "women's health organization." But so does Donald Trump.

 Hillary says she is concerned about criminal justice reform. I'll believe Hillary is concerned about criminal justice reform when she turns herself in to authorities.

Hillary has only blamed the Republican politicians in Michigan for Flint water crisis.. But there really are plenty of Democrats there

 PBS moderators asked  asked about white people. Do Democrats even believe in white people?

 "....women are empowered to make their own choices, even if that choice is not to vote for me." --Hillary. There's a clip for a Sanders ad. Madeleine Albright said this week that there is a place in hell for women who don't vote for Hillary.

Democrats make it clear they  don't want to seal the border. They want to decorate it with welcome & "Free Healthcare" signs. At some point they need to be asked if the free unicorns and rainbows will be given to immigrants also.

When Bernie Sanders  brings out the finger, you know he's really, really, really,, a little bit kind of serious. For the record, Bernie's suit was given to him by Franklin D Roosevelt in person :-)

Meanwhile, Hillary keeps her eye on the pointy fingered old guy...
It's hard for Hillary to diss Wall Street when they've been so financially profitable for her

 "Let's not insult the intelligence of the American people."--Sanders
Great idea!!! So they are going to both suspend their campaigns??

 Then there's always a segment in a Democrat Debate about the free stuff. When it comes to giving free stuff, Bernie's free stuff is much more free then Hillary's free stuff

Then it's time to get tough on the issue of  ISIS:
 "We have to take on ISIS online." -Hillary.
Hear that ISIS? you're about to be hashtagged.
Well, not tough, but Democrat tough. (which is basically "not tough")  "We could overthrow Assad tomorrow if we wanted to" (Sanders)  except we don't know what their Twitter ID is.

When I try to compare them, they just look like this
Hillary is bothered by Donald Trump's call to ban Muslims. I'm not so concerned about Trumps Muslim comments as I am about him telling CNN that China should "take out" Kim Jong-un. (Chinese take out?)

 Hillary says shes qualified to be President because Obama trusted her to be Secretary of State.
Ahhhhh, how sweet that she thinks someone trusts her...
.Hillary's only accomplishments seem to be that she is proud of what Obama did. The R for Hillary's middle name actually stands for RPanderer. The R is silent because it goes without saying that Hillary are a panderer. Hillary's safe word is "Obama." When she feels pressured she says the word and it takes her to a place of rainbows & unicorns.

 Suddenly Bernie erupted: "Madame Secretary, that is a low blow."
That pretty much describes everything Hillary has ever done in politics.

I'll take "One of us ran against Barack Obama" for $100, Alec
Sanders says he'd be better on race relations than Obama . Yeah, well, Obama has not set that bar very high.

They ended the debate without voting anyone off. And in the Next hour, CNN will show Dem Debate highlights. Don't know what they'll do for the other 59 minutes

 Great moment at the ‪#‎DemDebate‬ was when Bernie said "Woodrow Wilson was a friend of mine. You, Hillary, are no Woodrow Wilson."

Scott Walker tweeted a response to an answer Hillary made in the debate


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Republicans MUST address the rising cost of medication among all the "health care" language rhetoric

Not that I'm pushing Bernie Sanders, but I will say he is addressing an issue with health care that is more important than many of the others and that is the price of prescription drugs. As the Washington Post's Amber Phillips noted " Republicans, by contrast, have largely been silent.."

  •  Sure, GOP presidential candidates, such as Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, have presented alternatives to the 2010 health-care reform law, but for whatever reason, these proposals haven't gained much traction. (Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), who dropped out of the race Monday, also had an alternative.) Jumping into the prescription drug debate could help elevate those candidates' plans, because prescription drug prices is one of the few health-care issues where Americans agree that the status quo needs to change. In fact, 76 percent of Americans said dealing with prescription drug prices should be Washington's No. 1 health-care priority, according to an April poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Hillary Clinton:
  •  “It is time to deal with skyrocketing out of pocket costs and runaway prescription drug prices that are going up last year by 12 percent. I mean, it’s disgraceful," said Clinton in Little Rock, Arkansas on Monday. And on Tuesday night, Clinton had more strong comments on the matter: “It has gotten to the point where people are being asked to pay not just hundreds but thousands of dollars for a single pill...That is not the way the market is supposed to work. That is bad actors making a fortune off of people’s misfortune.”
According to The Hill:

  • Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have also been working across the aisle to draw attention to high drug prices. Last year, the pair asked Gilead Sciences to justify the price of its new hepatitis cure called Sovaldi. The drug has become a symbol of high drug prices, with its $84,000 price tag for a 12-week treatment. 

We just don't know WHAT they did.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Word Slinger Files Republican Presidential Picks As of Today:

My picks up to now with information I have up to now:

First off, I need to clarify that I am not a Republican, so I have no party loyalty to the Republican party and will never hesitate to throw the party under a bus. That said, I ID myself as more of a Constitutional conservative and the Republican party tends usually to have a better pick of candidates that lean that way. Also, my main focus is on religious liberty...and I have stated many times over the years that I dislike politics as a general rule....but will deal with it when it encroaches on religious freedom..  So, I look for the candidates who I think are most apt and able to address and protect that. Followed by illegal immigration, abortion, and the economy.

1) Ted Cruz  His knowledge of constitutional law and issues is impressive.And he is concerned about religious freedom. He would make a great addition to the Supreme Court some day.....or, if not elected president,   attorney general.

2) Mike Huckabee  He has moved up in my interest since the last debate, particularly because of the Kim Davis issue. I see him as a long shot, but he polls OK for a long shot candidate. Huckabee rocks on religious freedom

3) Donald Trump. He is a wild card and still an anomaly. The Republican Party needs someone to kick that shoddy foundation they have laid underneath them. He mentioned the vaccine issues in the debate last night, and issues with autism..which even Ben Carson agreed spite of the fact that Megyn Kelly says vaccines are a settled issue scientifically.

4) Rick Santorum. For his stand on religious freedom, abortion, etc. I thought he did a good job of defending his positions in the earlier CNN debate.

 5) Bobby Jindal. I had high hopes he would be a good candidate, particular in the area of religious freedom. His campaign has not taken off yet...and it may not.

 6) Ben Carson. Very likable and smart guy. Soft spoken, but I think he gets his points across better that way. I am a bit confused on some of the issues with him like minimum wage and immigration. His inclusion, though, for immigrants to come and do jobs Americans don't want to do just wreaks so close to the Democrat philosophy of immigration support as cheap labor. Democrat party was pro slavery in 1800s, Still pro-slavery to be pro-immigration and justify it by claiming we can use Mexicans as cheap labor force. So if that's a position he will stick to, then he will being sliding to the bottom of this list very soon.

7) Rand Paul. I think he is very Libertarianesque which is not entirely bad. I am not for marijuana legalization for recreational purposes, but I do agree with him that it should be left to the states to decide. I have no problem with medical usage. Here in Mississippi we have an attempt to get a marijuana initative on the ballot--which it looks like it will fail to get enough people to sign their petition, but I really dislike the way its being promoted. They are pushing it under the guise of being used for medical purposes. and underplaying the fact that they want it for recreational use.  In debates, Paul has tried too hard to go after Trump or even Christie and it, with maybe once exception, blows up in his face.

8) Marco Rubio. He is getting better at verbalizing his positions.

9) Chris Christie. I would not have ever expected to put him higher than Jeb Bush, but his performance at the debate was actually pretty good. I still don't see him as "conservative" but more time will tell.
When he started to explain what female he would like on the $10 bill, it sounded like he was going to nominate Morticia Addams.

10). Carly Fiorina. I don't have all the "like" for her that other people see. She has flip flopped a several issues, including religious freedom, and sometimes it seems like she says what she says depending on who she is talking to. Carly Fiorina is very wrong on  her understanding of the 14th amendment and seems OK with judicial tyranny.

Jeb smoked what??
11) Jeb Bush. Much better performance in last nights debate  I still see him as playing both sides of the issue on immigration. He is, as Trump mentioned, pro-Common Core. He also does not have a great pro-life record in spite of what he tried to say last night.

12) Scott Walker  His performance can be summed up with this: Oh, was he there?

13) John Kasich. In his opening intro, Shorter Kasich: I am Ronald Reagan. Umm. no.

14) Lindsey Graham. "In my world, Hispanics are Americans" --Lindsey Graham. What can be said about Graham that hasn't been said about a bad case of influenza. I would say Lindsey Graham is dead to me, but that would be an upgrade to the status I already held about him.

15) George Pataki .  "just give them all legal status" --George Pataki on immigration. George Pataki plays the Reagan card right out of the gate. Dead to me starting with his position on religious freedom. His last name is still fun to say, though. (Try saying "President Pataki" 5 times very fast. ) 

16) Jim Gilmore. Gilmore who?? CNN excluded him from the debate.

I think the debate at CNN was much better than the charade that Fox news tried to pass off as a debate last month. This one actually had exchanges between the candidates. The few that Fox had were in spite of Fox and not because of it,. Jake Tapper was clearly gunning fro Trump and for a few moments he kind of morphed into Megyn Jelly.

A quick word on the polls, a practice which is central to modern analyses of political races. I believe that polls are far more scientifically unreliable than they are generally made out to be, and think that wild inductions are not the safest way to go. Talking to 200 people and deciding what 200 million are thinking is . . . risky. --Doug Wilson

Friday, August 7, 2015

Some of the best quotes from GOP Debate 08.06.15

Monday, July 27, 2015

Despite Des Moines Register Hit Piece, Trump Polls High in Iowa & New Hampshire

Donald Trump is running strong in the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire, according to two new NBC News-Marist polls.

Trump leads the Republican presidential field in New Hampshire, getting support from 21 percent of potential GOP primary voters. He's followed by Jeb Bush at 14 percent, Scott Walker at 12 percent and John Kasich at 7 percent.
Chris Christie and Ben Carson are tied at 6 percent in the Granite State, and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are at 5 percent each.

I n Iowa, Walker and Trump are in the Top 2 - with Walker at 19 percent among potential Republican caucus-goers and Trump at 17 percent. They're followed by Bush at 12 percent, Carson at 8 percent, Mike Huckabee at 7 percent and Rand Paul at 5 percent.

PDF Files of Iowa and New Hampshire Poll:


Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Afternoon Word Slinging: 05.15.15

George Stephanoplous, Gay Engineers, Iraq Hypothetically.

 The ABC News spokesperson who rebuffed the Free Beacon’s request for comment on George Stephanopoulos’ undisclosed donations to the Clinton Foundation also worked in the Clinton administration. Heather Riley, spokeswoman for ABC News programs Good Morning America and This Week, worked in the White House press office from 1997 to 2000, according to her LinkedIn profile, and is a member of the Facebook group “(Bill) Clinton Administration Alumni.” White House records show that Riley’s duties included serving as a press contact for then-First Lady Hillary Clinton.  --Andrew Kirell @AndrewKirell

Amateur train derailment investigator
and Fox News contributor Sandy Rios told radio show audience today that the engineer of the fatal Amtrak crash was a supporter of gay rights and may be gay himself, saying it was likely “a factor” the crash. “Now I am not saying, I am not inferring to those of you that are gay rights activists and like to monitor this show, I’m not inferring that this accident happened because he was gay, but I do think it’s an interesting part of the story and you can bet it would be edited out,” Rios said. --Daryle L Jenkins @DLamontJenkins

On Thursday, in Tempe, Ariz., Bush found the right answer.
“If we’re all supposed to answer hypothetical questions: Knowing what we now know, what would you have done? I would not have engaged. I would not have gone into Iraq.” Good! That only took four days and four different answers. --Chris Cilliza @TheFix

Friday, March 21, 2014

Governor Scott Walker Owes his State thousands of Bible Tweets

"An atheist group is demanding that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) remove a Bible verse posted to his social media accounts Sunday, calling it “improper” for a politician to promote personal religious views using “the machinery of the state.” 

The Freedom From Religion Foundation wrote a letter to Walker asking him to delete the message, which read simply, “Philippians 4:13,” from his official Facebook and Twitter accounts. This quote by Freedom From Religion Foundation's Dan Barker 

"“We don’t want to limit his religious freedom either, but he represents all of us,” said Barker, who lives in Wisconsin." 

If Barker is admitting that Walker represents all who live in Wisconsin, then he should realize the other 5,479 (at last count) tweets were all for him. If Barker really believes what he says then Walker probably owes Christians in the state of Wisconsin another 2 or 3 thousand tweets, since Walker has done so many that have no religious connotation attached. 

I suspect, though, as other religious hate groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation, that they only want all public officials to bow only to them. But, then again, that would make them a religion and then they would have to hate themselves, too.