Months before McCain won the 2008 GOP presidential nomination, Cochran,
who supported Mitt Romney, told the Boston Globe about the Arizona
senator: “
The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my
spine. He’s erratic. He’s hot-headed. He loses his temper, and he
worries me.”
According to "The RINO List":
John MCain helped to create the Gang of 14 which did not help to solve the on-going problems in the Senate’s rules for the confirmation of judges. Major portions of McCain-Feingold were struck down
by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. McCain-Feingold was supposed
to keep the lobbyist money out of politics, but was ultimately
problematic for McCain as
he had 83 lobbyists that worked in his Presidential Campaign.
McCain even chided Conservative Justice Alito. Supported liberal Senator
Ted Kennedy and President Bush’s
failed Immigration Policy. Voted for the extremely unpopular TARP Bailouts, though now
claims he was misled. McCain’s openness for
rewriting the 14th amendment is even more clownish than his immigration reform bill. John McCain even
“entertained” the notion to leave the party, as well as join the DEMOCRAT John Kerry’s Presidential Ticket at the VP Candidate.
In 2008, the Washington Post's Robert Novak asked: "Is McCain a Conservative?"
As John McCain neared his momentous primary election victory in Florida
after a ferocious campaign questioning his conservative credentials,
right-wingers buzzed over word that he had privately suggested that
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was too conservative. In response,
McCain said he recalled saying no such thing and added that Alito was a
"magnificent" choice. In fact, multiple sources confirm that the senator
made negative comments about Alito nine months ago.
McCain, as the "straight talk" candidate, says things off the cuff that
he sometimes cannot remember exactly later. Elements of the Republican
Party's right wing, uncomfortable with McCain as their prospective
presidential nominee, brought the Alito comments to the surface long
after the fact for two contrasting reasons. One was a desperate effort
to keep McCain from winning in Florida. The other was to get the party's
potential nominee on record about key issues before he is nominated."
In Jan 2014, it was reported that "A few weeks ago, Senator John McCain was censured by the Maricopa County
GOP, the largest Republican group in the state, for or “
long and
terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation
best associated with liberal Democrats.” Today, McCain faced a
continuation of the censure for his liberal voting record with a censure
from the Arizona Republican Party.The
AP reported
today that “the resolution to censure McCain was approved by a
voice-vote during a meeting of state committee members in Tempe, state
party spokesman Tim Sifert said. It needed signatures from at least 20
percent of state committee members to reach the floor for debate.”
see this statewide rebuke of Senator McCain as a telling sign that some
Republicans may be just as susceptible to re-election as Democrats are
based upon their voting history. Timothy Schwartz,
the Legislative District 30 Republican chairman who helped write the
resolution, said the censure showed that McCain was losing support from
his own party. “We would gladly embrace Sen. McCain if he stood behind us and represented us,” Schwartz said.
Towards the end of Ted Cruz’s marathon speech, Harry Reid attempted to
get Cruz to yield some of his time to John McCain. Cruz, knowing what
that would bring, didn’t fall for it. When Cruz wouldn’t give up Republican time, after his speech, the Dems
had 15 minutes of time, and yielded some of that to John McCain: McCain delivered…
for the Democrats of course. Senator John McCain spoke on the Senate floor soon after
Senator Ted Cruz left it, arguing that even if a senator doesn’t like
Obamacare, President Obama was reelected and we should all “respect the
outcomes of elections which reflect the will of the people.”
Walid Shoebat wrote in February:
"Who better to explain what’s going on in Syria these days than the
victims of the Jihadists? You can put Syrian Christians at the top of
the list. Christian leaders from that country recently paid a visit to
Capitol Hill and none other than Jihad-apologist,
Senator John McCain
(RINO-AZ) apparently gave the clergy a dress down for having the gall to
accuse his Jihadist allies of slaughtering Christians in Syria. The outburst was so bad that McCain’s sidekick clown, Lindsey Graham, had to calm him down. [
John McCain Chooses Jihad; Yells at Syrian Christians]
In March McCain told Time Magazine about his dinners with Obamas: “
I thought when he had a couple of dinners with Republican senators, we
really had a good environment there. Because he is a very, very
articulate and attractive guy in a setting with eight or nine senators
and him. Because he was smarter than the rest of us. But I don’t see
that now. I don’t see any of that. There are some things that he could
find that we could do on a bipartisan basis, and that may not be his
top agenda items, but he’s got to do more outreach.”
Last August John McCain revealed that he thinks former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a
"rock star" and if she faces GOP Senator for Kentucky Rand Paul in the
2016 presidential elections,
it will be a "tough choice" on who he'd
vote for. Responding to questions in a recent
interview with New Republic,
during which he was asked about how he would vote on a projected
face-off between Clinton and Paul, McCain quipped: "It's gonna be a
tough choice."