Showing posts with label Trent Franks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trent Franks. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Members of the US House Judiciary Committee


Party District Phone Tweet
Bob Goodlatte R VA-6 202-225-5431 @RepGoodlatte
Jim Sensenbrenner R WI-5 202-225-5101 @JimPressOffice
Trent Franks R AZ-8 202-225-4576 @RepTrentFranks
Mimi Walters R CA-45 202-225-5611 @RepMimiWalters
Darrell Issa R CA-49 202-225-3906 @DarrellIssa
Ken Buck R CO-4 202-225-4676 @RepKenBuck
Ron DeSantis R FL-6 202-225-2706 @RepDeSantis
Doug Collins R GA-9 202-225-9893 @RepDougCollins
Steve King R IA-4 202-225-4426 @SteveKingIA
Raul Labrador R ID-1 202-225-6611 @Raul_Labrador
Dave Trott R MI-11 202-225-8171 @repdavetrott
Mike Bishop R MI-8 202-225-4872 @RepMikeBishop
Steve Chabot R OH-1 202-225-2216 @RepSteveChabot
Jim Jordan R OH-4 202-225-2676 @Jim_Jordan
Tom Marino R PA-10 202-225-3731 @RepTomMarino
Trey Gowdy R SC-4 202-225-6030 @TGowdySC
Louie Gohmert R TX-1 202-225-3035 @RepLouieGohmert
Ted Poe R TX-2 202-225-6565 @JudgeTedPoe
Lamar Smith R TX-21 202-225-4236 @LamarSmithTX21
Blake Farenthold R TX-27 202-225-7742 @Farenthold
John Ratcliffe R TX-4 202-225-6673 @RepRatcliffe
Jason Chaffetz R UT-3 202-225-7751 @JasonInTheHouse
Randy Forbes R VA-4 202-225-6365 @Randy_Forbes
Zoe Lofgren D CA-19 202-225-3072 @RepZoeLofgren
Judy Chu D CA-27 202-225-5464 @RepJudyChu
Karen Bass D CA-37 202-225-7084 @RepKarenBass
Scott Peters D CA-52 202-225-0508 @RepScottPeters
Ted Deutch D FL-21 202-225-3001 @RepTedDeutch
Hank Johnson D GA-4 202-225-1605 @RepHankJohnson
Luis Gutierrez D IL-4 202-225-8203 @LuisGutierrez
Cedric Richmond D LA-2 202-225-6636 @RepRichmond
John Conyers D MI-13 202-225-5126 @RepJohnConyers
Jerrold Nadler D NY-10 202-225-5635 @RepJerryNadler
Hakeem Jeffries D NY-8 202-225-5936 @RepJeffries
David Cicilline D RI-1 202-225-4911 @RepCicilline
Steve Cohen D TN-9 202-225-3265 @RepCohen
Sheila Jackson Lee D TX-18 202-225-3816 @JacksonLeeTX18
Suzan DelBene D WA-1 202-225-6311 @RepDelBene

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Arizona Rep Trent Franks: Excluding Christians from a designation of genocide victims at the hands of ISIL is shameful negligence

Today I released a video address to President Obama in response to reports that his administration may exclude Christians and other religious minorities from a designation of genocide victims at the hands of ISIL. This is shameful negligence.