Monday, August 3, 2015

"Stop The Patriarchy" Targets Mississippi because Mississippians treat women immorally??

Apparently to end what they call the enslavement & degradation of women.  They are OK with killing unborn babies, even if they are black or female. In order to broaden their "brand" and gain more sympathy for their efforts in Mississippi they had to tie it in with racism also. 

From their web site:

  • The Deep South is where the battle around abortion rights is most acute, and where lack of access disproportionately affects Black and poverty-stricken women. In the entire state of Mississippi, there is only one abortion clinic left! This clinic is a last refuge for women for hundreds of miles throughout the state who find themselves pregnant but do not want to have a child. It is also the target of unrelenting Christian fascist harassment, legal attacks, and threats of closure. It is currently only able to stay open because of a temporary court order which is blocking a law that would close it down. Stop Patriarchy is calling on people from across the country and from various organizations to join them in a 10 day mobilization to Jackson, Mississippi.  We will boldly take out the full mission of Stop Patriarchy throughout the city of Jackson, stirring and drawing new people into the fight against all forms of female enslavement.  And we will join with organizers in the area to build support for the last clinic in the state, the Jackson Women's Health Organization, and to build support for Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!It is immoral to abandon the women of Mississippi as their last abortion clinic is under severe attack.  And, it is delusional to think that the attacks going down in Mississippi are somehow “separate” from what will soon confront women everywhere if they are not stopped.  Do not miss this opportunity to step to the front lines of the national fight to defeat the war on women.  And, do not miss this opportunity to work together with others from across the country to stand up against all forms of women's oppression and gain valuable understanding and experience to take this fight forward when you return to different parts of the country.