Monday, August 31, 2015

Kay Warren: The sad fact is the mental health system is broken in the United States

Saddleback Church co-founder Kay Warren, who in 2013 lost her 27-year-old son to suicide, has said that the mental health system in America is broken, and encouraged Christians to embrace the millions of people suffering from various mental illnesses.
"The sad fact is the mental health system is broken in the United States. I can't say that strongly enough. It is not that people aren't trying and not that there aren't some really wonderful, compassionate people in the field of mental health, but the problem is complicated, and most of the attempts to help don't always help," Warren wrote in an article for The Huffington Post on Thursday.

"The Church's central commitment is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This should include intentionally coming alongside people living with mental illness and supporting their families. If the Church lives out its calling in this area, its compassionate voice will rise within the community, the nation and the world — extending an unwavering message of hope and acceptance for those affected by mental illness," she said, previewing Saddleback Church's Gathering on Mental Health and The Church, scheduled for Oct. 7-9.