Wednesday, August 5, 2015

ACLU Warns That Mississippi's Anti-Google Campaign Threatens Web Users' Privacy

Mississippi AG being targeted by ACLU:

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood's attempt to subpoena information from Google could end up unmasking Web users who have made anonymous posts to Google.
That's according to the ACLU, which this week asked the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold an order blocking Hood from enforcing the subpoena.
"Among its numerous demands, the subpoena calls for the disclosure of individual Internet postings on Google services, as well as related identifying information including personal email addresses and Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses," the ACLU argues in a friend-of-the-court brief filed this week. "Enforcement of the subpoena would therefore infringe the First Amendment right to speak anonymously online by identifying innumerable Internet speakers."
The ACLU is among the organizations opposing Hood's request that the 5th Circuit allow him to resume an investigation of Google.
In March, U.S. District Court Judge Henry Wingate in Jacksonville issued an injunction blocking Hood from attempting to enforce a subpoena seeking "millions" of documents from Google. --Media Post