Tuesday, August 4, 2015

FFRF Wants Ronald Reagan Quote Removed From Texas School

The dogma driven lefty group, Freedom From Religion Foundation wants some quotes removed from some of the schools in the Mount Vernon, Texas school district:

  • At least seven bible quotes are posted on the walls of schools in the MVISD, among over 130 quotes put up by the district in 2011. The district has also posted the quote, "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face," attributed to Ronald Reagan. This selection is "dubious, and, incidentally, intellectually lazy since that is not a direct quotation," wrote Staff Attorney Sam Grover.
    "What possible purpose could there be for selecting that quote other than to promote the bible to students?" Grover asked. "When MVISD manipulates historical quotes by removing context and isolating lines that promote Christianity or religion in general, it violates the right of conscience of its students."
The school district placed the quotes based on feedback from students:

  • School district employees, acting in their official capacities, requested specific quotes, most selected from a master list created by Superintendent John Kaufman and school board member Steve Assay, FFRF learned from the records. Thus, "the quotes on the walls of MVISD are school district speech subject to the Establishment Clause, not private speech posted as part of a public forum."  --WLBT
But. of course, the Freedom from Religion Foundation abhors free speech.