Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bishop Emmanuel Badejo: Hillary Clinton I think is one of those who thinks she is a god.

In an interview for Aleteia, Nigerian Bishop Emmanuel Badejo responded to Hillary Clinton's recent comments about religion when she said: "Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed”

Bishop Badejo stated:

  • My personal opinion of Hillary Clinton is: She is seeking election in America so you can expect that, like most politicians, she will say just about anything to pander to the thoughts of whatever audience she is speaking to.

    So I really think that Hillary Clinton is just speaking for votes, rather than speaking for reason.

    I believe there are three groups of people in this world: those who believe in God, those who do not believe in God, and those who think they are gods. Hillary Clinton I think is one of those who thinks she is a god. And I’m not obliged to believe that.

    From the way she spoke, people like herself very clearly don’t want to hear anything about God. Even if they say they believe in God, they really don’t. It’s evident even in her language: she talks about “deep seated cultural codes”. I feel she’s gotten too wrapped up in technology and has stopped realizing that there are values, there are things that are innate to people, that are not just “codes” that can be taken up and thrown out.