Somewhat a revealing benchmark to show how much the gay lobby is controlling the church is this summary at the end of an article by Peggy Campolo (Tony Campolo's wife) in response to World Visions reversing their decision to hire homosexual staff:
"There is a price to be paid for justice. If I had a billion dollars to give to World Vision
USA annually – would that be enough to free the leaders of this
wonderful organization to do what they originally decided was the just
and right thing for Christians to do? Surely Jesus, who knows better
than we do how it feels to be denied justice, is weeping with all of us
who have been so cruelly disappointed."
So, feeding
the poor and needy is now less of a priority than hiring gay-lesbians
to staff?? If Jesus is not weeping, he surely should be over this.
[SOURCE: Peggy Campolo: Red Letter Christians: "World Vision, like Pilate, Almost Did the Just Thing")