Saturday, March 15, 2014

In order to prove that gay activists are not bigoted against opponents of LGBT equality, gay activists perpetuate an act of bigotry against an opponent of LGBT equality

Carlos Maza (Media Matters) reports "Ezra Klein: "I Could've, And Should've, Handled This Hire A Lot Better." Basically, Klein hired Brandon Ambrosino as a write for his new media venture, Maza reports that Klien came under attack

 "from journalists and LGBT activists."

 Why? Because they dont like some of the things Ambrosino wrote. Of course, Ambrosino, according to Media Matters, Carlo Maza and some "journalists and LGBT activists" write some stuff about gays and gay life that they did not like and Ambrosino has said 

"that gay activists are bigoted against opponents of LGBT equality."

 So, in order to prove that gay activists are not bigoted against opponents of LGBT equality, they perpetuate an act of bigotry against an opponent of LGBT equality and apparently want Ambrosino totally ostracized for anything that has to do with the internet and maybe from planet earth, although they may have not gone that far but, if not, it is the way they are going. The ones who use to complain about people being intolerant are now the ones who have become intolerant.