Monday, December 13, 2021

Christian Nationalist Group in Mississippi is building a Pentagon.


The American family Association, based out of here in Mississippi, is looking to establish a center "like a Pentagon" in order to further efforts of Christian Nationalism. The announcement with a plea for donations (something Wildmon, the founder, has been doing many many many years) Part of the description says "Like the Pentagon in Washington, the Don Wildmon Center will serve as command central as we combat the forces that seek to destroy Christian influence in America and overthrow the founding principles of our republic."

If you look at other parts of the website the "action alerts" are just a litany of far right wing agendas. They "hold to a form of godliness but deny the power thereof." (II Tim 3) (Which is, in essence, a foundation of what "Christian Nationalism" is) Link is Here:

Chris Wallace announced yesterday that after 18 years, today was his last time hosting
. Wallace: "I have decided to leave FOX. I want to try something new."
Wallace was one of the better Fox News anchors....probably the best at holding people accountable then anyone else at Fox right now. Scary now to think who they will dredge up to replace him.

Louisiana resident, Anne Rice, American author of gothic fiction (gothic novel Interview with the Vampire) has died at the age of 80. According to her son, the writer passed away on Saturday due to complications resulting from a stroke.

Rand Paul is on the record saying he does NOT want the government to interfere in his or any other state for any reason.
Rand Paul is now demanding the US government give them all the help they can because of the tornadoes the other night. But, thats kind of the way all the GOP governors act. They talk tough about how they want nothing from the government...but then when Governor Abbott needed help after that electrical black out in Texas he did not turn down the government help....and Governor Ron DeSantis didnt turn down the aid when those buildings collapsed in Florida.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

QAnonsense is appearing to be becoming mainstream.

 QAnon is having a "Awaken America" rally in Dallas today. Two GOP senators from Arizona are part of the political sideshow.

>>QAnonsense is appearing to be coming mainstream. <<this should alarm everyone.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Sad news. Mike Nesmith died yesterday. I always thought he was the most talented of the four Monkees. Great song writer and musician. The only Monkee still alive now is Micky Dolenz.

   Oh no, the Trumpist Christians have decided that various NT prohibitions of “pharmakeia” is a secret code of warning against vaccines.“
There was an increase in search engine searches for "sorceries" which is related to heightened interest in the Greek word pharmakeia, which, according to a Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament means ‘employment of drugs for any purpose; sorcery, magic, enchantment’” Some Christians have brought up the term when claiming that Scripture prophetically warns against the vaccine and vaccine mandates, since it shares a root with the word pharmaceuticals.
     For the record..I dont believe that ANY of that is true. But I am very aware of a host of Bible interpretations that the Right Wing is misusing to push their ideas as being Christian...and it began with Romans 15 at the beginning of the pandemic
The Bible would call that "holding truth in error" and has a bad spiritual end. (See Roman 1 beginning at verse 18)​

Republican candidate Nick Huey has launched a somewhat unorthodox campaign in Utah’s 4th Congressional District. Here is Huey’s list of Republican wrongs that he says need to be righted:
  1. 1. We’ve sacrificed unity at the altar of political gain.
  2. 2. We’ve weakened faith in the election process without solid evidence of fraud. We rushed to deny the veracity of our own loss in the 2020 election, but said nothing about fraud when we won subsequent elections.
  3. 3.We’ve used tools like the debt ceiling as political blackmail to achieve our aims, rather than focus on being a party with compelling solutions.
  4. 4.We’ve vilified you for “out of control spending” when you had power, and then immediately gone on extravagant spending sprees of our own.
  5. 5. We’ve stalled Supreme Court appointments in the name of fairness, and then rushed them forward when it favored us.
  6. 6. We’ve gerrymandered our way to influence, letting politicians choose their voters, instead of respecting that — in a republic — the voters ought to choose who represents them.
  7. 7. We’ve too often used “both sides do it” as an excuse to not hold ourselves and our allies accountable.
  8. 8. We regularly accept campaign money from special interests, then cry “foul” when you do the same.
  9. 9. We’ve been slow to the table in civil rights.
  10. 10. We have voted against increased transparency and allowed leadership to be compromised by special interests and outside money.
  11. 11. We have rejected good ideas, simply because they came from the wrong mouth.
  12. 12. We have left the enormous task of addressing climate change and other issues to you, rather than come to the table with solutions of our own. In fact, our go-to answer to the world’s greatest problems has been to say that Democrats’ solutions are terrible, while half-heartedly advocating for our own.
  13. 13. We’ve used past actions to justify ever worsening behavior, lowering the bar for civil discourse and ethical governance year after year.
  14. 14. We’ve focused more on your weaknesses than your strengths, and more on our strengths than our weaknesses.
  15. 15. We have not been the fiscal conservative partners we’ve promised to be.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

God Bless America...but The GOP Clown Show Continues.

    Newsmax has announced that it is terminating the contract of WH Correspondant Emerald Robinson after she said vaccines contained “luciferase” used to track people. She is replaced by James Rosen, who was fired by Fox in 2017 after being accused by several women of sexual harassment. Once upon a time Newsmax was just another online news website. They've traded in any credibility they had for propaganda. It must pay better.                                                                     Newsmax now has a revolving door of propagandists and other shady personalities....where one goes out and another, sometimes worse, comes in.

     And the Matt Gaetz.Marjorie Taylor Greene sideshow continues: Matt Gaetz says if GOP wins House in 2022, he will move to install Donald Trump as Speaker — and that he, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Paul Gosar will be running the House.

     Found this from an article posted at Wesmont College:
Implying that Americans are blessed by God simply for being Americans cheapens the biblical concept of blessing and often equates it with material prosperity. What about those Christians living and often suffering in other lands? Are we blessed by God and they are not? What about the dirt-poor Pentecostals in Ukraine who in Soviet times suffered because of their faith? Are we blessed by God and they are not? The lyrics of “God Bless America” are not statements of fact. They are, in fact, a prayer. In 1938, that is what Irving Berlin had in mind.

     While studying recently I came across this quote: “Treason is in the air around us everywhere. It goes by the name of patriotism.” -Ambrose Bierce (Civil War era). Reminds me of a quote (attributed to several people) that says "when facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
That kind of conflation I mentioned above could easily set a lot of people up for such a person...and I think it is a large part of what drives the hard core Trumplicans for Trump.

     As followers of Jesus, truth is our currency. Without it, we have nothing. It’s essential to the integrity and believability of the gospel that we are known as truth-tellers, not argument-winners. Christians should have a reputation for being the most truthful people on earth.
     Tip: Don’t share a story just because one of your friends posted it on Facebook. Check out the original source first. Is it reliable? Do other stories on the website seem credible? If a story isn’t widely circulated by conservative and liberal or moderate outlets, its content may be suspect, and by that I mean that the subject will be distributed in both left and right news sources but make an observational spin on it..which is expected.
    The day before yesterday I posted a photo on FaceBook. Though I usually do double check news sources....I did not with that one because I got it from some online individuals who generally have credibility. Well, I was wrong and so were they. As a general rule I do check sources and get to know web sites that are hinged or unhinged with their information. They believed the misinformation we were all duped. No hard feelings.
    We see disinformation agents on various web sites labeling their content as satire knowing well it is likely to be shared without the satire label. Personally I love good satire and try to utilize it whenever I can. My assumption, though, is that I think my general audience knows that. Most things I write on FaceBook is stuff that I will place on this web site....but FB offers an opportunity for me to test the waters on it. (Plus, since I am my own editor, it gives me time to correct all the language and spelling errors before I post it here. I type slower than I think and I will miss a word or change in thought direction, etc)
Truth is no longer dictated by authorities, but is networked by peers. For every fact there is a counterfact, and all these counterfacts and facts look identical online, which is confusing to most people.” -Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired magazine.
     In my world, truth has one authority and He is Sovereign.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Donald Trump admits he obstructed justice on TV

     QAnon conspiracy theorist and self-proclaimed "prophet" Johnny Enlow claims that people are lost in "the fog of war" and therefore can't see the truth, which is that for the last year, Trump has actually been President of the World: "The proof will be forthcoming."

    The publicly traded company that plans to merge with former president Donald Trump’s social media company is under investigation by two federal regulators, which have asked for stock trading information and communications.
But..that's not a surprise...but how long can Trump continue when all he seems to associate himself with are liars and serial criminals?
     Trump: "If I didn’t fire Comey, they were looking to take down the President of the United States… I don’t think I could’ve survived if I didn’t fire him."
On live television Donald Trump admitted to the Federal Crime of Obstruction of Justice.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Anti-vaxxers confuse their "rights" with their egos.

     Former Republican Senator and Presidential candidate Bob Dole died this morning at 98 years old, according to a statement released by his family. I worked for his campaign as a Republican for President in South Dakota in 1988. Interestingly, Pat Robertson won the South Dakota primary that year.

     Anti-vaxxers confuse their "rights" with their egos. The ironic thing is that most of these same folks embrace something they call "being a Christian," when clearly, they have no interest in anything but their rights and themselves.
     COVID has now killed more Americans than did the combat deaths in every single war America has ever fought COMBINED, from both World Wars to the Civil War to Vietnam and Korea right down to the invasion of Grenada (666,441 total combat deaths vs. 787,695 COVID deaths).

Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. ... There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."
     Romans 13 has been a problematic chapter since when it was used to both defend and to not defend the Revolutionary War. Then there's: “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29
"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's..." (Matthew 22) can be a basic statement that claims the things of Caesar and those of God are not the same thing. Then there's the historic problem that "Democracy" has always been an unstable form of government. Any kingdom in the Bible that God established was a Monarchy (with a king)..but allowed one with judges because the people wanted it and purposely rejected God ...and it ended badly. And man without God is not capable of ruling without corruption since man was created in Gods image and was not created to rule as individuals without Him.      Under Trump the rightwing embraced Romans under Biden they have reinterpreted it to allow disobedience to Biden. But it can't be both least not logically. I am in prayer about it for clarity at least for my purposes.

     II Corinthians 4:8-19: We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
CS Lewis had a response to being "hard pressed, persecuted, or perplexed" in his musings about facing destruction by an atom bomb.
"The first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds." (C S Lewis - “On Living in the Atomic Age.” Written in 1948.)

Sunday, December 5, 2021

American Civil War Part II

     The 1st Civil War never ended. Southern white supremacists never surrendered when Robert E Lee did. They've had time to spread their ignorance northward in the last century and a half. They were there in the hayday of the KKK and in the racial strife of the 60s.

Trump & Magas reignited them. They feel empowered right now.

     Massive price cuts are set this week as worries over the Omicron COVID-19 variant sank global prices.
Global oil prices dropped at the close of November, the biggest drop since March 2020, as the Omicron variant spooked the market, Reuters reported.
Gas prices are likely to go down. Of course the right wing will still blame Joe Biden for it going up even though he had nothing to do with. I doubt they'll give him credit for it going down.
      A day before the fatal shooting, a teacher noticed Ethan Crumbley using his cellphone to search for information on firearm ammunition. Jennifer Crumbley did not respond when the school contacted her via voice mail about her son’s “inappropriate” search, McDonald said. Instead, she exchanged a text message with her son that read, “LOL I’m not mad at you. You have to learn not to get caught.”
It is very likely that the parents could have stopped this shooting.
Both parents were summoned to the school by administrators after a teacher found a troubling note in their son’s desk. It contained a drawing of a semiautomatic handgun pointing at the words “The thoughts won’t stop. Help me.” It included a drawing of a bullet with the words “blood everywhere.” There was also a drawing of a bloody figure with two gunshot wounds, McDonald said, and another drawing of a laugh emoji. The parents refused to take the kid home.
Shortly after the parents left the shootings began. Four students aged 14-17 died on scene

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Republic of Florida and Queen of Denial: Marjorie Taylor Greene

 The Michigan fugitive task force has issued a “be on the lookout” for the parents of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley after they failed to surrender yesterday by 4 pm and are now presumed to be on the run evading authorities. The fugitive apprehension squad arrested the parents hours after they went on the run to evade arrest.

     Only question the GOP has about the Omicron Variant is: How can we make it sound socialist?😳
Marjorie Taylor Greene is Queen of Denial.
A quote from MT Greene yesterday: “I have been the most attacked freshman Member of Congress probably in US history. The media has defamed me. They smeared my character. Call me names and labeled me horrible things, none of which I am.”  I see a martyr complex.
 Unlike State Sen. Brice Wiggins, Congressman Steven Palazzo, the six term South Mississippi Republican, has no intention of entertaining the notion of decriminalizing marijuana, saying it will put children in jeopardy. I am pretty sure guns are putting children in far more jeopardy than marijuana

Ron DeSantis now wants to recreate the Florida State Guard, a paramilitary force discontinued in 1947.
The Florida State Guard will report directly to him, no one else.
This is the stuff of dictators. The fascist country called The Republic Of Florida??
The "Militia" and the child and the podium, Reminiscent of past dictators in third world countries
 I keep hearing that their is too much confusing information out there about Covid. I personally do not think there is too much of the accurate information out there. Go to the source CDC or your state health dept. The misinformation problem that I see is that people are confusing cross talk conversations as news. The news media talking heads are NOT experts. When they report what officials say...that is the end of the news. Everything after that is usually cross talk bloviating. If we had the internet and dozens of news choices in 1918..more people would have died and ended terribly....and a lot of people who are alive now would not be because their ancestry would have stopped at 1918 or thereabouts.

Friday, December 3, 2021

The Fascist Republic of Texas

If there ever becomes a Republic of Texas it will be ruled like a fascist dictator would rule, with media control especially prominent.
But, for now, a federal judge in Austin blocked Texas' social media censorship law, which prohibits large social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from censoring users "based on their political viewpoints." The law, known as House Bill 20, was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott on Sept. 9 and set to take effect Thursday.
I cant help but expect the possibility that 2022 is going to be a very dangerous year around November.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Second Amendment and Young Girls

  December 2, 2021:

   Second Amendment is powerful enough in this country now that I dont think it matters how many school children have to die before the far right pays attention. In the Michigan school shooting authorities are looking at charging the parents also.
     I think, when it involves a school or school age kids that the parents should always be charged. I guarantee that after a few parents are charged that theres a lot of adults with kids that will start making sure their kids cant get their guns and teach the will teach them a little common sense.  Granted, that will not stop all shootings..but will slow it down and possibly curb school shootings altogether.
If we continue the trend we have now, there will be another school shooting by January or February. Four school kids aged 14-17 died in the Michigan shooting. The 15 year old shooter had a gun his dad just bought. The kid posted a picture of himself with the gun on Instagram and posted threats online the night before. Social media has been a detrimental force in society in everything from politics, pandemics and shootings and even basic academics on some things.
     There's a new trend on youtube where people who have never heard of older songs, listen and react to them live on video. As a long time music fan and even dealer, I watch them off and on to see how they react to certain songs and how they interpret them. Sometimes they are rather comical, but then again, most of these people are pretty young and havent had a big dose of 60s 70s or 80s music...even a lot of 90s music.
Last night I saw a react to a song by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap called "Young Girl." Now I have heard that song many times on oldies radio and even had the LP once. But I guess I wasnt paying close attention to the lyrics. The song is actually about an adult male who loves an under age girl and knows it is wrong and is asking the "young girl" to "get out of my mind."
I cant imagine someone recording that today without major controversy, but it kind slipped by the morality police in the 60s. I might have just been out of the loop on that one. I did find this article where Puckett addresses the song: Gary Puckett chats about singing ‘Young Girl’ in the age of #metoo