Showing posts with label Ted Cruz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ted Cruz. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ted Cruz Report 08.19.15

With Cruz holding steady in the polls, the stage is just about set for him to emerge as the only "true conservative" in the race with the brains and the chops to match the purity. Although those qualities definitely prevent Cruz from beating Trump or Fiorina in the invisible populist primary, establishment types know full well that Cruz is the only viable candidate who the right's populists and elites can both stomach. --James Poulos

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s mutual admiration is turning into a conservative bromance—one that could have a huge strategic payoff for the Texas senator’s presidential campaign.
Behind the scenes, Cruz has been methodologically developing Trump’s support. The two candidates have met in person at least five times and talk by phone occasionally. And in the future, they may even hold events together.
The two campaigns privately discussed a possible joint event this year in Washington, D.C., and Cruz was invited to join Trump’s infamous trip to the Mexico border, though a scheduling problem prevented him from attending, sources told The Daily Beast. --Tim Mak

When the junior senator from Texas an- nounced that he was running for president last March, I used these pages to write that, "Ted Cruz could win in places like Alabama."
That opinion was based upon Cruz's unapologetic advocacy and defense of the conservative principles of limited government, individual liberty, and free markets, and his sincere desire to see those principles form the foundation for a massive shift in American governance.
Five months into his campaign, however, I feel that my earlier statement must be revised: Ted Cruz "will" win in places like Alabama, and perhaps in even less conservative states. --J Peppers Bryars

“Every baby is a creation of God Almighty, and as Jesus is my savior, every baby has the right to live. Just not here.” --Ted Cruz on anchor babies

A Fox News poll released Sunday showed three of the most anti-establishment candidates in the GOP field on top. Political novices Donald Trump and Ben Carson took the top two spots, with 25 percent support and 12 percent support, respectively. In third place was Ted Cruz, who while a sitting U.S. senator, has successfully marketed himself as an anti-establishment superman by becoming perhaps the most hated man in the Senate among his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. 

Jeb Bush and John Kasich get failing grades on Common Core, while Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are the only Republicans running for president to escape blame on the thorny education issue, according to a new analysis from a conservative think tank. The Hill got an exclusive first look at a report card produced by the American Principles in Action that grades the GOP candidates on how fiercely they oppose Common Core, the set of education standards that were adopted by 46 states five years ago but have since become toxic with the conservative base PDF File of the Report


Monday, August 17, 2015

Phillips: Trump is not only viable, he’s the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.

Excerpt from column written by John Phillips in the Press-Enterprise (California).

  • Under the old rules, the billionaire businessman and TV personality wouldn’t have a chance in hell. He’s never held elected office, has given money to politicians of all ideological persuasions in both parties and has a lengthy history of saying spicy, politically incorrect things.
    Yet Trump is not only viable, he’s the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.

    According to the latest Rasmussen Reports national survey of likely Republican voters, Trump was leading, with 17 percent support. Sen. Marco Rubio and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush are in second place with 10 percent apiece, and businesswoman Carly Fiorina and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker are right behind them at 9 percent each.

    CBS News has Trump on top nationally by 11 points, as does the Bloomberg Politics National Poll.
    When you look at early voting states, Trump is killing it there, too.

    A Public Policy Polling survey of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers found Trump in the lead by 7 points. A Boston Herald/Franklin Pierce University poll of likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters has Trump on top by 5 points. And even in the Sunshine State, the home field of Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, Trump was ahead by 1 point among likely Florida Republican primary voters.
    These numbers aren’t flukes or outliers, they’re real and robust and, if anything, understate Trump’s actual support.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Ted Cruz Report: 08.10.15

In an NBC News post-debate poll released Sunday, Cruz rose to No. 2 among the 17 GOP candidates – an indication, the junior senator from Texas said, that his campaign is resonating with voters.

 "It's been amazing in just over four months, we've had over 225,000 contributions (at the website). It's been from all 50 states, all five territories. Our average contribution has been $68. We have contributors in 48.1 of the ZIP codes in America have one or more contributors to our campaign. The strength of this campaign is that it comes from the grassroots. It comes from the people. That's what this campaign is. I could not be more encouraged."

Ted Cruz Grassroots Rally at Newnan, GA

NBC Overnight Post Debate Polling

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Word Slinger Files Republican Presidential Picks As of Today:

My picks up to now with information I have up to now: : 

1)Ted Cruz -- He's a very smart guy and is underestimated. His knowledge of constitutional law and issues is impressive.

2)Ben Carson - Very smart guy. My pet peeve is this phrase: "he can't win." <<which is a lie that mainstream politicians and media love to preach when they are trying to make people's minds up about who they have already picked.

3)Mike Huckabee -- For Christian convictions

4)Carly Fiorina -- wild card. She's making some waves and good hits against Hillary. I think she could beat Hillary if it came down to it. 

5)Rick Santorum -- for his Christian convictions and not his personality

6)Rand Paul -- Really disliked his debate performance. He seemed to be trying to get a good "one liner" in somehow and failed each it appeared to be more show than substance. I still see him as Ron Paul part 2 and I disliked Part 1

7)Marco Rubio -- he's in the middle of the list . I see good and bad in him. 

8)Scott Walker --- When I saw him at debate I could only picture who would parody him on Saturday Night Live. 

9) John Kasich --didn't know much about him. Liked his first debate answer.

10)Rick Perry -- Hes trying to pull conservative support with establishment people in important places in his campaign 

11)Jeb Bush --- he has been pre-picked by the Republican party . Supports Common Core.

12)Chris Christie --- no no no He's a "bridge" over troubled water...which we would be stuck on

13)Jim Gilmore --who? Maybe if he was David Gilmour and could play "Smoke On the Water." 

14)George Pataki -- He could be a Democrat. His last name is fun to say, though. (Try saying "President Pataki" 5 times very fast. ) 

15)Lindsey Graham -- cant stand pretty much anything he says. he's more show than substance. I still think he's Mitch McConnell's brother. 

I left out two:

Bobby Jindal. Because I hoped he would be #1 and I waited for him to enter the race, but hasn't broke out yet in his campaign and has been under the radar quite a bit.

Donald Trump. he's an anomaly and I am not sure if I like his cause or his affect. If it turns out to be both then he will be an easy #1

Honorable mention:
John Dummett, Jr. He's one of those fringe candidates that no one hears about. He is very critical about both the Republican & Democrat Party.. and considers himself a Constitutional Republican. From his bio:
Dummet rejects the modern notion of the Constitution as a living document, arguing that the founders deliberately made it nearly impossible to alter and that changes made to it since its drafting should be rectified. He is staunchly pro-life, opposed to gay marriage, and believes that all immigrants who come to live in the United States must assimilate to American culture first and foremost.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Ted Cruz Closing Statements at GOP Debate 08.16.15

Some of the best quotes from GOP Debate 08.06.15

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ted Cruz to campaign in MIssissippi next week with Chris McDaniel

Ted Cruz will campaign next week with Chris McDaniel, the insurgent conservative who mounted a high profile but ultimately unsuccessful primary challenge to Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran last year.
Cruz, the Texas senator and GOP presidential candidate, is planning a weeklong swing through the South. While in Mississippi on Tuesday, he’s set to stop in the northern cities of Tupelo and Olive Branch, and McDaniel is expected to accompany him during the trip and ride on Cruz’s campaign bus, Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier confirmed.

SOURCE: Politico


Friday, July 31, 2015

Ted Cruz on the Chad Hasty Radio Show


Monday, July 27, 2015

Despite Des Moines Register Hit Piece, Trump Polls High in Iowa & New Hampshire

Donald Trump is running strong in the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire, according to two new NBC News-Marist polls.

Trump leads the Republican presidential field in New Hampshire, getting support from 21 percent of potential GOP primary voters. He's followed by Jeb Bush at 14 percent, Scott Walker at 12 percent and John Kasich at 7 percent.
Chris Christie and Ben Carson are tied at 6 percent in the Granite State, and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are at 5 percent each.

I n Iowa, Walker and Trump are in the Top 2 - with Walker at 19 percent among potential Republican caucus-goers and Trump at 17 percent. They're followed by Bush at 12 percent, Carson at 8 percent, Mike Huckabee at 7 percent and Rand Paul at 5 percent.

PDF Files of Iowa and New Hampshire Poll:


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Southern Poverty Law Center is Researching Lafayette Shooter So Don't Expect Anything Honest

From Los Angeles Times, quoting the Southern Poverty Law Center: “a picture is emerging online of a man caught up with a number of far right-wing ideas….”


What they will not report is:
  • Houser was an Obama admirer who not only supported Barack Hussein’s reelection, but also compared him to fellow nutjob Timothy McVeigh.
Rule Number One for Liberal Journalism: If it doesn't fit your pre-decided narrative then you can omit it form the report. It's the Golden Rule for the Southern Poverty Law Center.


Ted Cruz: Mitch McConnell is just another Harry Reid

From Friday's Mark Levin Show:

"Now, let me tell you all the amendments Mitch McConnell blocked because he wants to reauthorize this corporate welfare and cronyism. He blocked my amendment to defund Planned Parenthood. In the wake of these gruesome videos, where they appear to admit to multiple felonies, we should be defunding them, and we should defund them this week. He blocked my amendment to repeal the Congressional exception from Obamacare. He doesn’t want a vote on that. It’s another of example of cronyism, [Sen.] Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)  and the Obama administration exempted Congress from the plain language from Obamacare. He blocked amendments to end sanctuary cities, to cut off funding. He blocked my amendment for Kate’s Law, mandatory minimum five years for an illegal alien convicted of illegal re-entry. And he blocked also my amendment saying that no Iranian sanctions can be lifted unless and until Iran recognizes Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, and releases the four American hostages they’re holding.” --Ted Cruz


Thursday, July 2, 2015

As Her Career declines, Katie Couric Tries to Get Another "Gotcha" Moment with Ted Cruz

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ted Cruz Auditions for The Simpsons

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ted Cruz Rejects Donation from "Racist" Group Haley Barbour Embraced

According to Fox News:

  • The Cruz campaign said in a statement obtained by Fox News that it was returning money donated by Earl Holt III, the head of the Council of Conservative Citizens. The donations were first reported by The Guardian.
    "Senator Cruz believes that there is no place for racism in society," the statement read. "Upon learning about Mr. Holt's background and his contributions to the campaign, he immediately instructed that all of those donations be returned." The Guardian and The New York Times reported that Holt's donations to Cruz amounted to $8,500 since 2012, though that amount was not confirmed by the campaign.
    The Guardian also reported that Holt had donated to the campaigns of Sen. Rand Paul and former Sen. Rick Santorum. The paper reports that Holt contributed $1,750 and $1,500 to those campaigns, respectively.
If you remember back in 2010, Former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour was connected to the CCC. However, Barbour did not distance himself form the group, but rather, embraced it:

    Then there’s Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, who recently entered into the GOP racist comment Hall of Fame when during an interview with the Weekly Standard, he remarked about being a teenager during the Civil Rights movement, “I just don’t remember it as being that bad.” I guess he forgot all the blacks who were killed and lynched or maybe if Haley had been black, he would have had a different memory. And his racially insensitive comments continued in response to the reporter’s question of how his hometown of Yazoo City, MS was able to integrate schools, Barbour credited the white Citizens Council. “You heard of the Citizens Councils? Up north they think it was like the KKK. Where I come from it was an organization of town leaders.”
    Organized in 1954 after the Supreme Court decision to end school segregation in Brown vs. Board of Education, the Citizens Council, was a white supremacist group that used economic pressure rather than violence to maintain segregation. There were chapters across the nation.
    Today the group is called the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), which states on it’s website “The CofCC is the only serious nationwide activist group that sticks up for white rights!” Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, the white supremacist group has chapters in Chapter Sites in CA, IL, IN, LA, MS, MO, NC, SC and TN. --Conservative Black Chick Dec 2010

Ted Cruz on Confederate Flag: I think often this issue is used as a wedge to try to divide people

“I understand the passions that this debate evokes on both sides. Both those who see a history of racial oppression and a history of slavery, which is the original sin of our nation, and we fought a bloody civil war to expunge that sin. But I also understand those who want to remember the sacrifices of their ancestors and the traditions of their states, not the racial oppression, but the historical traditions, and I think often this issue is used as a wedge to try to divide people.”  --Ted Cruz 06.20.15 [Washington Post]

Friday, June 5, 2015

Evangelist Careb Galloway: Ted Cruz for U.S. President

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

FULL INTERVIEW: Ted Cruz talks to Kevin Steele about Hillary Clinton's emails, gay marriage & religious liberty.

12 News

Monday, May 25, 2015

Actress Rose McGowan Tweets Disinformation; Also Claims She Owns the Planet

She was in such a hurry to condemn both Ted Cruz & Josh Duggar, she absorbed the first piece of disinformation she could find.

  • TV and movie actress Rose McGowan blundered into a Twitter trap Sunday when she retweeted a phony “quote” from Ted Cruz apparently defending reality TV star and confessed child molester Josh Dugger. And added her own insipid commentary. 
  • The problem for the empty-headed McGowan, of course, is that Cruz never said any such thing. As the myth debunking points out, the Facebook group the alleged quote came from is “Stop The World, The Teabaggers Want Off. [Biz Pac Review]

On a side note, the FaceBook group she took the quote from purposely disseminates misinformation hoping that their  fellow liberals will push the information, apparently knowing that liberals like Rose McGowan are a dime a dozen.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) applauds the passage of the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) applauds the passage of the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) on Thursday after a week of debate and consideration by both parties. Sen. Cruz introduced or cosponsored more than a dozen amendments that were successfully adopted by the committee.

"Congress' first priority is to provide for the national defense and ensure our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have everything they need to defend our freedom," said Sen. Cruz. "I am grateful for the committee's support for my amendments, including measures that will ensure the readiness of our troops, support for our allies, and continued vigilance against our adversaries. This bipartisan legislation reflects the dedication this committee has to our men and women in uniform. I am honored to have worked with my colleagues to achieve the important reforms in this legislation and look forward to its consideration on the Senate floor. There are certainly provisions that I believe can be improved

Monday, May 11, 2015

Wasserman-Schultz: Ted Cruz is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the Republican Party

It’s fitting that Ted Cruz was the first Republican to jump into the presidential race, because he’s been their de facto leader in Congress for the past two years. And he’s the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the Republican Party.” --Debbie Wasserman-Schultz 05.09.15 [Michigan Democratic Party dinner]