Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Florida Democrats hold rally for 2016 but neither Sanders or Clinton show up.

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton was a no-show Saturday. Ditto Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The Florida Democratic Party held a weekend convention to rally supporters for next year's election without the benefit of a presidential candidate actually showing up. Sure, party activists could pose with life-size cardboard cutouts of Clinton and Sanders, but Clinton was in South Carolina on Saturday and Sanders was in New Hampshire — two of the first four states in the nominating process.

While Florida will play a major role in deciding the presidency, it will have far less influence in choosing the Democratic nominee. And Democratic delegates understand that.

"The first four states are the most important, and I don't consider it any slight politically whatsoever," said Mitch Ceasar, a Democratic National Committee member from Broward County. "I had no expectation either of them would be here. My expectations were met."

But University of South Florida political science professor Susan MacManus said it's a mistake for the candidates to skip the event, considering how important Florida will be in the general election. Florida is the largest state in the country that could swing either way in the presidential election. MacManus noted Florida also has some of the party's biggest donors, so Clinton or Sanders are missing out on fundraising opportunities, publicity and winning the favor of Democrats who might eventually volunteer for a campaign in a key state.
SOURCE: Associated Press


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hillary's Damn Emails

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday Read 10.27.15

The holding of a door for another does not promote sexism or patriarchy; it specifies service, virtue (in a minor way), and respect.
The use of proper words does not reveal how uptight a person is, but how much they value another.
In so many ways, we moderns and post-moderns have turned the world of our grandfathers and grandmothers on its head. And, the more we do it, the less we realize we are doing it. Bad is good, evil is interesting, truth is subjective, and beauty only in the eye (or mouth and ear) of the beholder.

Hillary claimed then, as now, that key documents had disappeared. Her more recent claim that many of her e-mails had been deleted was just Hillary 2.0. Only after three years of stalling and stonewalling on her part has the fact finally come out this year that those e-mails could be recovered and now have been.
By this time, however, Hillary and her supporters used the same tactics that the Clintons used back in the 1990s — namely, saying this was old news, stuff that had already been investigated too long, that it was time to "move on."…/102615-777454-hillary-clintons-…

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Bill of Rights Won't be Needed in Heaven

"Thomas Paine said, “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil.” Our Bill of Rights is an explicit recognition of the Founding Fathers’ distrust of Congress. Just look at its language, with phrases such as “Congress shall not abridge,” “shall not infringe,” “shall not deny,” “disparage” and “violate.” If the framers did not believe that Congress would abuse our God-given, or natural, rights, they would not have used such language. If, after we die, we see anything like the Bill of Rights at our next destination, we’ll know that we’re in hell. To demand such protections in heaven would be the same as saying we can’t trust God."  --Walter Williams 10.22.15


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pharmaceutical Companies Charge Insane Prices for Drugs Because they Can

 According to an NBC report:

  • Known as "reverse settlement payments," or "pay-to-delay" deals, the financial arrangements are a unique but common practice in the pharmaceutical industry. Essentially, they allow drug manufacturers in some instances to pay competitors not to manufacture generic versions of their products, thereby ensuring that they maintain patent protection for as long as possible.
 Sounds unethical and that's because it is. To be poor and sick in America is often nightmarish. Greed at the expense of illness and death ranks at the top of the "Unethical" things that people can do list.   But pharmaceutical companies don't operate on ethics...just greed and an endorsement by an American law:

  •  "In most industries, if you paid somebody to stay out of your market or you entered into an agreement to stay out of the market, that's a straightforward antitrust violation," says Lisl Dunlop, a partner and antitrust specialist at the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips law firm. But with drug law, it's far more complicated because of the Hatch-Waxman Act, a landmark food and drug policy legislation signed into law in 1984.
    To lower health care costs for prescription medicines, the bill streamlined the introduction of cheaper generic versions of drugs by removing the requirement that manufacturers of non-branded equivalents conduct their own costly clinical trials. Instead, it required them only to prove that the molecule in the drug is the same as that in the brand-name version.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Former Oxford Mayor Op/ed Endorses Initiative 42; Blames opposers of Initiative 42 for ballot confusion

Richard Howorth, a former mayor of the city of Oxford, Mississippi had an Op/ed posted at the Oxford, Eagle yesterday:

  • Many of you know what I said repeatedly when I once proudly represented Oxford in City Hall – that a community’s success has three primary drivers: the quality of health care, the quality of public safety, and the quality of public education. Likewise, Mississippi on the whole will not succeed unless its communities achieve stability in these three areas.

    Some have said that colleges will suffer if K-12 schools are adequately funded, a reasoning that reduces education to a dog-eat-dog world and degrades all.

    Funding does not guarantee success but lack of funding virtually guarantees failure. We owe it to the almost 500,000 children who go to public school every day across our state — 90 percent of the state’s children — to pass Initiative 42 and give them the resources they need to succeed.

    The ballot has been made to be confusing, many say through the pure chicanery of those who oppose the initiative and have the authority to create the ballot. So, if you want to give Mississippi, Lafayette County, and Oxford a better chance at success, be sure to vote 1) FOR the constitutional amendment, and 2) FOR Initiative 42 – NOT 42A. -

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The #DemocraticDebate the Way I saw it. #DemDebate

Liberal Debate Rule: The winner of tonight's debate will be the one who can promise the most free stuff to the most people. Sanders is the early favorite.

 There was  plenty  of time for Mitch McConnell to get into tonights debate with all the rest of the lefties.

Even before the debate began, CNN declared themselves the winner of the DNC Debate

 "At Dem Debate, Hillary will demonstrate her high level of intelligence by managing to remember, on every issue, the side she's currently on." --Mike Huckabee

A debate, or else there is a pant suit convention in town
 Chafee's claim to fame is "I have had no scandals." But isn't a scandal what qualifies a person to run for president as a Democrat?

Shouldn't Hillary be debating herself? The position she holds today against the one she held yesterday??

 "We're not going to separate you from your baby"- Bernie Sanders. Unless Planned Parenthood does it, then we will pay for it.

So far Sanders is winning for offering the most free stuff to more people

 Instead of blaming Obama, they went  all the way back to George Bush

 "Putin is not feeling too nervous or scared. ‪#‎DemDebate‬" --Donald Trump

 "I wish CNN could have squeezed more commercials into this." --said no one.

 Do black lives matter or do all lives matter? None of them say that all lives matter....Webb finally did but changed the subject real quick to black lives matter.

 If Hillary doesn't want anyone to know what she really thinks on an issue, she just says "It's up to the state."

 Sanders says Climate change is a "moral issue." It's right there in the Bible in that book between Genesis and Exodus.

 Hillary earlier in the debate said she can work with both parties but then toward the end said that she was most proud of making Republicans her enemy. She changed a position so quick lots of people missed it.

Chafee and Sanders plugged their web sites.

 My takeaway from the DNC debate:
Democrats don't have a problem with corruption and will protect each other if they are involved.
Expense for whatever they propose is irrelevant.
5 white people explained how integrated their party is.
Chafee is apparently a real person and is not made up. And he votes for stuff he never read and has personal excuses for it.
Republicans are the enemy.
All of them said the economy is bad, but none of them would blame Obama..but instead went all the way back to Bush

Climate Change is the most important issue Democrats face.
All gun violence is the NRA's fault.
Democrats are mostly clueless about foreign policy, but they have memorized some gratuitous soundbytes to make it sound like they know something.
Hillary wants to be the first woman president. Of course, if she was elected she would really have no choice, would she??

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tennessee Gun Store offers Christians What Obama Will Never Offer: Discount on Guns

CNN reported:
  • If you're in the market for a gun, an east Tennessee store is offering a deal especially if you're a Christian.The owner of Frontier Firearms says a mass shooting in Oregon prompted the sale.
    Brant Williams, the owner, said that "If Christians are going to be targeted, we need to protect ourselves, and the best way to protect yourself is with the best weapon available, and that happens to be a hand gun."
    Last week after the tragic shootings in Oregon, Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey encouraged Christians who are serious about their faith to think about getting a handgun carry permit.
    More at WLOX

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hope in DC? Glenn Beck Interviews Arthur Brooks and Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse


Friday, October 2, 2015

Random Observations 10.02.15 #wordslingerfiles

According to the Chicago Tribune, 96 people have been shot in Chicago in the last week (since Sept 25). That's almost 16 per day. Chicago has very strict gun control laws.

Army Vet Chris Mintz tried to stop the shooter but got himself shot seven times. Mintz knew he was in a "gun-free" zone and obeyed the school's policy.

In the 12-minute Speech on Oregon Shooting yesterday, Obama Referred to Himself 28 Times.

After destroying Chicago public schools, and then working at destroying the nations schools with programs like Common Core, Arne Duncan is resigning. Obama quickly named a replacement, John King, who has spent time destroying schools in New York City with the same agenda but even more aggressively.

The good news so far is that Obama has not said "if you like your gun you can keep it,"

LA Times reporting that Oregon shooter did not like black people. Suggestion for NAACP to call for a ban of:
The Oregon flag, body armor, and I'm throwing in pancakes because he might have had pancakes for breakfast

For the record. though Oregon has a concealed carry law, the campus was still a gun-free zone. The media seems to be pushing the concealed carry narrative. In Oregon, the right to bear arms is protected by Article 1, Section 27 of the Oregon Constitution.

Three websites that are usually good to use as a way to verify news stories: Raw Story, Crooks & Liars, and PoliticusUSA.
By "verify" I mean that whatever they report as "news" means that what really happened is usually the opposite of what they report..

Wolf Blitzer claims he has never seen Obama so angry, emotional and "shaken up." Wolf needs to get out more. .

Shorter Obama: It's the nations fault (except for him because he told us just a few months ago)

A "gun safety law" = "ban" in Obamanese.

Obama is about to get on TV and tell the nation tell how outraged he is at what happened in Oregon. The details are still under investigation, but of course, not having facts has not ever stopped Obama from sharing his opinion before. The two words he will likely use most are: "i" and "guns"

 But the Oregon campus was a "gun free zone." ......

 The fact that Mars seems pretty desolate and NASA has discovered what appears to be some sort of liquid that they cannot even get to proves one thing about the planet: At one time it must of been a planet run by nothing but liberals.

 We are now begging the Russians to negotiate with us ... so they don't shoot down our own airplanes. The biggest humiliation of all is that the Russians today said they are the only air force flying legitimately over Syria, because they have the permission and request of the legitimate Syrian government, and we are violating international law with our missions over ISIS. ---Charles Krauthammer

 Cecile Richards and Hillary Clinton should book a cell together in know...before any more Democrats get indicted.


International Association of Firefighters Union Abandons Plans to Endorse Clinton For President

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Initiative 42's Liberal Hillary Clinton Connection via Burns Strider

Burns Strider (born January 3, 1966), a native of Grenada, Mississippi is a political, non-profit, and government relations consultant in Washington, DC. 

He was Senior Advisor and Director of Faith and Values Outreach to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. (Well, you know, because it's Hillary Clinton and she doesn't know anything about "faith" or Christianity until she consults an adviser). Strider is a co-founder and principal at The Eleison Group; co-founder and President of the American Values Network; and Vice President of American Bridge 21st Century and Senior Advisor to Correct the Record.

Last May, an article by Strider was published at the Huffington Post which is dedicated to pushing the agenda of Inititiave 42. 
He says:

  •  Initiative 42 was placed on the ballot by nearly 200,000 Mississippians from members of both political parties in every county who signed petitions saying "enough," it's time to fix this longtime malady, it's time to teach and prepare our children. Initiative 42, if passed, would hold Mississippi's legislators to their word by following the letter of a law they passed in 1997 promising to fully fund the schools.
    Initiative 42, as a native Mississippian, matters to me. It should matter to us all. I'm glad it matters to more than 60% of my fellow Mississippians who have said they want the public schools funded.
    Initiative 42 matters to a group of dedicated and hard working Mississippians who have raised more than $2 million and organized as 42 for Better Schools to pass this important initiative. 
What Strider fails to mention is that the initiative allows a judge to enforce financial budgets...which is great for the schools to grow a budget and just get a judge to enforce it.  And if you follow school districts, you know that they tend to raise their income needs quite frequently. The problem is that money that is needed, and than demanded by a judge, will likely have to come from taxes--or, rather, raising taxes and/or state fees. It would also require a change to the state Constitution. Which then could set a precedent for Do you want a judge deciding what is best for your kids??

The rest of Strider's article is here

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Republicans MUST address the rising cost of medication among all the "health care" language rhetoric

Not that I'm pushing Bernie Sanders, but I will say he is addressing an issue with health care that is more important than many of the others and that is the price of prescription drugs. As the Washington Post's Amber Phillips noted " Republicans, by contrast, have largely been silent.."

  •  Sure, GOP presidential candidates, such as Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, have presented alternatives to the 2010 health-care reform law, but for whatever reason, these proposals haven't gained much traction. (Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), who dropped out of the race Monday, also had an alternative.) Jumping into the prescription drug debate could help elevate those candidates' plans, because prescription drug prices is one of the few health-care issues where Americans agree that the status quo needs to change. In fact, 76 percent of Americans said dealing with prescription drug prices should be Washington's No. 1 health-care priority, according to an April poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Hillary Clinton:
  •  “It is time to deal with skyrocketing out of pocket costs and runaway prescription drug prices that are going up last year by 12 percent. I mean, it’s disgraceful," said Clinton in Little Rock, Arkansas on Monday. And on Tuesday night, Clinton had more strong comments on the matter: “It has gotten to the point where people are being asked to pay not just hundreds but thousands of dollars for a single pill...That is not the way the market is supposed to work. That is bad actors making a fortune off of people’s misfortune.”
According to The Hill:

  • Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have also been working across the aisle to draw attention to high drug prices. Last year, the pair asked Gilead Sciences to justify the price of its new hepatitis cure called Sovaldi. The drug has become a symbol of high drug prices, with its $84,000 price tag for a 12-week treatment. 

We just don't know WHAT they did.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Random Observations 09.22.15

During an interview on Face the Nation on Sunday, John Dickerson asked Hillary Clinton to describe herself in three words

She responded:
“I mean, look, I am a real person, with all the pluses and minuses that go along with being that and have been in the public eye for so long that I think — you know, it’s like the feature that you see in some magazines sometimes: Real people actually go shopping, you know?”

 Susan Rice will be on Face The Nation next Sunday to blame the other 50 words on a video.
 Socialists see the glass as being half theirs.

 "I think Brian Williams easily won both GOP debates." -Brian Williams [now at MSNBC]

 Obama, a transvestite, and the Pope walk into the White House.....and we'll find out how that turns outs after tomorrow.  DC is taking a lot of safety precautions for the Pope's visit. But, the Vatican couldn't protect the Pope from the Obama agenda. Though the Vatican asked them not to, Obama has invited several LGBT and transgender activists to the White House to "meet" Pope Francis.

As Frankenstein read his news feed this morning, a headline reminded him of his childhood.

From the More Proof Evolution is False File:
If evolution was true, people who live in Chicago would be bullet proof by now.

 “I don’t need to be lectured by Ted Cruz or anybody else about conservatism." --Trent Lott [why the establishment Republicans will never get it)

 By applying MSNBC;s standards they set for themselves over the last 7 years, by going after Ben Carson they must be racist

 Left wing media didn't want Donald Trump to respond to Muslim question issue. They wanted Trump to say the media was right & he is wrong. CNN anchors seem a bit deflated that he didn't respond the way they wanted. MSNBC is running documentaries from 8 years ago so I guess their rage will have to wait til Monday.

 I have to agree 100% with Donald Trump on the Muslim question issue. He has no obligation to defend Obama. McCain used to apologize for things people said about Obama all the time in 2008 and look where it got him.

 News just reported that Obama and Raul Castro talked on the phone today. They supposedly discussed their differences, which means it was probably a very short phone call.

 Last week the liberals wanted Donald Trump to shut up; Now they're complaining because he is not saying anything.

 The first Democrat debate will also be held at a library. Presuming, of course, that Leavenworth Federal Prison has a library.

 80% of MSNBC viewers think Trump should correct anyone who says Obama is a Muslim. I'm just curious how they got 80% out 4 people.

 All these media outlets claiming who won the debate don't get it. The VOTERS decide who won the debate on election day.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hillary Clinton Said she is a Real Person. Momentarily Pigs Flew Through a Frozen Hell

...then I woke up  and  realized neither statement was true.


Friday, September 18, 2015

Christian Anti-Defamation Commission: Why Obama Is Not A Christian


Thursday, September 17, 2015

New Hillary Clinton Ad Cherry Picks Pieces of GOP Debate & is Bothered They Talked About Her

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Liberty and the so-called “culture war”

Excerpt from an article by W Robert Godfrey:

There need be no “culture war.” Secular and religious forces have labored together since John Witherspoon and Thomas Jefferson collaborated in the founding of our Republic. The honest difference between a secular and a religious point of view need not be either a contest or a “war.” Unlike the theocracies of Islam or the Christian Middle Ages, and unlike the state-enforced secularism of contemporary republics such as France (where Muslims are not permitted to wear the hijab to school), our Republic chose a middle ground. In our Republic, religion is permitted and protected by the government (unlike secularist France), but not promoted by the government (unlike Islam or medieval Catholicism).

What’s in a word?

In warfare, things that would be intolerable in civil society are tolerated, such as killing other human beings, an act that would ordinarily be deemed somewhat uncivil. The language of “war,” therefore, tends towards total war and a lack of restraint. If a person becomes persuaded, whether by a secular or a religious fear-mongerer, that “our very civilization is at stake,” then all ordinary restraints and civilities are easily put aside for the sake of the great cause of winning the war and preserving the civilization. Ironically, civility is then sacrificed to civilization.

Why we cannot (and should not) win a culture war

Christians cannot win a culture war for two reasons: First, if we gained a majority and imposed our will on others by means of the coercive power of the sword, we would not have won; we would have lost. We would have lost the remote possibility that others would offer obedience to God sincerely from the heart. If an individual behaves externally according to certain Christian principles only to evade going to jail or being fined, he has not been “converted.” He is still lost, still estranged from God, and the culture has been lost with him.

Second, by embracing coercion as our tool of influence, we reject the two tools by which progress might genuinely be made: moral suasion and example (“that they may see your good works…”). That is, we only resort to coercion when we have already failed by moral suasion and example. When we embrace coercion, we embrace the very tool the apostles refused to employ (The weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, 2 Cor. 10:4). We thereby concede not that we might lose the so-called culture war, but that we already have lost it. Far from converting others, they have converted us; they have converted us to using their totalitarianism, their coercion, and their disregard for conscientious faith or obedience.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

President Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry warns of the possible “Side Effects” that may result from the absurd agreement.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

On That Iran Deal? Hillary Helped

"Though President Obama deserves ultimate responsibility for the string of concessions that ultimately convinced Iran that it could sign a deal with the U.S. while retaining its nuclear option, it was Clinton who first steered the nation down that path. Though her zeal for a deal may not have equaled Kerry, his appeasement-oriented diplomacy built on the concessions that Clinton began. It was her aide Jake Sullivan who did much of the negotiating with Iran both during her time and state and later after Kerry replaced her. Even if she now wishes to hedge her bets on the deal, it’s obvious that she deserves a considerable share of the blame for a negotiating strategy shift that made getting a deal the priority rather than stopping Iran’s nuclear program."  --Jonathan Tobin 09.09.15 [Commentary]
