Sunday, January 2, 2022

Maga in a nutshell


 Donald Trump  brought Christian Nationalism out of the shadows. It's not Christian but it has  some of the trappings and decorum. They use the Bible...but selectively reinterpret it to meet their need (as many cults do).  Many people in it think it is its a real draw for the uneducated to believe "Truth" is relative.  For them its like being in a cult but not knowing they are in a cult. It's what is behind the fanatical dogma of Trumpvangelicalism. QAnon and other various conspiracy theories are an inevitable mix of emotion and a watered down theology. "Faith" becomes relative and emotion driven. The emergence with white nationalists is likely more about power than practicality but it brings to light the unresolved issues in the South which were never resolved at Appomattox. I think if a Civil War Part II is going to happen it will be around November 2022. It would not be a Civil War II..but a continuance of the one in the 1860s.