Monday, November 2, 2015

Neshoba Democrat: Initiative 42 is about as grassroots as the Communist Party.

From FaceBook:

EDITORIAL/Good people frustrated with their inability to sway legislators in our democratic process have decided the courts know best, which is contrary to our form of government established under our U.S. Constitution.
The plain language of Initiative 42 ultimately vests authority to decide what is "adequate" and "efficient" with the chancery courts. (Click below and read the plain language with additions and deletions to our state Constitution as proposed by 42.)
K-12 funding has increased $288 million since Republicans took control of the Legislature in 2011, so you have to be careful about whom to believe. Initiative 42 is about as grassroots as the Communist Party. Top Democrats organized several years ago and set up a propaganda mill.
We wholeheartedly support better funding of our schools, but not through this process. With only about half of the $2.52 billion in taxpayer monies allocated annually for K-12 getting to Mississippi classrooms, we ought to be debating education reform vigorously before simply appropriating more money by court order.
