Saturday, August 29, 2015

The media (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc) only report what it's bosses or Obama approve

Both Paula Zahn and Alisyn Camerota were Fox News Network news readers, commentators, hosts, co-hosts, anchors, whatever – both delivering their commentary with a distinctly conservative flavor.

When they moved to CNN, however (Zahn in 2001; Camerota in 2014), their commentary magically became unmistakably liberal.

But it wasn't magic at all. Both women worked for the big business of American media, with bosses who issue directives and, in essence, tell them what to say – not the exact phrasing, but certainly the slant. That's how business works...the boss calls the shots and the employees either comply or get booted.

And if you think that the bosses have the final say, think again. The major outlets – both print and electronic – take a lot of their marching orders from the White House. That's right, and while the government-controlled press/TV/radio didn't begin with Mr. Obama, his regime has certainly taken it to unprecedented heights. As just one example, have we heard about one single civilian casualty in the thousand of drone strikes Mr. Obama has ordered over the past almost-seven years in the Middle East? Even one? I rest my case
.  --Joan Swirskey 08.28.15 [Renew America]