Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Baltimore Mayor Rawlins-Blake Throws her own police department under the bus.

There's no loyalties from a  Democrat trying to dodge responsibilities:.
  • Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake asked the Justice Department on Wednesday to conduct a full-scale civil rights investigation into the pattern and practices of the Baltimore Police Department — a probe that would examine excessive force, discriminatory harassment, false arrests, and unlawful stops, searches or arrests.
    "We all know that Baltimore continues to have a fractured relationship between the police and the community," Rawlings-Blake said. "I'm willing to do what it takes to reform my department." [Baltimore Sun]
No, actually if she was willing she would have done it before this happened. Now that the DOJ came and breathed down her neck..and following a long line of liberal lunacy perpetrated by the mayor, she is still seeking to deflect the blame for everything from herself...and doesn't care who she throws under the bus.