Abortion is the bloody sacrament right at the center of secularism’s cathedral.
Douglas Wilson from the "Blog & Mablog;"
- In the aftermath of these videos, what we have in this cultural
opportunity is a moment of clarity, a clarity which is a gracious gift
of God. We are being forced to confront what we have been doing, and we
are being given the gracious opportunity to “speak the same” thing about
it that God does. We may take that opportunity or we may harden
ourselves further. The moment in which we must do one or the other is
The reason there is still resistance is two-fold. First, confession
is always humbling. In other words, it is not just the pride of Planned
Parenthood that must come down, a sin committed by “them.” A great deal
of sin within the church must be confessed as well. Millions of people
are involved, professing Christians and unbelievers both, and in order
to deal with it we must call it by its proper name. We need to confess
our sin, and this is always humbling. But when we confess our
sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from
all unrighteousness.
The second reason takes us into the politics of it. The reason there
is such resistance, even with these revelations, is that abortion is the
bloody sacrament right at the center of secularism’s cathedral. It is
their high altar. We are not proposing, for example, to knock a few
gargoyles off their cathedral. We are requiring that their high altar
come down. We want to raze the whole thing. We want to imitate Josiah at
Beth-el; we want to break it down, burn the high place, grind the whole
thing to powder, and then burn the grove (2 Kings 23:15).