Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Sunday, February 7, 2021

EmpTy Greene: Poster Child for Christian Nationalism

 I saw most of Marjorie Taylor Greene's press conference. She could very well be the next Trump-swamp queen. Trump never knew much about Christianity so he didnt use the language. Greene appears to know something about it.

MTG spouted all kind of Christianese while at the same time demonizing everyone and everything that did not think like she does. 

The Book of Jeremiah came to mind after contemplation on her speech. 

“From the least to the greatest,
all are greedy for gain;
prophets and priests alike,
all practice deceit.
They dress the wound of my people
as though it were not serious.
‘Peace, peace,’ they say,
when there is no peace.” (Jer 8).

The tongue is a powerful force and when you break it down most of politics is about using and confronting that force. Today she claimed "peace" while, at the same time in the same press conference pushed back against Democrats & socialism and even the press because she didnt like being asked certain questions and pushing her red herring world views.

She is now playing the victim card after she was removed from committees and lashed out against all the Democrats and the 11 Republicans who voted to have her removed.

She may be the new Poster Child for Christian Nationalism

Friday, January 29, 2021

Constitution is becoming a just prop for most of the GOP


๐Ÿ‘‰I think it's pretty clear now that the Constitution is becoming a prop for most of the GOP. Whenever they lay claim on it they use it in a way to defend their actions regardless of how ethical it is. The very bad thing about that is that they have no foundation for their actions. They become rudderless but with leadership authorities.
๐Ÿ‘‰They did not get here overnight. It's been progressing over the years until now here we are. Trump exemplifies everything that is wrong with American politics.......and the really sad thing is that he may not be THE problem as much as he is just a symptom or a result of the problem.๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
๐Ÿ‘‰Freedom of the Press is a foundation of freedom because it was established to keep Government honest. The GOP has avoided that check by only seeking out the press that shares their rudderless views. They seek only yes-men to affirm whatever whim the wind blew into their head on any given day. Turn on Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity and the best of the worst of the GOP will likely be there getting their egos stroked.
๐Ÿ‘‰Ive thought many times over the last few months that things are so nutty that you just think some adult should step in and set them straight. BUT, they dont have one. The have no accountability. .....not even to their own constituents (unless they are also yes-men....but, of course, that is not accountability.. it's more like subordinate partners in crime).
๐Ÿ‘‰Personally I cannot see this ending well short of divine intervention.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Maga, Trumpvangelicals and Conspiracy Theories

 ๐Ÿ‘‰For awhile now I have been looking at a never ending supply of conspiracy theories and trying to figure out how and why it seemed like almost every Maga was entrenched in them. For a longer time I pondered why Trump evangelicals even exist and support such a corrupt individual.

๐Ÿ‘‰I read a recent article by Ben Sasse in The Atlantic and it started to click with me. ▶️Sasse wrote: "For generations, most Americans understood themselves as children of a loving God, and all had a role to play in loving their neighbors. But today, many Americans have no role in any common story. Conspiracy theories are a substitute. Support Donald Trump and you are not merely participating in a mundane political process—that’s boring. Rather, you are waging war on a global sex-trafficking conspiracy! No one should be surprised that QAnon has found a partner in the empty, hypocritical, made-for-TV deviant strain of evangelicalism that runs on dopey apocalypse-mongering."◀️ ๐Ÿ‘‰I believe its a fruit of spiritual warfare....but not good fruit: People who claim Jesus is Lord while peddling conspiracies and winking at the morally bankrupt actions of a leader with no moral compass. Christians have a foundation that is found in two important pieces:
#️⃣1) To love the Lord they God with they heart, mind and soul and 2) to love your neighbor as your self. #️
Step away from that foundation and, in essence, a vacuum is created in the heart and soul of a Christian which is allowed to be filled by lies, since God is truth (John 14:6) and also the way and the life. ๐Ÿ‘‰Hence, TrumpVangelicals arent really searching for truth...but are searching for an answer. Searching for "an answer" is easy. "Answers" can be a dime a dozen. If you aim at nothing you will never miss. Searching for "the truth" requires knowledge of what truth is or wisdom. Proverbs 9:10 states ▶️"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."◀️ ๐Ÿ‘‰They hang on to their "religious" trappings because they have believed they are important and use them to justify the lies they are accepting. They create a sense of security. ๐Ÿ‘‰As Rev 23:11 declares as the world moves closer to the end of time ▶️"Let the one who is doing harm continue to do harm; let the one who is vile continue to be vile; let the one who is righteous continue to live righteously; let the one who is holy continue to be holy.” ◀️The bad thing about that is that if we are in this place in the worlds timeline that it will not get better but worse. So now is the time to seek Gods grace for ourselves and our nation. Granted it has always been that time to seek Gods grace for America..but it may be getting even more important than before.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Pro Trump Prophecies Were Wrong in 2016 Also.

 ๐Ÿ‘‰There are a LOT of "Christians" out there who have made prophecies they said were from God that Trump was going to win in 2020. They said God spoke to them or gave them a dream. They were wrong. I remember seeing those in 2016 and thinking that was just crazy.

๐Ÿ‘‰But, they were WRONG in 2016 also. They had a 50/50 chance of getting it right and they got lucky. I have no reason to believe these self-proclaimed "prophets" were right in 2016 any more than they were right this year. The undiscerning Christian fell for them both times and not because they were true but because they wanted it to be true. There is no Biblical reason that God would have made such a prophesy then or now. There were more self proclaimed "prophets" this time around because many were emboldened by the first round. Social media enhanced that as many people put them out there for "likes" or "follows." The devotion to Trump by evangelicals who considered him a "Chosen" leader exposed their hearts.

๐Ÿ‘‰The foundation for the Christian is to love the lord thy God will all thy heart and to love thy neighbor as yourself...and from that comes the fruit of our lives and the power that molds and keeps our souls from now and into eternity.

๐Ÿ‘‰There are verses also that say if you continue to love a lie more than the truth..that God will release you to that lie and the end is not good.
"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.(II Thess 2:10-12).

๐Ÿ‘‰ Very simply and boldly, if you are not seeking the truth...then you are following a lie.

๐Ÿ‘‰There have been some of these prophets who have recognized their major error and offered public apologies. I just hope - for their souls - they offer repentance to God. False prophecy is not something God has ever winked at. (read the entire chapter 23 of Jeremiah some time. Its not pretty.)

๐Ÿ‘‰Jeremiah 23: 25-26: I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;

Sunday, January 10, 2021

"Christian Nationalism" is not of God. Nor is it Real Christianity in Action.

 ๐Ÿ‘‰God has and is using Trump to expose the stupidity and evil hearts of those who call Him Lord. "Christian Nationalism" is not of God. God demands devotion to love Him with all your heart your mind and your soul. Then to love your neighbor as yourself (even if you disagree with your neighbor).

๐Ÿ‘‰The kingdom of God focuses on the advancement of the gospel. Nationalism focuses on the advancement of the politics of the nation. Politics and economics are vital and, to an extent, can represent biblical ethics. But Jesus made it clear that being committed to making disciples and seeing humanity change was more important, and a change that would be real and lasting.

๐Ÿ‘‰It is also possible for a committed Christian to be a faithful witness for Jesus while serving in public life as an elected official. But anything that potentially distracts my energy and focus away from advancing the Gospel should take a backseat in my personal life and ministry.

1️⃣The kingdom of God produces loyalty to Christ above all else. Nationalism produces loyalty to the nation above all else.

2️⃣The kingdom of God produces martyrs for the cause of Christ. Nationalism produces citizens who are willing to die for their nation based simply on a political ideology.

3️⃣The kingdom of God raises the banner of Jesus above all else. Nationalism raises the national flag above all else...or based on what we saw this week, the Trump flag and even, more sadly, the Confederate flag.

4️⃣The kingdom of God promotes the interests of God above the world. Nationalism promotes the interests of the nation above the kingdom.

๐Ÿ‘‰Christian Nationalism is a very dangerous dogma. When you think God is on your side and your politics is from see yourself as the smartest and the strongest person in the room. It is a dangerous faux humility.

▶️“His soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence” (Psalm 11:5). Solomon instructed us, “Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways” (Proverbs 3:31).◀️

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Lin Wood: Agent From Trumpville

 "I might actually be Christ coming back for a second time in the form of an imperfect man, elevating Christ consciousness." - Lin Wood

๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณThis dangerous delusion is what is driving Lin Wood. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Epstein is probably hanging out on JFK Jr's couch with Elvis:

Lin Wood is making Sidney Powell & Rudy Giuliani look like the sane ones.๐Ÿ˜ณ

Trump attorney, Lin Wood, is now attacking the character of members of SCOTUS. Clearly a Trump tactic. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

In the last days of Donald Trump the courts are being used as drop boxes to air conspiracy theories and political attacks.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

"Vote Trump" Mississippi: Where Childish Graffitti Becomes News

"Vote Trump" was painted on the remaining walls of a church which was burned in Greenville, Mississippi.
Obviously, if it were a real pro-Trump group they wouldn't have bothered leaving a graffiti calling-card.  That won't keep the media nuts who act as a pro-Hillary PAC from trying to twist it some way....but smart people are learning to ignore them.

This was a predominantly black church and this is Mississippi.  People who want to agitate LOVE to draw some kind of connection to the modern world and 1960s-Mississippi. (Including many dominant Mississippi columnists and editors).
   I hope they find the culprits because I would be interested in know how connected they are to pro-Hillary or just pure racist, race baiters...or all three.

It wasn't that long ago that some graffiti was pained on an abortion clinic in Jackson. "Graffiti" is news in Mississippi, apparently.

Monday, August 1, 2016

MSGOP Continues to Push "Just not Democrat" as an ideology @MSGOP @joenosef

In an email, MSGOP chairman Joe Nosef stated:

  • It’s official. Hillary Clinton is one step closer to the White House — the last place she belongs.
    Clinton’s big moment on Thursday night showed that she is a political chameleon who has perfected the art of politics for personal gain. Her negligent speech ironically failed to mention her real record: her email scandal, the uproar over her foundation donors, Benghazi, and the rise of ISIS under her watch, all which reinforce that Hillary Clinton is a security risk our country simply cannot afford. This kind of unethical involvement is only a sneak peak of what we can expect if she becomes president, but with your help, we can stop her. 
    The Mississippi Republican Party is determined to stand strong against the Democrats and their rigged system. We can stop Hillary from continuing the liberal Obama legacy, but we need your help.
    Donald Trump’s path to the White House goes through Mississippi. He is working hard to ensure that Hillary doesn’t hold the keys to the White House…again
Did you catch it?

  •  The Mississippi Republican Party is determined to stand strong against the Democrats and their rigged system.
The MSGOP remains simply to promote anything that's "Hillary." No values...just not Hillary. It's all they have left to focus on. But, then again, they represent what the RNC has become: a populist ideology with fluid convictions.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Want a Better Election Process? Stop with the Polling

Written originally in 1972 by New York Times editorial board member William V Shannon, (who died in 1988) I have change a few of the words to make it contemporary. 

Remember, this was written in 1972, and polls have become so much more intrusive since then.  

The season of the pollsters is again upon us. journalists and academics share responsibility with Real Clear Politics, Fox News, CNN and their competitor for turning political discourse into a guessing game--who's ahead?--rather than a debate on the substantive issues.

Even if the polls were unfailingly accurate in their predict5ions, their  influence deforms the democratic dialogue. They encourage politicians to make practical calculations when they ought to be examining their convictions. When a nation sets out to choose a President, it should be encouraged to consider the possible alternative of public policy. Instead, and increasingly, American voters are having their pulse rate counted.

Let us have an end to all this nervous study of entrails and attempts to measure where the Trump vote might go or where the Democrats might go or whether the Democrats can close that three-point gap in Ohio or wherever. Society is not a closed laboratory, and free citizens do not lend themselves readily to experiments modeled on "objective" science. As another Presidential campaign warms up, It is time to set aside the scientific soothsayers and recall what politics is really all about.

 He writes: "Society is not a closed laboratory, and free citizens do not lend themselves readily to experiments modeled on "objective" science."  --or do they??


Monday, June 20, 2016

Random Observations and Word Slinging 06.20.16

"Freedom means that if you are a professor, you don't have to alter science or history as a bureaucrat prescribes; if you own a newspaper, you don't have to limit your editorial opinions to what an official censor approves; if you think your taxes are too high, you can vote against those officials you think responsible.
And there is no limitation upon your inherent right to criticize anybody, anywhere, at any time
." --Wendell Wilkie

 If you aim for nothing you're likely to hit it

A man told the faith healer he needed prayer for his hearing. The faith healer grabbed both sides of the man’s head and started speaking in unknown tongues and pushing against the man’s ears as if he was pushing a demon through one ear & out of the other. After about 3 minutes of this, the faith healer said, “How’s your hearing now, young man?” The man looked up and humbly said, “My hearing is next Tuesday…….

 "Let's be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed" --Mark Twain

 "The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor" --Hubert Humphrey

 If you have brag to about having true humility you are probably lying to yourself

 "Both the hummingbird and the vulture fly over our nation's deserts.
All vultures see is rotting meat, because that is what they look for. They thrive on that diet..
But hummingbirds ignore the smelly flesh of dead animals. Instead, they look for the colorful blossoms of desert plants.
The vultures live on what was. They live on the past. They fill themselves with what is dead and gone.
But hummingbirds live in what is. They seek new life. They fill themselves with freshnes
s and life.
Each bird finds what it is looking for. We all do"
--Steve Goodier.

 6 major sponsors for the RNC Convention have pulled out becuz of Donald Trump. Bloomberg confirmed Wells Fargo & Co., United Parcel Service Inc., Motorola Solutions Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Ford Motor Co., and Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. will all be pulling their funds for next month’s gathering at Quicken Loans Arena.
-The GOP is officially on the road to self destruction/

 "Government is words. Thoughts are reduced to paper for speeches that become policy. Poetry has everything to do with speeches--cadence, rhythm, imagery, sweep, a knowledge that words are magic, that words, like children, have the power to make dance the dullest beanbag of a heart" --Peggy Noonan

 "I've seen better writing on the side of a Cheerios box." --My review of Donald Trump's "Art of the Deal"

There is a recurring theme in contemporary movies that our industrial giants are dominated by greed, power-lust and malice. Captains of industry portrayed in Hollywood films are almost uniformly loathsome.
Such hatred can only be explained by the Freudian principle of projection. What segment of the business community is the least ethical, the most willing to put financial consideration ahead of public welfare? The entertainment industry, of course, which corrupts the minds of our children and encourages violence and sexual irresponsibility--all in the pursuit of profits. A recent survey indicates that the number of R-rated movies shown in America is at an all-time high.
Hollywood's paranoia about corporate America is a reflection of Hollywood's own guilty conscience. --Don Feder (Boston Herald)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Paranoia at Church in Columbus, Mississippi

Are Backpacks soon to be illegal?
A Columbus man remained in custody this morning after authorities say he brought a handgun into a church this weekend.

  •  The incident occurred at Shiloh Full Gospel Church. The man -- who authorities declined to identify -- brought a backpack with the handgun inside of it into the 19th Street South church on Sunday, according to Joe Dillon, public information officer with the city. 

    The gun was never removed from the backpack. No one was injured. No one was threatened, according to Dillon. 

    Rev. Freddie Edwards Sr. told The Dispatch this morning the man and his family are longtime, respected members of the church. 

    Edwards said that shortly after Sunday's 10 a.m. service began, the church's security team noticed the man sitting in a pew with the backpack beside him. The security team inspected the bag and discovered the handgun inside. The security team took the handgun from the man. More at:.

Not quite understanding why a backpack in church is considered suspicious and "The gun was never removed from the backpack. No one was injured. No one was threatened." Are we becoming paranoid??. Paranoia is a rather ungodly fear.  


Friday, April 1, 2016

Will Hollywood Keeps It's Nose Out of Mississippi's Business?

In light of the passing of the Religious Freedom Bill (Yet to be signed by Gov Bryant), there's reasons why they may not since they don't have much of a hold on Mississippi anyway. Does that mean they won't become elitist busy-bodies? Probably not. When it comes to elitist arrogance they are generally swift to get involved in things that aren't any of their business. I suspect there will be Hollywood people saying the state should be boycotted even if they had no plans to do anything here anyway. Hollywood extortion should be ignored anyway. When states give in to their bloviating nonsense about a state they probably never went to in their life, giving into them only increases their arrogance.

A couple observations from a couple sources:

  • The Wrap: No major studio has come forward to specifically denounce the Mississippi bill or to call for a veto from Gov. Phil Bryant, a Republican. Reps for Warner Bros., Sony Pictures and Universal, members of the Motion Picture Association of America, cited a standing commitment through that office to target discrimination nationwide. “The MPAA and its member companies oppose any law that legitimizes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression,” said Vans Stevenson, MPAA Senior Vice President of State Government Affairs. Paramount, Fox, Universal and The Weinstein Company did not immediately return TheWrap’s request for comment, nor did the Mississippi Film Office. -

  •  New York Magazine: Unlike Georgia (or the more proximate Louisiana), Mississippi has not gone completely hog-wild for film and TV subsidies. Yes, it has a subsidy program, but one with outlays (per project and overall) that are limited by law. So its lawmakers are less subject to pressure from Hollywood moguls who threaten not to rip off its taxpayers anymore if the state champions discrimination.   Of perhaps even greater importance given the sports-mad nature of the Deep South, Mississippi is not going to be hosting any Super Bowls or any college-football national championships (or NCAA basketball Final Fours) in the near future. It also differs from Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, and North Carolina in having no college-football bowl games being played within its boundaries.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Donald J. Trump has spent decades supporting liberal Democratic politicians

Republicans Deserve a Conservative
Donald J. Trump has spent decades supporting liberal Democratic politicians. I have not. #ChooseCruz
Posted by Ted Cruz on Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Donald Trump Dump 03.17.16

" I have no desire to get in the fray. Now it looks like he's going to be the nominee. I can't sit back anymore. I can't hold my tongue.....He did nothing to liberate the middle class from political correctness until he decided to run for president. He's not actually doing anything except inciting riots." --Christine O’Donnell
Donald Trump, though, either doesn't understand the First Amendment, doesn't like it, or he doesn't care, preferring instead to lie to his supporters, pretending that people talking back to him—or, gasp, protesting his rallies—are un-American "thugs" trying to take away their First Amendment right to band together against "the other" in their so-called quest for greatness. Footage of his rallies shows him standing before his people, egging them on as they manhandle protesters, yelling about "political correctness," making his supporters want to strike out. What he is doing is classic demagoguery: Play to people's fears about "the other" taking what is theirs (money, jobs, rights, the country they want to control). Cheer them on when they express their hatred, thus giving them permission to act on their supremacist leanings. Even give them a language to excuse it: "I just hate political correctness," people repeat over and over again after saying something blatantly racist. It's stunning. --Donna Ladd [Jackson Free Press]
"If he's the nominee, it's not going to be ideal," says Alexis Levinson, a reporter for the conservative National Review who can't get on the media list for Trump events these days. "If the Democratic nominee is willing to credential National Review and the Republican nominee is not, think on that one for a second. That's a strange dynamic."
"Having vendettas against outlets and playing it out to the point that you're not letting them in as press is ridiculous," says Sam Stein, a senior politics editor at the Huffington Post, which has found itself banned from Trump events, possibly because of its decision early in the campaign to relegate Trump to the website's entertainment section. (The publication reversed that move but started adding a disclaimer to the end of each Trump article labeling him a racist.) "I'm completely opposed to that. And I find it fairly childish for the Trump campaign to do this. It doesn't suggest someone who's big and tough and brave, that he can't face critical media."
Jewish history teaches that when hatred is unleashed, it takes on a life of its own. said Jerry Salkin, a Hollywood, Fla., rabbi helping to organize the boycott against Trump’s AIPAC speech.
“These are the darkest days for Republican Jews like myself,” former George W. Bush speechwriter Noam Neusner wrote in a column this month in the Forward, a Jewish newspaper. He wrote that Trump “has built within our party the nearest thing America has ever seen to a European nativist working-class political movement. Such movements, to put it mildly, have never been good for the Jews or allies of free thought and the free market.”

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Donald Trump Cult & the Evangelicals

The Donald Trump Cult & the Evangelicals
After some research I discovered it’s rather hard to define what the media and pollsters mean when they use the word “evangelical.” My research leads me to believe that when they use the word “evangelical” they are using it in a very broad all inclusive way. It’s kind of like a book store that designates a section called “spiritual” and pretty much every available “ism” is cataloged there. That discovery was encouraging to me because I was finding it a little disheartening that so many Christians might be following for the empty shallow rhetoric of Donald Trump. Though I think there are some Christians included, the real “Jesus Christ is Lord” Christians are not as numerous as the word “evangelical” might suggest.
I did a random sampling of 5 people from Twitter who self ID as “Christian” but also support Donald Trump. Many of them also ID’ed themselves as “Constitutionalist, “Conservative” or “Reagan-Conservative” and though another study could be done just one those words, this study just looks at the “Christian” Trump supporter.

Right away I was hit with this meme (at right). Does someone really thinks this means something? Are we to think that if a person holds their thumb up that suddenly they are copying Trump? Tammy4Trump thinks so .

Anna Teresa Arnold, who also uses Psalm 55:6 on her profile, uses a pretty common charge amongst Trump fans: “They lie.” Of course, this charge started with Donald Trump and just about every single one of them parrot it. In this case she is refuting charges made by someone who tried to point out one of the many Trump Doctrine errors. She went on: “They know they are lying. And don't care they are lying...about #Trump. They deserve to lose. End of story.” Jesus would be proud of that would He not???
But Anna is a true disciple as she also wrote #Trump is peace. Obama is war. #Trump is bring together. Obama is divide. #Trump is #America. Obama is some dumbass Islamic wickedness. “ Yeah, she’s just has “I’m a Christian” written all over her. Her devotion, however, borders on the very scary and an almost cult-likeness, as she again wrote “Trump looks forward giving strength to everyone. Has helped so many in his life. Few have walked his steps nicely.” She is, of course, describing a guy who has gone through several failed marriages, has been a womanizer, bullied people to get his way, swears like a sailor, lies when it is convenient, and is buying is way to the presidency of the USA, among just a few of his many personal character failures. If Anna is a Christian, than we all need to renounce our faith. She has lots and lots of other things like that but there’s only so much space to devote to just one Trump-disciple. 
Lodi Silverado calls himself “Pro-God” and “Pro Life.” He says he supports Trump for “Three main reasons. 1) I had already ruled the others out. 2) I believe Trump is a Patriot who can WIN 3) He FIGHTS” If one asks Lodi how Trump is a “Patriot” he considers it an attack and harassment. Lodi likes to make charges like this: “More lies. Where do you get this shit? CruzCrew? You’re parroting lies, dude. You need to do some research.” It is his average response to an critique while in return he parrots everything Trump says. Trump should trademark the words “lie” and “liar” and he’s make a fortune just off his own disciples. He cites that Trump once said he said he wanted to defund Planned Parenthood (he did say that back in 2013) but more recently said Planned Parenthood is a great womens organization. Trump has no concept of what “abortion” is except to use as a political prop. He also said that Trump wants to return health care to the private sector, when in just the last Townhall on CNN Trump said he liked the mandate...and has repeatedly said “everybody will get insurance and the government will pay for it.” 
It could very well be that a typical Trump disciple is not only a low-information voter, but the “Christian Trump disciples” are just as low information on the subject of what it means to be a Christian. Oh, is that judging?? Just last week, Trump thought the Pope had no business telling him he was not a good Christian. When asked on the Sunday shows why does he get to do it then? Trump denied that he ever did. Huh? Need proof he is lying about that? Just read his Twitter feed.

dawn goodfallow, who IDs that she “hearts Jesus”, retweeted this “When Donald Trump becomes President he has a chance to go down as one of the greatest president Americas has seen.” How can one even base such a grandiose statement? She is mostly just a retweeter but I noted the meme at the right. I would be curious if she even knows how many can actually say that?? And Trump not drinking? She needs to read up on him a bit. If those three things define “good family values” then, in her mind, all the broken marriages, broken relationships, womanizing, among other things don’t mean anything. “Good Family Values” seems to be load license. 
Then there’s the meme below. Truly Trump has become a cult. But the same could be said about Hitler when he rose to power in Germany in the late 30s. Now let me be clear. I am not saying Trump is Hitler. What I am saying is that their rise to power is very similar. Hitler promises Germans the moon and then after he took office pretty much retracted everything.

Christie IDs as a”Christian” and adds that “
if we ever forget we are ONE nation under God then we will be a Nation Gone Under.” But not enough, I guess, to pass around a photo-shopped meme with Ted Cruz and then claim that Cruz is doing stuff that is “underhanded.” But she did get it from another Trump disciple who IDs as a Christian named Eddie. There really is a Trump Train, but it’s Trump running over his disciples as they do his bidding. Trump speaks. His disciples follow and parrot everything. The fact that Trump offers nothing of substance is to relevant to low-information voters.

 This meme from twitter actually rather truthfully reveals a lot of truth about Donald Trump. Since he has no clue what is really in the Bible, he’ll just make it up on his own. They think it clever. But from the guy who lived his whole adult life and said he never had to ask God for forgiveness for anything I guess this is to be expected. Making his own Bible would keep him from having another “2” Corinthians moment.
I had another ten randomly picked out, but just the five mentioned here take a lot of space, but reveal a lot about the Trump disciples. They are truly not only low information voters...but are equally low information about what Christianity is and that it is far more than just a word to put on a profile on the internet.

But you can rest assured knowing that when the media says “evangelicals” that real Christianity has entered some new realm of darkness.

Sadly, I can probably write a dozen exposes on Trump and his disciples but Trump disciples do not care. That’s why they are Trump Disciples.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Simpsons: The Debateful Eight


Friday, February 19, 2016

Sen Michael Watson: The current Mississippi sex-Ed legislation is working just fine

From FaceBook:

Under current law, whenever sex-Ed classes are taught in schools: "In no case shall the instruction or program include any demonstration of how condoms or other contraceptives are applied." This morning, a new sex-Ed bill passed out of the Senate education committee striking that language. It also does away with the teen-pregnancy task force, which has helped lead the charge in lowering MS's teen-pregnancy rates. The current sex-Ed legislation is working just fine. Please let your senator know you don't support these changes.
 If you don't like a Donald Trump position now, just wait a few minutes and it will change

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Donald Trump Thinks He's Bernie Sanders -- But there's clearly no difference

Donald Trump: God Has Endorsed Me For President

[c]Zorek Richards 
Rated S for satire

Donald Trump has announced that God has endorsed his run for president. 

"I am very excited to announce that God has endorsed me. I've never met the man but have been a fan ever since I saw "Jesus Christ Superstar" on Broadway. He even has a book written about him which I have read a verse from in a couple of my speeches. This is huge because the evangelicals and the Jews and the Pentecostals, and the Seven Day Dentists already love me a whole the Latinos...and the women. Because I built a big business and I only spend my own money...."

Yesterday Trump had reported that Sen Tom Coburn had dissed Trump's opponent Ted Cruz. Later Coburn announced that He had never said any such thing about Cruz. 

"I take that as an endorsement," Trump replied when asked about the event.

  A reporter pushed back, "How do you take that as an endorsement if Coburn stated he never said it?"
"Coburn needed to say it. So I fixed it. See, I fix things? But I know that people who are not as smart as I am make mistakes. Any time anyone says anything negative about another candidate what it translates to is an endorsement for me." and he quickly added "and me making America great again with big walls and Trumpcare."

When asked about recent statements he has made about Common Core, Trump replied, "I said I liked Common Core yesterday, so today I have to say I am against Common Core. So if you don't like that..just come back tomorrow. I say “I like Common Core on the even days. Did I already say the Latinos really really love me?" 

Reverting back to God's endorsement, a reporter asked if God had contacted him. 

"Well, no, not personally. But I read it on Twitter. But also,  God never said anything bad about me, so it's like a confirmation. . I mean, why wouldn’t God want to endorse me? I went to church in Iowa. God should be very very happy with me. God is a very big man in the sky and he knows everything which really puts me and him in the same social class. I mean, God is next in line to be Pope, so that's pretty big."

A reporter then asked,"Yesterday you tweeted that you would have been able to stop 911 from happening. How would you do that?"

"I would have built a great big beautiful wall around the twin towers and put a great big beautiful door in it so the planes could fly through but they would not hit the buildings. And the Muslims love me .......and the Latinos. They come up to me every day and tell me.  And I greet them very warmly and tell them "I am self funded." 
Since God has endorsed you do you have any new policies which will protect religious freedom?” Trump was asked. 

“Yes,” Trump replied, “and I can tell you that it’s gonna be the yuuugest protection of religious freedom America has ever seen. I’m going to protect God, and protect churches, and protect Christians better then anyone has ever protected them before. “

“Can you expand on that with some details?” he was asked.

“Yes, but that’s rather direct question aimed at me. Who do you work for any way,” Trump responded, “Because you’re doing a terrible job as a reporter and I already just now tweeted nasty things about you on Twitter. Because the answer is very simple “It’s going to be the yuuuuuugest protection that religion has ever seen because I am self funded and nobody knows how to do yuuuuge things like me. “

With that the presser ended and Trump invited a few of the reporters to stand in the middle of 5th avenue so he could get a picture of them.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

BREAKING: Donald Trump Holds Another Press Conference. Charges Himself as a Liar

[c]Zorek Richards

 Rated S for satire

Donald Trump told the press he is going to sue himself for the damage he is doing to his own campaign. "I'm just suing the part of me that's just a liar" and added, "I've never met a bigger liar then myself. And since I am such a good liar I am a very very good judge of who is a liar.............. If I don't apologize to myself before the next primary, I am going to sue myself for being overqualified to be president." 
Trump said he already has indication that he will not apologize to himself and will probably have to pursue a lawsuit. "I'm great at everything I do. I'm a great liar. And I'm so great that I am the only one who can detect it sometimes. So why should I apologize?”
When asked if he thought that calling everybody “liars” was something he would consider being presidential, Trump responded: “I built a great company and all the Latinos love me......self funded........and a great big wall...........with a big Yuuuuuuge door.” 
Another reporter asked him if the Trump Foundation had ever donated to the Clinton Foundation. Trump replied: “Of course. But that’s just doing business. If Hillary wins I can get invited to her inaugural since I helped her get elected. So it’s a win-win for me getting on TV somewhere in January 2017.” A follow up question asked if Trump thought that was a conflict of interest. He replied, “No. My interest is me. I’m the worlds greatest business man and, besides, it’s just the Democrat side of me that did that, and right now me and that Democrat side are getting along great.....we (Republican Trump and Democrat Trump) are doing a great job at turning conservatives into liberals. Between me and them we will make America great again.” and he quickly added, “But mostly just me.” 
The press conference was adjourned when a CNN reporter asked if they could polish his shoes for him.
Phil and Hector Corinthian were also in attendance but shunned reporters questions saying they “just wanted to be left alone” and have “all the jokes about them stop.”
