Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Support Your Local News Media

 A Newspaper in Long Island, New York (North Shore Leader) posted serious revelations about George Santos before the state and national elections which made it pretty clear that there was something wrong about the info Santos was telling people about him.  The national press, not even the New York Times, picked up the information. I find this disturbing because the national press has such a megaphone that I have to wonder where they were getting the information they were espousing. Or were they just too busy chasing after whatever wind came their way about Santos....and by "whatever wind" I mean what will draw attention to them, gain clicks on the internet or watchers for pundits. 

Personally I read a lot  of news...maybe too much. But if something is reported that sounds odd or unbelievable  I research a bit before I  push it. But I have noticed that one of the more credible news sources for anyone is their local newspaper or TV station. They tend to be involved in local stories and the reporters and writers generally live within the community or general area that their news is reported to. It is not foolproof, of course, as no one source hits 100% right all the time...but the odds are in their favor. 

All the major networks and news agencies, of course, are reporting everything that is wrong with George Santos now......but they should have been out there several weeks ago before the election. The information was there.