Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The "god" of the Christian Nationalists isn't very bright.


  The "god" of the Christian Nationalists isn't very bright. This "god" created a whole country that is "Christian" and he forgot to put the word "Christian" in any of the founding documents. Then this "god" also was rather unconcerned about that "separation of church and state" part and made that a cornerstone of Americas founding. Maybe "god" was sleeping that day and we all know what a trickster Ben Franklin was.

     Then there's slavery. A pretty big whoopse that this Christian Nationalist  "god" let that go in it's foundation. LOTS of things were ignored by the Christian Nationalist  "god" but now in order to fix those whoopses the American Christian Nationalists want to do God and everybody a favor and create a theocratic government. I guess Lindsey Graham could be the first "handmaid" if they go that route and create that "tale."

     13 colonies belonging to the British Empire, whose king presided over an imperial church means that the original British citizens residing in those colonies were living under Christian rule. But they seemed to have not wanted it so they threw some tea in the water and broke away from any resemblance of any official religion. (but still provided protections for "religions". They even used muskets and bayonets to attack those British theocrats and called themselves "Patriots." (and, no, Mel Gibson was not there....and Debbie Gibson hadn't recorded her first album yet).
    Betsy Ross' husband Gasden Ross created the "Dont Tread on Me Flag" cuz he just liked snakes and Betsy was busy making flags for friends in the colony. (some of this might be made up...but so is "Christian Nationalism.")
In 1956 the US adopted "In God We Trust" as the US motto. In 1955 Eisenhower had approved it to be on US coins. I guess they were trying to fix all those hundred years plus of not remembering to trust God...since the Christian Nationalist "god" overlooked it back in 1776.

     Now if you ask a David Barton-Like Christian Nationalist, he will tell you that some of the guys who signed the Declaration of Independence and wrote the Constitution were Christian and they outranked all the non-christians and deists because David Barton-like people wrote books about it...and if someone took the time to write about it in a could it be wrong??? Especially if you add the words "God" and "Jesus" to it.  I think they knew that the Christian Nationalist "god" left stuff out but they will tell you clearly that "god" revealed it to them. Christian nationalists like it when people "tell them stuff about God in US history" cuz it "fills in the blanks" for them.
 And turns out that the Christian Nationalist "god" was waiting until 2016 to begin establishing His Christian theocracy because the Christian Nationalist "god" was just too busy for the last 250 years or so and decided he needed to seal the deal "he" started way back then and was looking for someone who was morally bankrupt, unrepentant, orange, threw ketchup, hung out with both of the Corinthians, and married a porn star.  Hence "Donald Trump," or as he called himself, Barron. ("Barron" would call newspapers to brag about "this wonderful guy named Donald Trump. " "Barron" was so real to Donald Trump that he named one of his sons after his real "fake" personality. )
Christian Nationalism is a fake gospel which, historically, has only one goal: To get power. For more information read about Germany in the 1930s.