Ive noticed a lot of folks on social media who claim both Christianity and Nationalism love to put out the most absurd nonsense and even QAnonsense and then follow it up by posting a Bible verse. Marco Rubio is one of the most notorious ones that do it. Ted Cruz does it.
Before Cruz went off the rail for The former guy he often touted his Christian convictions. But not having any real moral convictions anymore he seems to scream out crazy stuff with a Bible verse on top. Its like an absurd scoop of ice cream with a cherry picked random Bible verse: A cherry-picked Bible verse on top of his nutty "I Screamed."

In my life as a Christian I know very well that there were times (too many times) I did something stupid then tried to justify with a Bible verse but I also know, from experience, that doing that is not a road to maturity by any means....and has no good end.
As a non Christian I self justified stupid stuff by lying about it (wasn't me") or denying I did it...all designed to make me appear better then I knew I was. I think thats why these people like Cruz and Rubio do it:

they know better and throwing out the Cherry picked Bible verse to cover the "I screamed" stuff helps them comfort their guilt.

It is also a hallmark of Trump Evangelicals. They post the most absurd stuff and then throw out a post and a Bible Verse about how God is prolife. It doesnt help their absurdities by any means. But, I suspect it maybe it helps them sleep at night believing that God is so proud of them for standing up for the "prolife" cause while pushing lies simultaneously