Monday, July 13, 2015

National NAACP Says Mississippi MUST GET RID of their Flag!! Boycott Coercion is option

 The National NAACP  doesn't want Mississippians to vote on whether or not to change the flag. 

They have already decided it should be changed because the current flag is "divisive," or so says  Curley Clark, Jackson County NAACP President. They will present a resolution tomorrow.

  • "It is time to have the divisive Confederate symbol removed from our state flag and replaced with a symbol that all Mississippians can embrace," Clark said.[WLOX]
One that "ALL Mississippians can embrace"? Unless they have not been paying attention they should already know there are plenty of people in the state who do NOT want to change the flag. So, what he is actually saying is that they think Mississippi should have a flag that THEY approve. There's no "All Mississippians" in that equation. 

And what's a little friendly coercion aimed at your own state for not playing by their rules? 

  •   Clark said the goal of the resolution is to put pressure on Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant and the legislature to change the flag, however the group has not determined what the consequences may be if Mississippi leaders fail to change the flag." We haven't agreed upon the different options available.  At this point we are not discussing a boycott; that's an economic option, but not one we are discussing at this time."