Ron DeSantis |
The problem with term-limits resolutions is that Congressman don't want to vote themselves out of office. It's kind of a political paradox that many think term limits is a good idea...just not while they are the office holder. Florida Representative Ron DeSantis believes he has the best way to get term limits resolutions passed.
- I am a cosponsor of Salmon’s term limits constitutional amendment and
believe that it would benefit the country if enacted. Indeed, I believe
that applying term limits to members currently in office would produce
much-needed turnover inside the halls of Congress.
- At the same time, my short time in the House has convinced me that
the term limits movement would benefit from a complementary approach, an
approach that reconciles the self-interest of the officeholder with the
public’s desire to see congressional term limits enacted.
- With this in mind, I have introduced a joint resolution that mimics
the limitations on terms contained in Salmon’s resolution but also
includes a grandfather provision so that the limits will take effect as
future members of Congress take office.
- This way, a sitting member of Congress could vote to enact term
limits while doing so in a way that would not end his career. Because
terms limits are so popular, the interest of a member of Congress in
staying in office would be congruent with supporting my term limits
joint resolution.