Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sen. John Cornyn on Obama: “He’s asking for a blank check, in essence, $3.7 billion, but no reform."

There’s no shortage of criticism on Capitol Hill over how President Obama has handled the escalating humanitarian crisis at the border, but don’t look for Congress to simply rubber stamp his $3.7 billion emergency spending request.

The concerns are not only coming from Republicans. Democrats have as many questions of their own over the White House proposal.

“It’s something we have to do. It’s something we have to do,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters today. “How we get there, I really don’t know at this stage.”

Some Republicans are uncertain they can support a bill–even one to strengthen border security–if the costs aren’t offset by budget cuts elsewhere.“He’s asking for a blank check, in essence, $3.7 billion, but no reform,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, told reporters.

Many Democrats are furious at the administration’s sharpening rhetoric about unaccompanied minors crossing the border illegally and the plan to deport most of them. There is resistance from many lawmakers and liberal immigration groups to changing the 2008 law at the root of the current crisis.

More at ABC News: Don’t Look for Congress to Rubber Stamp Obama’s $3.7B Border Request