Friday, June 20, 2014

FAIL: Obama's Handles Immigration problem by Giving Illegals Attorneys & Millions of dollars to Guatemala, Honduras & El Salvador

Among the new steps announced Friday by the Obama administration:
• A $9.6 million grant to the governments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to build and improve their "repatriation centers," where deported immigrants are received after they've been flown back home.
• The creation of a $40 million program run by the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, to improve citizen security in Guatemala. Administration officials say the violence in Central America is one of the main reasons so many kids are racing to the U.S.
• A new $25 million USAID program to curb violence in El Salvador.
• An $18.5 million grant to Honduras to help community policing and gang-prevention programs there.

[SOURCE: USA Today: Obama orders 'surge' to border to speed up deportations]