Aaron McGruder, the creator of the hilarious political/racial comic strip and cartoon series, will soon launch his latest project on Adult Swim and it looks like it should be pretty uncontroversial: The new half-hour live-action scripted comedy finds Jesus living in present-day Compton,
Calif., on a daily mission to spread love and kindness throughout the
neighborhood with the help of his small but loyal group of downtrodden
followers. Black Jesus will premiere this year. A specific date and episode
count have not yet been determined. Sounds downright pleasant, though
given McGruder’s sense of humor, it sounds like a project that’ll
appeal more to atheists than Christians.
For years atheists used to claim Christian look down on them and make fun of them. Now they have come full circle and become what they formerly complained about. Gotta wonder why these
"brave" and "witty" people that like to mock Christians, Christianity,
and Jesus, dont make a cartoon about a black Muhammed. (SOURCE: Hemant Mehta: Friendly Atheist: "‘Black Jesus,’ a Series About the Messiah Living in Compton, Will Soon Premiere on Adult Swim") (Hollywood Reporter: "'Boondocks' Creator Brings 'Black Jesus' to Adult Swim (Exclusive)")