Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Congressman Jim Bridenstine: Ted Cruz is ready to be our Commander in Chief


Monday, November 23, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: Random Observations 11.23.15

BREAKING: According to reports, the turkey Obama pardoned last year has been sighted fighting with ISIS in Syria.

 Schools closed today in Brussells in light of terrorism threat,. Gotta protect the little sprouts in Brussells.

 Hillary Clinton conundrum:
Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
But Univision chairman Haim Saban is one of her top campaign donors and just announced favoring Muslim scrutiny. .
We may see whether convictions or money is pulling her strings more,
It's not clear if Democrats are more bent out of shape that so many women are joining ISIS or that ISIS is only paying them seventy percent of what male terrorists make.

 The word "Muslim" translated into English means "Whine."

 I am unclear as to why we're having sports again this year when we already had them last year. Jus sayin

Nov 22, 1963:
The only thing I remember about it was that it interrupted regular TV. I was only 3. And there was this funeral but I really didnt understand who or what Kennedy was. I remember seeing horses. I know my dad hated the Kennedys but I was too young to remember him saying anything at the time. I do remember him saying a couple years later that if Robert Kennedy got elected that we would move to Canada. I remember that because at my age Canada was another planet. My dad wasn't a Republican though. He hated Martin Luther King and voted for George Wallace for president. He was raised in very different times.

Mom of one of the Paris suicide bomber says stress made her son do it.
So apparently, strapping on a suicide vest is stressful.

 The same people who are arguing against any kind of a Muslim database are the same ones who are all for the NSA collecting data on everyone else.

Pizza a vegetable? Seems to me the test of whether pizza is a vegetable is if Democrats want illegal immigrants to pick it out of a field for 13 cents an hour.

 "Listen, you didn't hear this from me, but the sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar." - Little Informant Annie

 GQ named Barack Obama as man of the year. The shortlist for the GQ distinction included Rachel Maddow, a Dyson Vacuum cleaner, and a cat video.

 “If there’s a rabid dog running around in your neighborhood, you’re probably not going to assume something good" --Ben Carson
Unless you're a Democrat. Then rabies are only bad if the dog also has a gun or a Bible.

 At a reporters leading, Donald Trump suggested the need for Muslims in America to have an ID in light of Paris attacks. The left, of course, is having a meltdown over this.
Liberals hate IDS for everything. They just want your money. They don't want to know who you are.

Friday, November 20, 2015

LaValle: Common Core is not the reform of education

Anne LaValle writes in the Poughkeepsie Journal:

Supporters of the alleged education reform commonly referred to as Common Core tell us that it is an endeavor to raise the education bar for all students — an effort to ensure that students have the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century global economy.
  • The answer is very simply that Common Core is not the reform of education; it is the fundamental conversion of the education system to a workforce development program by investors (stakeholders) who stand to make fortunes from it.
    What was once an authentic system of education designed to inform and encourage individual intellectual and artistic growth has been hijacked by political and financial pirates and reduced to an oversized training center for the future labor force. Thanks to this "reform" agenda, what used to be our children's education system is now a "workforce development" program controlled by the business community and their political beneficiaries who have positioned themselves to maximize their profits off of the backs of the next generation.
    Education is no longer oriented to students' individual aspirations and abilities, but to where the financial interests who are driving this process see our children as best suiting their needs.

Entire article HERE:  


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: Watching The Media do Media Stuff

Columnist HA Goodman makes it clear that the key to winning a presidential debate are not the issues, but whetheror not you are a Democrat with his latest column being titled "Bernie Sanders Won the Debate. Hillary Clinton Evoked 9/11 and Sounded Like A Republican."

Why is it that no one within the Muslim community there in France knew what these guys were up to? Because it seems to me that this was a pretty big plan. Surely someone beyond the seven guys who’ve been killed over the last 48 hours would have to have known something and that was probably within the Muslim community but yet no one said anything.”  --John Vause [CNN] 11.15.15

The wage for race baiting is apparently pretty good: Sharpton got a 70 percent raise from his nonprofit last year, bringing his compensation above $412,000. It maybe classified as a "non-profit" but that's a matter of perspective. Sharpton is personally making a profit 

CNN reporters standing near where a raid is actively going on in France. The OMG responses every time they hear a gun shot is rather dramatic. Thats what you get when you take a microphone to a gun fight.

The CNN promo for the next Republican debate makes it looks like a cage match. Maybe that's what they have in mind

Frank Corder is a writer at "Yall Politics" here in Mississippi and  is pretending to be "peacemaker" while making charges against anyone who dares criticize what he thinks the MSGOP is:
"There is a small but vocal faction of voters who desire Republicans to be ruled more by emotion than results, not unlike Democrats or the backers of Initiative 42 this very year. Hype is used to grift. Personal gratification and raising their own name ID are valued over the good of the whole. Accusatory press releases are sent out to try and maintain some semblance of relevancy. " It's clear he is aiming at Chris Mcdaniels and people his circles. Corder's candidate Thad Cochran is doing a bag-up job adding to the national debt. Something Corder doesn't understand that his kids will have to pay for.

Univision chairman Haim Saban, said that he believes the government needs to increase its scrutiny of Muslims in the wake of recent terrorist threats to the United States.
I presume it's so there is more room for unscrutinized Mexiacns.

People magazine has announced that David Beckham is the sexiest man alive. Write in votes included Kanye West, Brad Pitt and Hillary Clinton.

 "Media Matters" is claiming that Ben Stein said outright that Obama hates America because he is black. Stein qualified that he didn't know:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Country Music Star Travis Tritt: We Must fight evil if we want to preserve our way of life #ParisAttacks


Cheap Seat Report: Saturday Night Live from Iowa Democrat Debate

The Democrat response to last weeks Saturday Night Live will be the Democrat Debate this evening in Des Moines. The humorous scripted skits will be given in the form of debate answers from questions given by the mock journalists at CBS news. Bernie Sanders will double as the musical guest

 CBS News made some debate changes and are going to address more foreign policy issues in tonight's debate because of the attacks in Paris last night. The Bernie Sanders campaign is throwing a fit because it cuts down his time to talk about giving free stuff.

Question we won't hear:
To Hillary: WHY should YOU be treated differently than any other Criminal? Because you're a woman?

Boy: "Dad! There's an old man named Bernie walking around the neighborhood asking all of us to "Feel the Bern" and offering free candy. Should we all just run away?"
Dad: "Yes......Yes you should.....we all should!."

 Shorter Clinton: It's not our fight. The USA will not lead against ISIS. We'll just help anyone who does.
O'Malley says it IS America's fight.

 Sanders says the worlds biggest threat is Climate Change and climate change causes terrorism. ‪#‎Doh‬ No wonder he didnt want to talk about terrorism tonight.

Fact check: Clinton has never apologized for Iraq. She said it was a mistake, but never said “I’m sorry.

 I wasnt sure at first, but Bernie Sanders is saying "mooslim."

NOW, Hillary is wanting to know if other countries will stand with US in Syria. Five minutes in and she already changed her position.

 Hillary doesn't understand why terrorists act like terrorists.

 They're throwing around the words "muslim," "Islam," "jihadist," "radical Muslim" like they're interchangable, until the moderator points it out, then they back off. They may mean the same to some, but not to Democrats, yet they apply them as the same until someone points it out to them. Then its backpeddling time.

 Good grief. NOW Hillary wants to screen refugees for our safety.
Unless they're Mexican..then it must be OK

 Hillary is all over the board on her positions with foreign policy. Does she even listen to herself??? How can anyone for that matter.

Hillary is Ok if you have to pay $250 a month for prescriptions. That should make you sick.

The candidates suddenly got lively and animated because they are talking about free stuff

 Hillary needs to clarify whether she is speaking with her right-brain or left-brain before answering any questions

 When Democrats use the term "middle class" it's a red herring. It's never meant anything to them

 Bernie says no one can live off $12 an hour. But his web site says he pays his interns $12 an hour.

A Catfight between Hillary and Bernie could liven this up

 "Don't impugn my integrity" declared Hillary Clinton, the only one of the three candidates who may be facing indictment on federal charges,.

 Here comes the gun control segment...........................It's always amusing that they decry current issues because of the failure of political leadership......but none of them will say Obama or mention that he has been president for 7 years now,..

This love-hate thing between Bernie and Hillary is sickening. Get a room already.

 Moderators  need to ask Hillary  about her Marine record.

"What do you tell a young African-American looking for "hope"?
  Hillary's long list didn't mention why she as a white person can do what Obama as a black person couldn't do.

 "I don't think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trump's kids to college" --Hillary Clinton
Leave it to Hillary to make up an issue that is not an issue.

What I have learned so far from tonight's debate:
If you watch it really really close you actually can see paint dry.

 Hillary's line about not wanting anyone in Iowa administering her Health Care is another red herring. She wants the Federal Government to do it and always has.

 The moderator just started them on final statements. It's like sitting through a long dry 3 hour sermon and hearing the pastor say "And in conclusion.." Life starts to return

 We're not at war with Islam…we’re at war with violent extremism." —Hillary Clinton
But..............Extremists who happen to be Islamic.

 A Democrat Debate is a passionate Fact Checkers Dream Come true.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: Republican Presidential Picks As of Today 11.13.15

Following their last debate.

My picks up to now with information I have up to now: First off, I need to clarify that I am not a Republican, so I have no party loyalty to the Republican party and will never hesitate to throw the party under a bus. That said, I ID myself as more of a Constitutional conservative and the Republican party tends usually to have a better pick of candidates that lean that way. Also, my main focus is on religious liberty...and I have stated many times over the years that I dislike politics as a general rule....but will deal with it when it encroaches on religious freedom.. So, I look for the candidates who I think are most apt and able to address and protect that. Followed by illegal immigration, abortion, and the economy.

1)Ted Cruz. Another impressive debate with the right sound bytes in the right places. His simple flat tax plan would effectively end the IRS and, so, not only revising the tax code...but ending a lot of other federal tyranny with the same plan. The left is crying foul because such
a plan would cost the Fed money. There may be some initial cost......but in the long run.........the freedom to spend your own income goes back to you as a citizen. No one should be overly concerned with the gloom and doomers who feel the world would end if parts of the current governmental system would go bankrupt. Most of it should just by simple reaping what it has sown...but the rest of the Fed jumps in to bail it out. The federal government is a tyrannical monster with lots of evil tentacles.

2) Ben Carson. The attacks by the media have resulted in nothing except to reveal how crooked the media (like CNN and Politico) can be. But that really is not something we didn't already know.  Carson is a soft spoken outsider   and that is a large  part of his appeal. The attacks against Carson came just as he started to take leads in the polls. The Hillary Clinton campaign (aka, the mainstream media) did the best they could to protect their crooked leader but it all went awash.  Herman Cain got the same treatment from the media when he rose in the polls, but though he never admitted his involvement in the sexual harassment, his dropping his race left more questions than answers. As Carson has said, the media should vet candidates...they just need to quit lying about things when they do.   In comparison, though, the media still hasn't vetted Barack Obama and don't seem to be too interested in looking at Hillary.

3) Mike Huckabee. He hasn't polled up there with the big dogs yet, but his commitment is real. The former Baptist pastor has a strong commitment to religious liberty which is an important foundation to be addressing for America to remain the land of the free. When I observe strong Christian candidates I also see that the media tends to  avoid them altogether. But when they do they just don't seem to know how to handle it. It seems like if they suggest they understand then their piers would say they are not being objective. Big news media outlets tend to hire what they call "Religion Specialists" or "Religion Analysts." They tend to be as worthless as integrity in an Obama Department of Justice as they pretend to know everything about all the religions and after diluted analysis reveal they know nothing..and particularly nothing about Christianity.

4) Donald Trump. Last month he was at #3 but I see a few things deteriorating. Eminent domain, his tax plan, and his not so wise attacks on Ben Carson  suggesting Carson is "pathological." I still think Trump is the wild card and still the anomaly so I don't rule him out. Of all the candidates he is probably the one who would shake up DC the most and I don't see that as a bad thing. He is the best candidate on immigration and I concur with his views about Vladimir Putin and Syria.

5) Rick Santorum. He hasn't garnered the evangelical support like he did in his last run. Considering the state of flux "evangelicalism" is in right now I guess that's not to be unexpected. Santorum has a speaking platform as long as he stays in the race, but that's about it.

6) Bobby Jindal. I've liked him as a man of Christan convictions. I am beginning to have doubts about him as man of Christian convictions in a nationally elected position. Issues in Louisiana like unemployment and budgets are increasing as concerns. It gets a little hard to sort, though, since Louisiana--like Mississippi--runs ever  mean, vicious and corrupt campaign seasons. As Louisiana has been in the  process of electing a new governor, a lot of dirt got thrown Jindals way.

 7) Rand Paul. His libertarian ideas are some of the good things about him and his libertarian idea are some of the bad things about him. Like his dad, though, it would appear he would be weak on defense. He would be strong on a social issue like marijuana...but, frankly, no one should care what a candidates position is on marijuana. I certainly don't.  To me it's like asking the "boxers or briefs" question. There's far more important issues to address.

8) Marco Rubio. If it had to come down to it, he is probably the only establishment connected Republican I would be OK voting for. His immigration ideas are weak but not the weakest. (That designation goes to John Kasich).

9) Chris Christie. He can quite frequently talk the impressive talk. It's walking that talk that leaves some doubt in my mind. I don't think DC would be anything he would be interested in changing and would likely just assimilate within it.

10) Carly Fiorina. She is the Republican answer to Hillary Clinton: A female who talks out of both sides of her mouth. Her "I'm a victim because somebody said something bad about me and I am a woman" media tours are tiring.

11) Jeb Bush. What can be said about Jeb Bush that can't be summed up in a pretty lame retool of a failing political campaign that says "Jeb Can Fix It." If Jeb could fix it he could fix his campaign.

12) John Kasich. Nada. I'd take more time to write more about him but that's just "too much to do."

 13) Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Jim "who???" Gilmore. [expletive deleted)


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Random Thoughts about Hillary Clinton and her Military Career

Hillary said she tried to join the Marines. Every Hillary story has an antithesis story also told by Hillary. Her attempt would have been at the same time she was protesting the war and campaigning for anti-war candidates. . She said in the debate that "every candidate changes their mind at some point." Hillary, however, seems to live in the changed and the unchanged mind at the same time quite regularly.

 Hillary Clinton lives in two worlds. Unfortunately neither of them is earth.

 Somewhere in another dimension Hillary Clinton did get into the Marines and was stationed in Libya to protect a US Ambassador.

 Hillary said she was rejected by the Marines for being "too old." The story is her way of showing how she has suffered discrimination for her age and sex. If she would have mentioned she was also black at the time she could have covered the race discrimination part also.

 Still waiting for the day Hillary tells us about the day she was shot by the police for minding her own business. But even she knows that story line is too far fetched because everyone already knows Hillary never minds her own business.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Cheap Seat Report: The FBN/WSJ Republican Debate 11.10.15

CNBC has just announced that Hillary Clinton has won tomorrows GOP debate

 All the Republicans going into tonights debate all have one bright shared consolation: None of them are David Vitter.

 Looks like the new season of "The Voice" is going to get a new viewer tonight. That George Pataki supporter has to do something....

 Hillary"s campaign is saying they will not watch the debate and instead are going to be "moving our country forward." They didn't explain what country is hers and where they are gong to move it, though.

 Only 35 more days til the next GOP debate

 If the first question to all the candidates is "would you sign a pledge to not stab anyone?" then you know Fox Business is gunning for Carson.

 "The reason we lose nationally is because we try to be a cheaper version of the Democratic party." --Bobby Jindal

 So far Fox Business isn't fueling a cage match between personalities. A debate that stays on topic seems rather bizarre just for not being bizarre.

 Christie has deflected a question about himself 3 times now and diverted it toward Hillary twice and Obama once.

If there's a drinking game where you drink every time a candidate says "I'm the only one", then those playing will pass out long before round two on the big stage.

 Jindal wants to fire everybody in DC. Personally, I lean more toward a straight out deportation.

 Megyn Kelly just blamed the candidates for the Fox News debate kerfuffle. She says she was trying to do it like Fox Business just did it.

 FBN pundits are giving the win to Christie for first debate. I have to lean toward Huckabee. Christie avoided directly answering the most questions..followed by Santorum. .

"We need more welders instead of philosophers." --Marco Rubio

 Kasich doesn't care who's here if they are already here.

 Who cares what the Clinton campaign high fives, Jeb. Hillary high fived her staff after the Benghazi hearing.

 WINNER: "We would see stories about the economic calamity" of illegal immigration if journalists' wages were affected" --Ted Cruz

 "I want a government so small you can't even see it." --Rand Paul

 So far so good: Half way through the debate and Ben Carson hasn't stabbed anyone yet.

 "If Republicans join Democrats as the party of amnesty, we will lose" --Ted Cruz

"More words in IRS code than in the Bible." --Ted Cruz
and in may respects they have the same penalties.

 "We should vet all candidates. I have no problem with being vetted. What I do have a problem with is being lied about and then putting that out there as truth." --Ben Carson

 Score again:
"If you think defending this country is expensive, try NOT defending it." --Ted Cruz

 Trump playing the peacemaker among the candidates?

 I think I'm with Trump on this one. (His views on Russia and Putin)

 "We shouldn't have another financial crisis".-- Jeb Bush
Whats scary is that I think that is the complete Jeb Bush economic plan.

 Shorter John Kasich: I would let the government do what it has always been doing. I would just let it do what its always been doing better.

"Thank you for not asking me what I said in the 10th grade" --Ben Carson

 Fiorina has already started her "Trump picked on me " media tour. I didn't think she would start on it til tomorrow.

 "You can never say something is never going to happen" --John Kasich.
Actually you can: Kasich will never be president.

 Whine of the Night:
"We Can't deport illegals, there are too many of them." --John Kasich

 "In the two hours of this -- of this debate, five people have died from drug-related deaths, $100 million has been added to our national debt, 200 babies have been killed by abortionists, and two veterans have taken their lives out of despair. This is a narrative that we can change, not we the Democrats, not we the Republicans, but we the people of America, because there is something special about this nation, and we must embrace it and be proud of it and never give it away for the sake of political correctness." --Ben Carson closing remarks

 Over all, I think FBN did a good debate and stayed mostly on target with important issues and not personality driven. A few times I think moderators started to lose control but they reeled it back in and with that many egos on a stage I could see why that would happen.. I thought Cavuto was taking the Bank of America question to Cruz a little personal...but otherwise OK. IMHO

Monday, November 9, 2015

Why are Democrats So Supportive of Candidates they Don't Even Trust? --Hillary Clinton Edition

In a Feb 2, 2007 issue of "The Week," Hillary was drawn on the cover and the related article stated:

  • Last weekend, the former first lady and current junior senator from New York ended months of speculation over her White House ambitions by declaring, "I'm in, and I'm in it to win." But to win, she'll have to win over a lot of skeptics;  even many Democrats dislike and distrust her, and doubt she can win a general, nationwide election. Those doubts are well founded, said the Chicago Tribune in an editorial.  Hillary may begin her campaign as a front-runner, but 44% of voters already view her negatively....."Too edgy," says the critics. "Personality problems. Most unusual and complicated marriage in history. Flubbed up health care. War vote. Liberal." 
So why do Democrats keep wanting to do it again??? 


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Chalk Board Observations 11.07.15