Showing posts with label Ben Carson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ben Carson. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Donald Trump talks to CNN's Jake Tapper


Friday, October 9, 2015

Ben Carson on Muslim issue is in good company with our countries founders

I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.-- Ben Carson

“In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practised [sic], and, both by precept and example, inculcated on mankind. And it is now generally agreed among Christians that this spirit of toleration, in the fullest extent consistent with the being of civil society, is the chief characteristical [sic] mark of the Church. Insomuch that Mr. Locke has asserted and proved, beyond the possibility of contradiction on any solid ground, that such toleration ought to be extended to all whose doctrines are not subversive of society. The only sects which he thinks ought to be, and which by all wise laws are excluded from such toleration, are those who teach doctrines subversive of the civil government under which they live.--Sam Adams ( “The Right of the Colonists”) 1772

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ben Carson Raises $20 Million In 3 Months

He raised $12 million in September alone, tapping a wave of anti-establishment sentiment.

  • Political newcomer Ben Carson raised more than $20 million in the past three months to fuel his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, his campaign said Wednesday, a haul of campaign cash that shatters records and sets a new bar for his GOP rivals. As other campaigns scrambled to bring in final donations before the end of the fundraising period at midnight, Carson's senior team celebrated its massive haul at its suburban Washington campaign headquarters.
    Two dozen staffers shared a red, white and blue chocolate cake topped with frosted numbers "$31,000,000" — the total amount the retired neurosurgeon's campaign has raised since he launched his White House bid in May. SOURCE: Associated Press

Monday, September 28, 2015

Raw: Richard Petty Revs Up Ben Carson's 2016 Bus

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kim Davis, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Ben Carson to speak at Values Voter Summit

Eight Republican presidential candidates, including front-runner Donald Trump, as well as Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis will address thousands of grassroots activists at the Family Research Council’s 10th annual Values Voter Summit this weekend in Washington.

Other candidates who have confirmed their participation in the event include Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.

 The Values Voter Summit will be held Friday through Sunday at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington. Featured speakers include Arizona Sen. John McCain, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.

SOURCE: Washington Times

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Random Observations 09.22.15

During an interview on Face the Nation on Sunday, John Dickerson asked Hillary Clinton to describe herself in three words

She responded:
“I mean, look, I am a real person, with all the pluses and minuses that go along with being that and have been in the public eye for so long that I think — you know, it’s like the feature that you see in some magazines sometimes: Real people actually go shopping, you know?”

 Susan Rice will be on Face The Nation next Sunday to blame the other 50 words on a video.
 Socialists see the glass as being half theirs.

 "I think Brian Williams easily won both GOP debates." -Brian Williams [now at MSNBC]

 Obama, a transvestite, and the Pope walk into the White House.....and we'll find out how that turns outs after tomorrow.  DC is taking a lot of safety precautions for the Pope's visit. But, the Vatican couldn't protect the Pope from the Obama agenda. Though the Vatican asked them not to, Obama has invited several LGBT and transgender activists to the White House to "meet" Pope Francis.

As Frankenstein read his news feed this morning, a headline reminded him of his childhood.

From the More Proof Evolution is False File:
If evolution was true, people who live in Chicago would be bullet proof by now.

 “I don’t need to be lectured by Ted Cruz or anybody else about conservatism." --Trent Lott [why the establishment Republicans will never get it)

 By applying MSNBC;s standards they set for themselves over the last 7 years, by going after Ben Carson they must be racist

 Left wing media didn't want Donald Trump to respond to Muslim question issue. They wanted Trump to say the media was right & he is wrong. CNN anchors seem a bit deflated that he didn't respond the way they wanted. MSNBC is running documentaries from 8 years ago so I guess their rage will have to wait til Monday.

 I have to agree 100% with Donald Trump on the Muslim question issue. He has no obligation to defend Obama. McCain used to apologize for things people said about Obama all the time in 2008 and look where it got him.

 News just reported that Obama and Raul Castro talked on the phone today. They supposedly discussed their differences, which means it was probably a very short phone call.

 Last week the liberals wanted Donald Trump to shut up; Now they're complaining because he is not saying anything.

 The first Democrat debate will also be held at a library. Presuming, of course, that Leavenworth Federal Prison has a library.

 80% of MSNBC viewers think Trump should correct anyone who says Obama is a Muslim. I'm just curious how they got 80% out 4 people.

 All these media outlets claiming who won the debate don't get it. The VOTERS decide who won the debate on election day.

Monday, September 21, 2015

One Note About Two Quotes: The Lefty Media Ben Carson Muslim Narrative Edition

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that..................I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country." --Ben Carson

Of course, Democrat chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz chimed in: "It's hard to understand what's so difficult about supporting an American citizen's right to run for president.. But unsurprisingly, this left Republicans scratching their heads. Of course a Muslim, or any other American citizen, can run for president, end of story."

WSF NOTE: Carson never said a Muslim couldn't run, in fact there are two Muslims in Congress right now (both Democrats). Carson just said he would not advocate it. What Carson said was clear. What the media is reporting is purposely obfuscated.

Of course, the media contacted all the candidates to see if there was someone else they could drag into the fray. None of them complied or met their standard of purposed obfuscation.

How Kim Davis Could Have Been President of the United States

Viola Davis isn't all over the news today because she won an Emmy. She is all over the news today because she is a black woman who won an Emmy. She is now an iconic "hero." Bruce Jenner is now a "hero" because he decided to call himself Cait and wear women's clothes. Jason Collins is a "hero" not because he plays basketball, but because he is a basketball player who is "gay."  There's more, of course.

 If Kim Davis was a black lesbian transgender basketball playing actress who issued marriage licenses to anyone for any reason..she would likely have already been nominated by the Democrat and Republican party as their 2016 nominee. The media, who would have already skewed the polls to reflect her popularity, would be announcing her as the next President of the USA just by default. 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Word Slinger Files Republican Presidential Picks As of Today:

My picks up to now with information I have up to now:

First off, I need to clarify that I am not a Republican, so I have no party loyalty to the Republican party and will never hesitate to throw the party under a bus. That said, I ID myself as more of a Constitutional conservative and the Republican party tends usually to have a better pick of candidates that lean that way. Also, my main focus is on religious liberty...and I have stated many times over the years that I dislike politics as a general rule....but will deal with it when it encroaches on religious freedom..  So, I look for the candidates who I think are most apt and able to address and protect that. Followed by illegal immigration, abortion, and the economy.

1) Ted Cruz  His knowledge of constitutional law and issues is impressive.And he is concerned about religious freedom. He would make a great addition to the Supreme Court some day.....or, if not elected president,   attorney general.

2) Mike Huckabee  He has moved up in my interest since the last debate, particularly because of the Kim Davis issue. I see him as a long shot, but he polls OK for a long shot candidate. Huckabee rocks on religious freedom

3) Donald Trump. He is a wild card and still an anomaly. The Republican Party needs someone to kick that shoddy foundation they have laid underneath them. He mentioned the vaccine issues in the debate last night, and issues with autism..which even Ben Carson agreed spite of the fact that Megyn Kelly says vaccines are a settled issue scientifically.

4) Rick Santorum. For his stand on religious freedom, abortion, etc. I thought he did a good job of defending his positions in the earlier CNN debate.

 5) Bobby Jindal. I had high hopes he would be a good candidate, particular in the area of religious freedom. His campaign has not taken off yet...and it may not.

 6) Ben Carson. Very likable and smart guy. Soft spoken, but I think he gets his points across better that way. I am a bit confused on some of the issues with him like minimum wage and immigration. His inclusion, though, for immigrants to come and do jobs Americans don't want to do just wreaks so close to the Democrat philosophy of immigration support as cheap labor. Democrat party was pro slavery in 1800s, Still pro-slavery to be pro-immigration and justify it by claiming we can use Mexicans as cheap labor force. So if that's a position he will stick to, then he will being sliding to the bottom of this list very soon.

7) Rand Paul. I think he is very Libertarianesque which is not entirely bad. I am not for marijuana legalization for recreational purposes, but I do agree with him that it should be left to the states to decide. I have no problem with medical usage. Here in Mississippi we have an attempt to get a marijuana initative on the ballot--which it looks like it will fail to get enough people to sign their petition, but I really dislike the way its being promoted. They are pushing it under the guise of being used for medical purposes. and underplaying the fact that they want it for recreational use.  In debates, Paul has tried too hard to go after Trump or even Christie and it, with maybe once exception, blows up in his face.

8) Marco Rubio. He is getting better at verbalizing his positions.

9) Chris Christie. I would not have ever expected to put him higher than Jeb Bush, but his performance at the debate was actually pretty good. I still don't see him as "conservative" but more time will tell.
When he started to explain what female he would like on the $10 bill, it sounded like he was going to nominate Morticia Addams.

10). Carly Fiorina. I don't have all the "like" for her that other people see. She has flip flopped a several issues, including religious freedom, and sometimes it seems like she says what she says depending on who she is talking to. Carly Fiorina is very wrong on  her understanding of the 14th amendment and seems OK with judicial tyranny.

Jeb smoked what??
11) Jeb Bush. Much better performance in last nights debate  I still see him as playing both sides of the issue on immigration. He is, as Trump mentioned, pro-Common Core. He also does not have a great pro-life record in spite of what he tried to say last night.

12) Scott Walker  His performance can be summed up with this: Oh, was he there?

13) John Kasich. In his opening intro, Shorter Kasich: I am Ronald Reagan. Umm. no.

14) Lindsey Graham. "In my world, Hispanics are Americans" --Lindsey Graham. What can be said about Graham that hasn't been said about a bad case of influenza. I would say Lindsey Graham is dead to me, but that would be an upgrade to the status I already held about him.

15) George Pataki .  "just give them all legal status" --George Pataki on immigration. George Pataki plays the Reagan card right out of the gate. Dead to me starting with his position on religious freedom. His last name is still fun to say, though. (Try saying "President Pataki" 5 times very fast. ) 

16) Jim Gilmore. Gilmore who?? CNN excluded him from the debate.

I think the debate at CNN was much better than the charade that Fox news tried to pass off as a debate last month. This one actually had exchanges between the candidates. The few that Fox had were in spite of Fox and not because of it,. Jake Tapper was clearly gunning fro Trump and for a few moments he kind of morphed into Megyn Jelly.

A quick word on the polls, a practice which is central to modern analyses of political races. I believe that polls are far more scientifically unreliable than they are generally made out to be, and think that wild inductions are not the safest way to go. Talking to 200 people and deciding what 200 million are thinking is . . . risky. --Doug Wilson

Monday, August 10, 2015

Ben Carson Report 08.10.15

Erick Erickson's reasoning for not inviting Ben Carson to the Red State Gathering:  “I was at two different events for military non-profits in the last year. They were non-profits that had asked Dr. Carson to speak about military veterans and the work he did with the disabled and both times he spent the entire time talking about himself and his battle with the president and it just struck me wrong. And when we were putting together a list of RedState speakers we had a limited selection and I chose not to put Dr. Carson on the list unless the other spots didn’t fill up. The other spots filled up so I didn’t ask him. I was impressed with his debate performance the other night and his closing statement but I just, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Here’s someone that’s supposed to speak on disabled veterans, [speaking] on himself so that’s why I didn’t do it.”

"I don't know quite what he's talking about," Deana Bass, Carson's spokeswoman told the Washington Examiner. "Dr. Carson has a great support for veterans and veterans support Dr. Carson's candidacy, so there is no doubt about Dr. Carson's support for the military and for veterans. So I really don't understand what that means, what those comments mean."

But previously, Erickson said of Carson:  “I don’t see a rationale for his candidacy.”

Des Moines Register:

Lead Pastor Chuck DeVos at LifePoint Assembly of God in Osceola told his congregation that Carson's visit — with 35 minutes of mic time at both services — was not a campaign stop.
Setting: Carson was guest speaker for two morning church services at LifePoint Assembly of God in Osceola.
 Audience: Roughly 175 attendees at each service.
 Reaction: Some laughter during both 35-minute speeches, followed by standing ovations at the end. The congregation stood with hands extended as the pastor prayed a blessing over Ben and Candy Carson after each service. Attendees shook Carson's hand as they left the services and some requested autographs and photos.

"You know, Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is, in a way—it is slavery in a way because it is making all of us subservient to the government." --Ben Carson

Ben Carson on "Face The Nation" 08.09.15

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Unnacceptable: Erick Erickson Purposely Did NOT invite Ben Carson to Red State Gathering

Erickson's probably not one that should be making "righteous" judgment claims about Donald Trump or anyone else, when he purposely did not invite Ben Carson because he doesn't think Carson is a legitimate candidate. He also passed over Rick Santorum because Erickson said he was rude in 2012.  As far as the Trump "disinvite," I told Erickson that I thought he did it in order to make himself part of the story. Sure enough, it was a headline at CNN and MSNBC.


One America News Network: Ben Carson Scores Big Win at the First GOP Debate followed by Marco Rubio

WASHINGTON, Aug. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- One America News Network, "OAN", a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released this evening its Post GOP Debate Poll results conducted by Gravis Marketing.  Two primary questions asked to Republican polled participants were "Who do you think won the debate?" and "Who do you think lost the debate?"  GOP Presidential Candidates Ben Carson and Marco Rubio scored well in both categories.  Donald Trump came in second on the question of "who won the debate?" but he also scored second on "who lost the debate?" showing a heavily polarized Republican base when it comes to their post-debate opinions of the New York Businessman.  Rand Paul and Chris Christie did not have a good evening, with both scoring at the bottom of "who won?" and Paul taking the lead of "who lost?" with Christie coming in a distant third, behind Trump.
Polled registered Republican voters were also asked, "Do you have a more favorable or less favorable opinion of (each candidate) after the debate?"  Poll results clearly show that Ben Carson won the first GOP debate in the minds of Republican voters with Marco Rubio coming in second place.  Rand Paul had a rough evening, uncharacteristic of his general performance in state and national polls.
According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, "Dr. Ben Carson had a wonderful evening.  He was articulate and, at times, funny.  Carson stayed out of the verbal jabbing that cost Christie and Paul some points this evening." 
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 904 registered Republican voters across the U.S.  Questions included in the poll were focused only on the top ten GOP candidates that participated in the 9 PM ET debate. The poll has an overall margin of error of +/- 3%.  The polls were conducted on August 6, immediately following the GOP debate using interactive voice response, IVR, technology.  The poll was conducted exclusively for One America News Network.  
One America News Network has been providing extensive coverage of the 2016 Presidential campaign, including numerous exclusive one-on-one interviews with the leading candidates.  One America News Network will be releasing on-going 2016 Presidential polling results.  Complete poll results of this recent poll, along with past polls, are available on One America News Network's website at:


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Word Slinger Files Republican Presidential Picks As of Today:

My picks up to now with information I have up to now: : 

1)Ted Cruz -- He's a very smart guy and is underestimated. His knowledge of constitutional law and issues is impressive.

2)Ben Carson - Very smart guy. My pet peeve is this phrase: "he can't win." <<which is a lie that mainstream politicians and media love to preach when they are trying to make people's minds up about who they have already picked.

3)Mike Huckabee -- For Christian convictions

4)Carly Fiorina -- wild card. She's making some waves and good hits against Hillary. I think she could beat Hillary if it came down to it. 

5)Rick Santorum -- for his Christian convictions and not his personality

6)Rand Paul -- Really disliked his debate performance. He seemed to be trying to get a good "one liner" in somehow and failed each it appeared to be more show than substance. I still see him as Ron Paul part 2 and I disliked Part 1

7)Marco Rubio -- he's in the middle of the list . I see good and bad in him. 

8)Scott Walker --- When I saw him at debate I could only picture who would parody him on Saturday Night Live. 

9) John Kasich --didn't know much about him. Liked his first debate answer.

10)Rick Perry -- Hes trying to pull conservative support with establishment people in important places in his campaign 

11)Jeb Bush --- he has been pre-picked by the Republican party . Supports Common Core.

12)Chris Christie --- no no no He's a "bridge" over troubled water...which we would be stuck on

13)Jim Gilmore --who? Maybe if he was David Gilmour and could play "Smoke On the Water." 

14)George Pataki -- He could be a Democrat. His last name is fun to say, though. (Try saying "President Pataki" 5 times very fast. ) 

15)Lindsey Graham -- cant stand pretty much anything he says. he's more show than substance. I still think he's Mitch McConnell's brother. 

I left out two:

Bobby Jindal. Because I hoped he would be #1 and I waited for him to enter the race, but hasn't broke out yet in his campaign and has been under the radar quite a bit.

Donald Trump. he's an anomaly and I am not sure if I like his cause or his affect. If it turns out to be both then he will be an easy #1

Honorable mention:
John Dummett, Jr. He's one of those fringe candidates that no one hears about. He is very critical about both the Republican & Democrat Party.. and considers himself a Constitutional Republican. From his bio:
Dummet rejects the modern notion of the Constitution as a living document, arguing that the founders deliberately made it nearly impossible to alter and that changes made to it since its drafting should be rectified. He is staunchly pro-life, opposed to gay marriage, and believes that all immigrants who come to live in the United States must assimilate to American culture first and foremost.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Some of the best quotes from GOP Debate 08.06.15

Ben Carson's Closing Remarks at GOP Debate 08.06.15

Monday, July 27, 2015

Despite Des Moines Register Hit Piece, Trump Polls High in Iowa & New Hampshire

Donald Trump is running strong in the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire, according to two new NBC News-Marist polls.

Trump leads the Republican presidential field in New Hampshire, getting support from 21 percent of potential GOP primary voters. He's followed by Jeb Bush at 14 percent, Scott Walker at 12 percent and John Kasich at 7 percent.
Chris Christie and Ben Carson are tied at 6 percent in the Granite State, and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are at 5 percent each.

I n Iowa, Walker and Trump are in the Top 2 - with Walker at 19 percent among potential Republican caucus-goers and Trump at 17 percent. They're followed by Bush at 12 percent, Carson at 8 percent, Mike Huckabee at 7 percent and Rand Paul at 5 percent.

PDF Files of Iowa and New Hampshire Poll:


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Left Wing Hate Group, SPLC, Helps Jackson, Mississippi Write "Hate Crime Ordinance."

According to the Associate Press, The Jackson City Council has approved a hate crime ordinance. The city ordinance requires training and adequate resources to help Jackson police identify and document hate crimes. No specifics were reported but the ordinance was proposed by Councilman De’Keither Stamps with the support of the Southern Poverty Law Center, city officials said.

The SPLC is most noted for  its part in encouraging the the gunman to attack the American Family Association a few years ago. They also label conservatives and religious leaders as terrorists and extremists for having different views then they do. Most recently they added 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson to their list of terrorists for his views on same-sex marriage.