Saturday, August 15, 2015

Pierce: More children living in poverty in Mississippi right now than there were German soldiers killed on D-Day

Esquire's Charles Pierce posted an article at Esquire this week [ "Mississippi Poverty and the Utter Failure of the American Dream]. In it he notes that there are 246,000. children living in poverty in Mississippi, which is one of the United States of America and, therefore, one-fiftieth of the most prosperous nation on earth.

He writes
  • A huge percentage of these children will never have a chance, no matter how glowingly the American Dream is peddled by both parties in the upcoming presidential election. Poverty–actual, grinding poverty, the kind upon which we once nobly made war–is the great unspoken issue in the campaign, although climate change is coming up fast on the outside. It has vanished from the campaign discussion ever since the Embattled Middle Class became the Holy Grail of field organizers. The only thing John Edwards ever did right in his campaigns for president was to shove the issue of poverty back to center stage. But these 246,000 children are as irrelevant to the 2016 presidential campaign as William Henry Harrison's cider jug.
He summarizes:
  •  There are more children living in poverty in Mississippi right now than there are people living in Madison, Wisconsin or Reno, Nevada. There are more children living in poverty in Mississippi right now than there were German soldiers killed on D-Day in Normandy.